Bonds indicted by federal grand jury

In the end Bonds will get off without a single charge, but the damage the people indicting Bonds wanted to give him will be done; his name will forever belinked with steroids, which for some people it already is.
My life is complete in the world of sports. The sport I love is back to normal and can go on with business as usual. My main man Mark McGwire is STILL theHOMERUN KING, and Hank is still the greatest homerun hitter of all time. Go A's.
In the end Bonds will get off without a single charge
You really believe that? I believe the acquittal rate for Federal cases is 1% and the Feds have taken 4 years to get evidence against him.
White people are happy.
You're an idiot. I'm white, and quite angry.

This whole thing is complete BS. Doesn't the US justice system have MUCH more important things to deal with???

Bonds is easily one of, if not thee greatest hitters of all time. Regardless of steroid use or not, he is still a better hitter than your favorite player. Ifhe did use steroids, they didn't make him the player that he is. If Jeff Cirillo used steroids, would he be as good as Bonds? Hell no.

Leave him the hell alone and deal with the fact he's one of the greatest to ever play the game.
Doesn't the US justice system have MUCH more important things to deal with???
Bonds is being charged with PERJURY. Our US Justice System is doing what their suppose to be doingunless off course you think lying in front of a Federal Grand Jury is ok?

"Bonds is charged with knowingly and willfully making false material statements regarding his use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances while under oath during his testimony before the federal grand jury that was conducting the investigation into [BALCO], and with obstructing justice in the same investigation,"
Why do you guys hate Barry so much? Because he was one of the best to ever play before steroids, and then became THE best to ever play after steroids? Give it up guys. Your favorite player = likely steroid user. I know you're not all that naive, you just pick and choose what you focus on.

Yeah Barry's a d. Why is he a d? Maybe because of how the media treated his father; something he unfortunately had to witness growing up.
Agree, he's a GREAT player. But this day will hurt him.
I still doubt anything will come of it. Wasn't Webber also convicted of perjury? I remember thinking he was in trouble and then nothing happened. Barrywill get off, it's our legal system.
I still doubt anything will come of it. Wasn't Webber also convicted of perjury? I remember thinking he was in trouble and then nothing happened. Barry will get off, it's our legal system.
Webber pleaded guilty to criminal contempt and avoided a federal trial and prison sentence. Bonds has already been indicted federally- bigdifference.
Some of y'all are so clueless, it's hilarious.

Mark McGwire is the real single season HR king?! Dude sprinkles a form of steroids in his coffee and on his cereal every morning.
Get out of here withthat McGwire praise.

And those of you playing the race card, I have a very, VERY simple question, one that requires a very, very simple answer.

In fact, to make sure I get a clear answer here, I'll provide two possible answers for you to choose from: 'yes' or 'no'.

So it's a witch hunt because he's black, huh? It's ALL just because he's black, right?

So because he's black, he should be able to get away with whatever, including lying to the feds? No one can go after him (or any black athlete) forANYTHING, because if they do go after a black athlete, then you guys will holler race card? He should just be able to get away with whatever?




I've always agreed that race is a huge issue in America... a HUGE issue. But that dosn't automatically mean that all black people (or all minorities)can get away with crimes committed simply because they're a minority. WHAT IT MEANS IS THAT WE NEED TO GO AFTER MORE WHITE PLAYERS (McGwire, Bagwell,etc.). It does NOT mean that we should turn a blind eye to the likes of Bonds simply because he's black.
Big Mac never lied under federal investigation, he plead the 5th in the senate hearings too. We don't need the government to convince us that McGwire is afraud, he did that all by himself.

My favorite shirt btw

People didn't see this coming?

I'm just happy he's no longer in a Giants uniform. It was nice watching him growing up because he's a tremendous ball-player no matter what he putinto his body. But rules are rules and I'm all for justice.
Okay, I'm not one to toot my own horn and act as if I know more than anyone else, but as someone who's been studying law for a little bit now I'mnot so sure this looks good for Barry. I read through the indictment twice (, and if you read it what you'll see is that specifically what the perjury andobstruction counts are based on are his statements made regarding specifically HIS receiving and use of steroids/HGH/whatever you want to call it. Not just ifhe knew anything about Anderson being a shady cat, or about Balco's operations, but specifically what HE was given, and what he TOOK, and what he KNEWabout what he took.

To make matters worse, as part of the investigation, the feds found positive tests of athletes for steroids and other substances. Bonds was one of them.

Considering how serious federal prosecutors treat their cases, and the fact that they took four years to bring this when they supposedly had stuff on him backin 2003, this isn't a good sign for Barry. Trust me, the federal court system, and by extension federal prosecutors, do not take things lightly. I'vesat in on both state and federal court proceedings, and the latter is a whole 'nother ball game (no pun intended). The fed gov't does not like to haveegg on its face by bringing a weak case to the table; before moving forward they make sure their i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Again, not to say Barry's done, but it's not looking too bright for him right now.
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