Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Man this episode reaffirmed my belief that this is the best show on television.

Chalky put everything together at the deacons funeral, and made his mind up then. Nucky better stand by Chalky after what he did for him when his back was against the wall. Same thing with Eli. 

Daughter character is interesting, she caught feelings at the right time too.

Loved the irony with Purnsley getting stabbed in the back. 
In terms of people saying that Narcisse planned the botched hit to keep Chalky under Daughter's spell, I highly doubt it. If you notice earlier in the episode, when Narcisse walks into Daughter's room she pulls her sheets up as if she was threatened. Narcisse has placed her in a prison of fear since she was a child and she now sees Chalky as a way out, that's why she flipped and killed Purnsley.

I kind of caught that as well. When Narcisse went to touch her, it looked like she cowered a bit.

It was slight, so maybe I'm imagining it, but that's the vibe I got when I first saw it.
Man this episode reaffirmed my belief that this is the best show on television.

Chalky put everything together at the deacons funeral, and made his mind up then. Nucky better stand by Chalky after what he did for him when his back was against the wall. Same thing with Eli. 

Daughter character is interesting, she caught feelings at the right time too.

Loved the irony with Purnsley getting stabbed in the back. 

I thought he figured everything out when they raided the heroin house and Purnsley was OD quick in disposing of his dude.
I thought he figured everything out when they raided the heroin house and Purnsley was OD quick in disposing of his dude.

everything added up with chalky vs. purnsley

have a feeling chalky outsmarts narcisse and beats him at his own game....may use daughter against him

shaping up to be a great season

cant see eli going aginst nucky again, seen it before
Now to this traitorous cur Eli. How does he not immediately tell Nucky this fed is trying to squeeze him and risk his family? How isn't that the first thing he says to Nuck after his son apologizes? We need to talk Nuck. So and so happened Nuck. We're in trouble Nuck. Like damn, you mean to tell me you're gonna betray your brother AGAIN!

Have you never seen other mob shows or movies? If Eli admits to Nuck that he has the option to squeal he's a dead man walking, bosses like Nucky can't have that sort of liability walking around.
Yes I have and Nucky is ruthless but if Eli actually came to him first he'd handle it differently by simply killing Tolliver and his partner. They have nothing on Nucky and nothing real on Eli's son either. That's obvious scare tactics and Eli is shook cuz of what happened to Eddie. J. Edgar even tells Tolliver he can easily end up dead over this and the implication throughout has been he's on his own as far as this conspiracy case he's chasing. Now that he's got support it only makes it more likely he gets killed over it.

He was right in choosing Eli though cuz he is the weak link.

What other mob show or movie can you name where the guy tells his boss the bind the feds have put him in right away and the boss just kills him? Especially when the guy is basically the right hand to the boss? When the guy is the brother of the boss? Consider all those facts. I'm at a loss for any mob movie or show that's depicted a situation like that the way it's been presented here.
Took me a while to get invested in this season, but I'm starting to like it.

Big Purn was just a menacing dude. Hate to see his character go, but it had to be done.
Man this episode reaffirmed my belief that this is the best show on television.

Chalky put everything together at the deacons funeral, and made his mind up then. Nucky better stand by Chalky after what he did for him when his back was against the wall. Same thing with Eli. 

Daughter character is interesting, she caught feelings at the right time too.

Loved the irony with Purnsley getting stabbed in the back. 

The Deacon's funeral was definitely where it started, remember at the barber shop he was sitting in Purnsley's chair and mentioned that he wasn't at the funeral. He had his suspicions, he just needed the confirmation.

I kind of caught that as well. When Narcisse went to touch her, it looked like she cowered a bit.

It was slight, so maybe I'm imagining it, but that's the vibe I got when I first saw it.

He has a huge hold on her, from a child to an adult. To be loyal to the person who you saw kill your mother, there has to be some strong fear and mind control associated with that.

I thought he figured everything out when they raided the heroin house and Purnsley was OD quick in disposing of his dude.

It was all coming together for Chalky at that time. The nail in the coffin was the flyer in Moses' pocket.

Yes I have and Nucky is ruthless but if Eli actually came to him first he'd handle it differently by simply killing Tolliver and his partner. They have nothing on Nucky and nothing real on Eli's son either. That's obvious scare tactics and Eli is shook cuz of what happened to Eddie. J. Edgar even tells Tolliver he can easily end up dead over this and the implication throughout has been he's on his own as far as this conspiracy case he's chasing. Now that he's got support it only makes it more likely he gets killed over it.

He was right in choosing Eli though cuz he is the weak link.

What other mob show or movie can you name where the guy tells his boss the bind the feds have put him in right away and the boss just kills him? Especially when the guy is basically the right hand to the boss? When the guy is the brother of the boss? Consider all those facts. I'm at a loss for any mob movie or show that's depicted a situation like that the way it's been presented here.

Eli is acting like a rookie right now. His actions are that of a child too. He should have played it cool in the diner, why he was trying to stab dude with a fork is beyond me. He showed them how weak and impulsive he really is. He has been around long enough to know better.

Hell, if Nucky could get his son off once, why couldn't he do it again? What changed all of a sudden? The kid knew the truth when he got locked up, but he didn't squeal, and if he did who was going to believe him? Eli should have went straight to Nucky and told him about the guy. They could have eliminated that problem right there.

Eli is going to get killed this season, he isn't built for the life and it's showing.
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Purnsley was a great character. Dude was always about himself. Loved how he mentioned that beat down Chalky gave him when he was choking Chalky.
If they squared up, Purnsley would've killed Chalky easy, which I thought was going to happen until Daughter stepped in.
They have nothing on Nucky and nothing real on Eli's son either. That's obvious scare tactics and Eli is shook cuz of what happened to Eddie.

He was right in choosing Eli though cuz he is the weak link.

He didn't all the way choose Eli until he got the info about his son.

Eli isn't shook because of what happened to Eddie. He's concerned for his son and he's heated that Nucky cleaned up his son's mess and he was oblivious to it.

It's a bit of a perfect storm working in Tolliver's favor and against Nucky. Time will tell how it plays out.
If they squared up, Purnsley would've killed Chalky easy, which I thought was going to happen until Daughter stepped in.

Imagine they wrote off Chalky? Real curious what direction they would have taken if they killed him that scene.
They have nothing on Nucky and nothing real on Eli's son either. That's obvious scare tactics and Eli is shook cuz of what happened to Eddie.

He was right in choosing Eli though cuz he is the weak link.

He didn't all the way choose Eli until he got the info about his son.

Eli isn't shook because of what happened to Eddie. He's concerned for his son and he's heated that Nucky cleaned up his son's mess and he was oblivious to it.

It's a bit of a perfect storm working in Tolliver's favor and against Nucky. Time will tell how it plays out.
He's shook about his son as well but that's just cuz he has no idea what Tolliver was talking about. To me the main fear put in to him is what looks like w/e they said to Eddie forced him to commit that and now they're threatening him through his son so he's fearful it might be the real thing as well when in truth it isn't THAT serious.
I doubt he cares that much about what happened with Eddie. Tolliver just threw that out there on some "we know ****" tactic.

This is more about his boy. You saw how Eli reacted when he was in Eddie's room and saw his kids etc. He's been mad emotional about his son since.

The connection between him and his son has been an underlying theme all season and it's just coming into full blossom now.

And Nucky intruding on his family has as well. You saw how Eli spazzed when Nucky pulled him off his son on some "stay out my family's business ****".

The table has been set for all of this over the last few episodes.
I was sweating watching Purnsley and Chalky go at it. I kept thinking, this can't be how Chalky goes out.
I was sweating watching Purnsley and Chalky go at it. I kept thinking, this can't be how Chalky goes out.

Same thoughts I had, but once Purnsley got on top I knew Daughter would get him from behind either with the gun or the glass that Chalky put through his cheek. When I saw that butcher knife I was go head girl, and she got where he couldn't get to it. That what was the funniest part.

I can't believe nobody commented on how delicious Sally is.
That scene with Chalky and Purnslet was the second most intense scene in the entire series. The first being when Nucky kills Jimmy. Chalky might have become my favorite character in this episode. So many boss moves. Loved the middle finger he gives Narcisse, burning his pack right infront of him.

Can't wait to see Al and VA. Ol Irish boy go to go
Same thoughts I had, but once Purnsley got on top I knew Daughter would get him from behind either with the gun or the glass that Chalky put through his cheek. When I saw that butcher knife I was go head girl, and she got where he couldn't get to it. That what was the funniest part.

I can't believe nobody commented on how delicious Sally is.

Cosign :pimp: *heads back to voluptuous women thread
[quote name="HUYNHer" url="/t/567260/boardwalk-empire-season-4-thread-episode-8-the-ship-of-old-zion/630#post_18999703"]Purnsley, definition of beta.Chalk got him twice.
Chalk didn't get him, his broad did. If it wasn't for her they'd be singing Ship of Old Zion at Chalky's funeral.[/quote]

:lol: so true
I figured Purnsley was going to be killed in the very first episode... so I'm shocked he lasted this long :lol:

I slacked again on this show :smh: Fell behind a few episodes again like I did earlier. It's not "must watch" TV like Breaking Bad was, but I'm still enjoying this season.

Whoever said Purnsley's power seemed a bit weakened after watching his play fail was right. He's still a great character and well acted, but it was an interesting twist to show his power over his people isn't as strong as he might think. And then the banging came in and Chalky delivered :pimp: Michael K. Williams has been making the most of the increase in story and screen time, he's been terrific this season.

I'm less excited about Eli betraying Nucky again, if it comes to that, but I would imagine if it does.. Eli doesn't make it out alive, not this time.
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