Bonds indicted by federal grand jury

I can't believe you dudes saying you hope he gets life and should burn. So dude took steroids...big $%%%%%* deal.

He's not the only player to do so nor will he ever be the last. Its some+#!@%%!%% how they try to portray the man as a convicted murderer almost.

Dude has a family and hasn't hurt you personally.

"Let he without sin cast the first stone."
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ The issue isn't steroids.

ska we all know most nt can't read and comprehend
Bonds was portrayed the way he was for the longest time because he wasn't cool with the media. What do you think that gets you? Now he's a bigger **** because of what has happened the last 3-4 years. Why does Barry have to be a nice guy? He's a baseball player
Man, you defend Bonds like you defend your girlfriend. No matter what NT or common sense tells you, you still stick to your faulty beliefs.

Nuff said.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

Too Bad that the FED's wasted all this time on Bonds yet cannot not get Bush to the stand for an impeachment
The house and senate are practically 50/50 R & D. Bringing fourth impeachment would be a waste of everyone's time.
True.... Its already a wasted 7 years... we can ride it out....
and Bush was bought up because when I think about indictments.... he is numero uno on mydepth chart...
.. he was just a player until 98....

The issue is Bonds and perjury... not steriods... MLB is/was on his%+@# for the BALCO +!!%......

and ole boy going home to take a pic of McGwire as a rookie...
... Bro-didn't Conseco already speak about the steriods back in the day?
Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

@ the spelling. I'll comment on the indictment in a minute.

Bonds Indicted

He'll never be convicted. It took this long to get an indictment? They should have stepped off his nuts a long time ago.
the MLB had to make thier money off him and the hr record first, before they let the media tear him down. And this continues the onslaught of the assault on the moral charchteristics of the Black athlete, who's next?
exactly. if you cant see what this world STILL is then you my friend are blind
^ Lying under oath is the issue.

But I guess that's supposed to be o.k. with you... because he's black. And if THAT'S true, then that is more evidence that skin color is a negativeissue with YOU, possibly more so than the racists you loathe.

Wake up, bro.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Lying under oath is the issue.

But I guess that's supposed to be o.k. with you... because he's black. And if THAT'S true, then that is more evidence that skin color is a negative issue with YOU, possibly more so than the racists you loathe.

Wake up, bro.

sorry but most people who hate bonds and want him to burn arent hating him because he lied under oath... hate to be the bearer of bad news to you...
^YES exactly SKA.
if it he was indicted for steroids they probably still wouldnt be him for anything... A granola bar could get indicted for something.
But since they're getting him for perjury and Obstruction of Justice, both somewhat subjective, it'll be much easier to get him convicted with thoseindictments/charges than steroids.
sorry but most people who hate bonds and want him to burn arent hating him because he lied under oath... hate to be the bearer of bad news to you...
That may be true, but you act like people only dislike him because of the color of his skin. True, there are racist that hate Bonds, however thegeneral hate stems from his attitude.
Lying under oath is the issue.

Who cares, the government lies all the time. Now what do you have to say about that?? So many people in this thread are so 100% behind the government, I cantell that most of you dudes have been fooled for the majority of your life. At the end of the day, the government is spending tax payer money and effort intoa guy that swings a bat for a living, what sense does that make??
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Lying under oath is the issue.

Who cares, the government lies all the time. Now what do you have to say about that?? So many people in this thread are so 100% behind the government, I can tell that most of you dudes have been fooled for the majority of your life. At the end of the day, the government is spending tax payer money and effort into a guy that swings a bat for a living, what sense does that make??

Deuce, you have to realize that everyone doesn't share your morals and beliefs. To you this isn't a big deal, but to the people who initiallybrought this whole Balco case to the forefront, it was. The bottom line is steroid distribution is illegal in this country. You don't have to like it, butit is in fact the law. People are acting like this is a witch hunt against Barry. He was a client of Balco, he lied under oath when testifying in the Balcocase, hence the indictment. Don't forget there are a lot more individuals that aren't as famous as Barry catching just as much if not more heat in thiscase. Barry hasn't spend any time in jail, Conte & Anderson can't say the same.
People are acting like this is a witch hunt against Barry. He was a client of Balco, he lied under oath when testifying in the Balco case, hence the indictment. Don't forget there are a lot more individuals that aren't as famous as Barry catching just as much if not more heat in this case. Barry hasn't spend any time in jail, Conte & Anderson can't say the same.

Until MLB goes after everybody else associated with BALCO.. then yeah.. its a witch hunt

Feds can justify their run at Barry based on perjury and or obstruction of justice....

I need Bias-*** Bud Selig to do the same for the other 75-100 MLB players who cheated as well....
Get them all....
Kornheiser just brought up a good point about this since Dan Le ****** brought up the witchhunt/race argument.

Kornheiser simply said that Martha Stewart went to jail, not for insider trading, but for lying (perjury).

Game. Set. Match.
23ska909red02 wrote:
^ Lying under oath is the issue.

But I guess that's supposed to be o.k. with you... because he's black. And if THAT'S true, then that is more evidence that skin color is a negative issue with YOU, possibly more so than the racists you loathe.

Wake up, bro.
NobleKane wrote:
sorry but most people who hate bonds and want him to burn arent hating him because he lied under oath... hate to be the bearer of bad news to you...

Bearer of bad news? Like I don't live in the same racist world you do.
Like I haven't seen the same racist crap you have.

What you want is for people (fans, the government, MLB, EVERYONE) to say, "You know what? He's black so... why don't we just forget the obviousevidence, and forget the fact that he lied under oath. He's black, so... *insert gavel pound*... INNOCENT."

That's half ******ed.
Lying under oath is the issue.
Deuce King wrote:
Who cares, the government lies all the time. Now what do you have to say about that?? So many people in this thread are so 100% behind the government, I can tell that most of you dudes have been fooled for the majority of your life. At the end of the day, the government is spending tax payer money and effort into a guy that swings a bat for a living, what sense does that make??

What do I have to say about that?

"Let's call him innocent for lying because the government lies, too" is as ******ed as "Let's call him innocent for lying becausehe's black."
The bottom line issue one again, did Barry lie under oath when told he shouldnt? They say he did. I dont feel sorry for him.

no one should feel sorry for bonds, the dude dug his own grave. there's no arguement from me that bonds didn't break the law because clearly he liedbut i've always felt that they've been wasting their time with this. its not the governments job to police baseball, which is exactly what they'vebeen trying to do.

bonds lied...sadly, he has to pay..


he did hit OVER 756 hmruns....

and that's wssup!
Originally Posted by gko2408

The government is looking into the wrong sport if they're looking for illegal drug usage.
Yeah...they should be looking into the NBA. They have the worst drug testing policy among the NFL, MLB, and NBA.


Deuce King wrote:
Who cares, the government lies all the time. Now what do you have to say about that?? So many people in this thread are so 100% behind the government, I cantell that most of you dudes have been fooled for the majority of your life. At the end of the day, the government is spending tax payer money and effort into aguy that swings a bat for a living, what sense does that make??

I hope you never raise children.
i won't argue against Bonds being a target..... i know he did wrong but the government is also corrupt.... all i can say is..... if anyone had to betargeted (for good or bad), it's better that the that person is a total arrogant jerk like barry rather than some normal dude..... in other words, yes, hemay be a target, but he's a type of person that is hard to feel sorry for.....

sorry Barry, no 800 homeruns for you.....
What you want is for people (fans, the government, MLB, EVERYONE) to say, "You know what? He's black so... why don't we just forget the obvious evidence, and forget the fact that he lied under oath. He's black, so... *insert gavel pound*... INNOCENT."
I don't think and surely hope thats not what he means. I think that dude is just saying that its just biased cause where is R.Palmiero(sp) atand others who have lied under oath? I'm not going to lie I wasn't checking for it but was there a big thread on him or anybody else lying? Peoplesaying they should burn in hell and the like even though we know they are exaggerating hopefully.
Why do you guys keep bringing up other players like R. Palmiero? Do you realize that this indictment is related to the Balco case? Palmiero, McGwire, Sosa,Brady Anderson, and whoever you want to label a steroid user weren't clients of Balco. Once again for those of you with a 1st grade reading andcomprehension level, this case is the U.S. Government vs Balco. Barry Bonds testified under a grand jury when a case was brought against Balco, he lied andthat is why an indictment has been brought against him. This isn't about other players and their use.
^ Because this is NT and as usual everything is taken to the extreme and people just pay attention to ESPN's headlines.

"They're only going after Barry and no one else."

"Bush has a war going on, why are him and his boys turning all their attention to Bonds"

"It took 4 years so they must have an agenda"

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