Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

I was kind of on the fence about the M60 rig. I guess it's forgivable once it sunk in that Todd was untouched.


Walt is ALWAYS ahead of the game. ALWAYS.* Earned 100 times his initial goal.

*Why Jesse DIDN'T win:

Long story short... Walt gave Skylar the coordinates.

This will lead to "all" of the bodies being found: Hank, Gomie, and.....

That's right... Marie is gonna snap... her ties to the DEA are still tight. She stayed in the home while Jesse was there.

No Saul... No Vacuum cleaner repair. No Walt to take any heat.

Jesse will probably get locked up for staring at Brock through a window on school grounds anyway.

Even Gilligan said Jesse got away and found peace with nature in Alaska. So Jesse won...

Not going by what he said. I'm going by how the show was written. If he really felt that way he should have written it in.

Jesse goes to jail... Gets traded for cigarettes (no ricin)... In the Warden's office every week like:

The fact Gilligan even needed to come out and set the record straight speaks volumes about the ignorance spewing out of some of his viewers.
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Loved the ending. Thought it was one of the best endings I've seen in a while.

I wish Jesse would have been killed. Great ending though.
I was kind of on the fence about the M60 rig. I guess it's forgivable once it sunk in that Todd was untouched.


Walt is ALWAYS ahead of the game. ALWAYS.* Earned 100 times his initial goal.

*Why Jesse DIDN'T win:

Long story short... Walt gave Skylar the coordinates.

This will lead to "all" of the bodies being found: Hank, Gomie, and.....

That's right... Marie is gonna snap... her ties to the DEA are still tight. She stayed in the home while Jesse was there.

No Saul... No Vacuum cleaner repair. No Walt to take any heat.

Jesse will probably get locked up for staring at Brock through a window on school grounds anyway.

Even Gilligan said Jesse got away and found peace with nature in Alaska. So Jesse won...

Not going by what he said. I'm going by how the show was written. If he really felt that way he should have written it in.

Jesse goes to jail... Gets traded for cigarettes (no ricin)... In the Warden's office every week like:

The fact Gilligan even needed to come out and set the record straight speaks volumes about the ignorance spewing out of some of his viewers.

That makes no sense. This is a piece of art in the literal sense. He left it open to interpretation. He can't then come and say, "btw...". He could have literally done that as the show closed like some movies do.

He's saving face for the softies, aka "Pinkmanites". At the end of the day, all Jesse really did was feel REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad about all the bad he had done, while Walt "liked it."

If Marie and Skylar aren't dead, and they find the bodies, both of them will want to know where Jesse is. Skylar might finally shut up, but do you think she will keep Marie quiet?

I also think Walt "admitting" that he did it for himself is not him totally abandoning the concept of setting his family straight. It was mostly giving Skylar what she wanted to hear. She has no idea that she'll be a millionaire in 10 months.
None of this would have happened if hank would just have let it go
lol true tho

he ended up getting himself killed
why would hank let it go? hes spent the past year trying to track the guy down and he finally knows who he is
I was kind of on the fence about the M60 rig. I guess it's forgivable once it sunk in that Todd was untouched.


Walt is ALWAYS ahead of the game. ALWAYS.* Earned 100 times his initial goal.

*Why Jesse DIDN'T win:

Long story short... Walt gave Skylar the coordinates.

This will lead to "all" of the bodies being found: Hank, Gomie, and.....

That's right... Marie is gonna snap... her ties to the DEA are still tight. She stayed in the home while Jesse was there.

No Saul... No Vacuum cleaner repair. No Walt to take any heat.

Jesse will probably get locked up for staring at Brock through a window on school grounds anyway.

Even Gilligan said Jesse got away and found peace with nature in Alaska. So Jesse won...

Not going by what he said. I'm going by how the show was written. If he really felt that way he should have written it in.

Jesse goes to jail... Gets traded for cigarettes (no ricin)... In the Warden's office every week like:

The fact Gilligan even needed to come out and set the record straight speaks volumes about the ignorance spewing out of some of his viewers.

That makes no sense. This is a piece of art in the literal sense. He left it open to interpretation. He can't then come and say, "btw...". He could have literally done that as the show closed like some movies do.

He's saving face for the softies, aka "Pinkmanites". At the end of the day, all Jesse really did was feel REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad about all the bad he had done, while Walt "liked it."

If Marie and Skylar aren't dead, and they find the bodies, both of them will want to know where Jesse is. Skylar might finally shut up, but do you think she will keep Marie quiet?

I also think Walt "admitting" that he did it for himself is not him totally abandoning the concept of setting his family straight. It was mostly giving Skylar what she wanted to hear. She has no idea that she'll be a millionaire in 10 months.

Gilligan let Jesse live because he and the co-writers personally liked Jesse as a character

On the decision to spare Jesse and allow him to escape

“We found over the years that the way we can please the majority of the audience most of the time is to tune out as much extraneous factors as possible and please the eight of us in the writers room. If we can make ourselves happy day in and day out, we had a pretty good chance of making most viewers happy as well, and that’s what held us in good stead for six years. With that in mind, all [of us] in the writers room just loved Jesse (Aaron Paul) and we just figured he had gotten in way over his head. When you think of it, he didn’t really have a chance in the early days. Walt said, ‘You either help me cook meth and sell it, or else I’ll turn you in to the DEA.’ So this poor kid, based on a couple of really bad decisions he made early on, has been paying through the nose spiritually and physically and mentally and emotionally. In every which way, he’s just been paying the piper, and we just figured it felt right for him to get away. It would have been such a bummer for us, as the first fans of the show, for Jesse to have to pay with his life ultimately.”
Popped up on my Twitter TL that Vince thought about Skyler committing suicide in the episode before Felina.
I have a few questions for you guys.

1. I really want to know what casued Walt's descent to the man he was in the pilot from what he used to be. He had a promising career, but left GM and Gretchen. Then in the full measure episode they do a flash back to him and Skylar looking at the house. At the time he was working for another lab and the realtor was bigging it up like they were going to revolutionize the world. He was even talking like he was on top of the world. What killed his motivation? Was it Jr. and his disability or something else?

2. How did Walt get the ricin in the package? I know there is a story somewhere, because I read the story on how Brock was poisened by Walt.

3. Who called the cops when Walt was in the Lab? Was there a time lapse after Jessie drove off?

Other than that I'm satisfied with the finale. Walt admitting to Skylar why he did what he did was good to finally hear. Him dying surrounded with what he truly loves. Jesse is in for a world of suffering, just hope he makes it out of NM.
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Hank's arrogance got him killed.
if he didn't waste time calling Marie
& taunting Walt by waving at him he would've gotten away.
not to mention BS'ing with Gomez
about the Miranda Rights.
they should've given him a close up death scene
Instead of it being in the distance.
Gomez was a causulty of war.
following Hank despite him being insubordinate got him popped.
I have a few questions for you guys.

1. I really want to know what casued Walt's descent to the man he was in the pilot from what he used to be. He had a promising career, but left GM and Gretchen. Then in the full measure episode they do a flash back to him and Skylar looking at the house. At the time he was working for another lab and the realtor was bigging it up like they were going to revolutionize the world. He was even talking like he was on top of the world. What killed his motivation? Was it Jr. and his disability or something else?

2. How did Walt get the ricin in the package? I know there is a story somewhere, because I read the story on how Brock was poisened by Walt.

3. Who called the cops when Walt was in the Lab? Was there a time lapse after Jessie drove off?

Other than that I'm satisfied with the finale. Walt admitting to Skylar why he did what he did was good to finally hear. Him dying surrounded with what he truly loves. Jesse is in for a world of suffering, just hope he makes it out of NM.

1. It's left to your imagination. Considering how he overstepped with Gus at times and how he couldn't work well with Mike, we've seen Walt be a difficult employee. We've seen him take great pride in his work and his capabilities, so it's reasonable to assume he would butt heads with superiors or co-workers at other jobs. We can also assume he got some unfair breaks in life, he doesn't get a promotion or the job he was trying for, politics of the work, etc., all could be things working against Walt.

I never subscribed to the "Walt pity party" that his entire life until his 50th birthday the universe was intentionally making him suffer. There's no depth to that idea, so I prefer to think it was a normal combination of both. Walt had his own faults at the time, and he had some bad breaks as well, then at some point, you stop fighting against the current and just let it take you.

2. Gilligan said the writers settled on Walt poisoning Brock in his juice, since he was a teacher he could have easy access to a school to make a swap. It's as official as we're going to get. As for the ricin, considering Walt just built a device to fire that M60, I'm sure he could figure out how to reseal a package of Stevia. There was only one Stevia packet left, thus assuring she had to use that ricin poisoned one.

3. I'd assume the sound of a machine gun going off alerted somebody. The hideout was probably isolated, but not out of the range of neighbor's ears.
Yea Walt def sealed that package up.
He pretty much told Lydia's routine and knew exactly what she would go for.
Hank's arrogance got him killed.
if he didn't waste time calling Marie
& taunting Walt by waving at him he would've gotten away.
not to mention BS'ing with Gomez
about the Miranda Rights.
they should've given him a close up death scene
Instead of it being in the distance.
Gomez was a causulty of war.
following Hank despite him being insubordinate got him popped.
he had every reason to believe that walt was alone out there, if you are going to say its hank's fault for wasting time then i can say that walt is to be blamed for hiding behind the rock for so long or calling in the nazis in the first place. after nearly dying twice, and all the stress he has been through hank has finally caught walt. i would say he has a right to be excited and taunt walt
Hank's arrogance got him killed.
if he didn't waste time calling Marie
& taunting Walt by waving at him he would've gotten away.
not to mention BS'ing with Gomez
about the Miranda Rights.
they should've given him a close up death scene
Instead of it being in the distance.
Gomez was a causulty of war.
following Hank despite him being insubordinate got him popped.
he had every reason to believe that walt was alone out there, if you are going to say its hank's fault for wasting time then i can say that walt is to be blamed for hiding behind the rock for so long or calling in the nazis in the first place. after nearly dying twice, and all the stress he has been through hank has finally caught walt. i would say he has a right to be excited and taunt walt
dude should have heeded Walt's advice and "tread lightly". Would have still been living with his annoying wife if he had 

RIP to Gomez though. Hank should have left him out of it
Hank's arrogance got him killed.
if he didn't waste time calling Marie
& taunting Walt by waving at him he would've gotten away.
not to mention BS'ing with Gomez
about the Miranda Rights.
they should've given him a close up death scene
Instead of it being in the distance.
Gomez was a causulty of war.
following Hank despite him being insubordinate got him popped.
he had every reason to believe that walt was alone out there, if you are going to say its hank's fault for wasting time then i can say that walt is to be blamed for hiding behind the rock for so long or calling in the nazis in the first place. after nearly dying twice, and all the stress he has been through hank has finally caught walt. i would say he has a right to be excited and taunt walt
dude should have heeded Walt's advice and "tread lightly". Would have still been living with his annoying wife if he had 

RIP to Gomez though. Hank should have left him out of it
why would he back down? the DEA is his life and he is supposed to drop it because of a threat from his brother in law? i get that this is NT and people hate cops but come on now...
IMO Lydia probably called the cops and reported the location of the compound after she found out she was going to die.
why would she spend her last moments trying to get a man who doesn't care to live anymore go to prison? makes no sense, she has a daughter, i'm pretty sure a person dying would like to speak to their children before they die.
IMO Lydia probably called the cops and reported the location of the compound after she found out she was going to die.
why would she spend her last moments trying to get a man who doesn't care to live anymore go to prison? makes no sense, she has a daughter, i'm pretty sure a person dying would like to speak to their children before they die.
walt let them know about it some how, thats why he told skylar "they're coming to me"
exactly.  Walt planned to get caught, dunno why theres any confusion as to how the police got on scene.  Could it be because of the several reports of him in town, could it be everyone already looking for him?  Could it be while they were looking for him someone somehwere heard the 100s of rounds fired?  Why do some of us feel the need to want details on every little thing?

So when Walt got out of NH did he take the I-44, the I-40, or the I-90?  IMO he took the I-44, straight to the city.  
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exactly.  Walt planned to get caught, dunno why theres any confusion as to how the police got on scene.  Could it be because of the several reports of him in town, could it be everyone already looking for him?  Could it be while they were looking for him someone somehwere heard the 100s of rounds fired?  Why do some of us feel the need to want details on every little thing?

So when Walt got out of NH did he take the I-44, the I-40, or the I-90?  IMO he took the I-44, straight to the city.  
its pretty obvious he took the I-44

in the end he was dead on the ground much like he was in an earlier episode

episode 44 was... you guessed it, crawl space

vince is a ******g genius 
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