Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

at first, I thought Data from Star Trek and Rothstein were portrayed by the same person.

was highly disappointed when I found out they werent :smh:
Rothstein is really a degenerate gambler. :smh: Margaret may have something to do with his gambling debt as her job now set folks like that, I think :nerd:

Van Alden back. The real Van Alden :pimp:

And Harrow is about to work for Nucky it seems.
I think Nucky is going to want Harrow to off Doyle as part of his job.

I think Nucky backs up Chalky after he realizes that Masseria and Dr. Narcisse are the ones shipping the Heroin in his alcohol and that it no longer isn't just Chalky's problem.
If they stick to history, O'Banion was killed by Yale on Torrio's orders. Torrio and Capone wanted to get O'Banion for years, but Mike Merlo never gave the go-ahead. Merlo was basically the mediator between all sides and when he died, **** was on.

Enough of the history lesson...

Need gifs of:
-Harrow coming out of the fog
-Van Alden vs the salesmen
*heads back to voluptuous women thread
Eww, Wheet is just gross. Even Daughter Maitland looks like she packed on 30 pounds from her bodybuilding days (see previous page).

I can't get with chicks that just have underarm fat rolls.
Chalk didn't get him, his broad did. If it wasn't for her they'd be singing Ship of Old Zion at Chalky's funeral.

Ehh. If that's the way you think about it.

Chalk a smarter dude. Psychologically/mentally smarter and deeper. Connects better with people.

He won based on his ability to utilize others for his advantage.

Purnsley all brawn. Can't hang when it comes to real business.
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"I am relaxed" :smokin

Forgot to mention I saw Michael Shannon (Van Alden) on the 2 train uptown last week. Got off at 72nd.

Dude looked bummy as hell. Wouldn't have recognized him without the voice and the eyes. They dye his hair on the show. He's in a band that plays in NY and may even live here. I've seen him out and about before as well.

As for last nights ep.....

Are Harrow and Roy (Gillian's dude) on a collision course over the boy? Where we possibly see Roy's gangster revealed?

I mentioned a while back that Daughter cowered when Narcisse went to touch her. Saw this coming. Piano player wound up Chalky something vicious and sent him on his way.

Seems like Narcisse, as intelligent as he seems, lacks certain basic social skills that may come to hurt him in a war with Chalky.

Eli was fishing for Nucky to tell him what was up with his son. Eli can't trust Nucky. Nucky can't trust Eli.

Don't remember Rothstein mentioning having a wife before. Found that interesting.

Nucky scolding Chalky for letting a female get into his biz. When he's possibly doing the same with Sally. With them ole' High School *** phone calls to Tampa :lol:

But the SPILLAGE on Sally :smokin

Crazy how Van Alden's wife went from looking all homely all this time to looking type sexy when she let her hair down.....and stripped down.

My wife said she thinks she saw Harrow behind Chalky and his crew in the preview for next weeks episode. Looks like it COULD be him. Hard to tell in a flash.

Am I the only one who finds himself drinking mad whiskey during this show? :lol:
"I am relaxed" :smokin

Forgot to mention I saw Michael Shannon (Van Alden) on the 2 train uptown last week. Got off at 72nd.

Dude looked bummy as hell. Wouldn't have recognized him without the voice and the eyes. They dye his hair on the show. He's in a band that plays in NY and may even live here. I've seen him out and about before as well.

As for last nights ep.....

Are Harrow and Roy (Gillian's dude) on a collision course over the boy? Where we possibly see Roy's gangster revealed?

I mentioned a while back that Daughter cowered when Narcisse went to touch her. Saw this coming. Piano player wound up Chalky something vicious and sent him on his way.

Seems like Narcisse, as intelligent as he seems, lacks certain basic social skills that may come to hurt him in a war with Chalky.

Eli was fishing for Nucky to tell him what was up with his son. Eli can't trust Nucky. Nucky can't trust Eli.

Don't remember Rothstein mentioning having a wife before. Found that interesting.

Nucky scolding Chalky for letting a female get into his biz. When he's possibly doing the same with Sally. With them ole' High School *** phone calls to Tampa :lol:

But the SPILLAGE on Sally :smokin

Crazy how Van Alden's wife went from looking all homely all this time to looking type sexy when she let her hair down.....and stripped down.

My wife said she thinks she saw Harrow behind Chalky and his crew in the preview for next weeks episode. Looks like it COULD be him. Hard to tell in a flash.

Am I the only one who finds himself drinking mad whiskey during this show? :lol:

kind of think he's there in regards to taking down gillian killing jimmy's look a like

nucky tells narcisse you better leave on your feet or on your back :smokin
I can't really tell what old boy is up to.

But when they were in court, he was the only one with Gillian, then Harrow came in on the opposite side of the court, married that chick (I forget her name) so was thinking these dudes might collide.

Either way, next 3 eps shaping up LOVELY!

I don't know if it's the wardrobe or not but Patricia Arquette is so busty. :evil:


Said the same **** last week, she looking right and I was surprised nobody mentioned it. Baby girl spilling out :evil:

^patricia arquette was bomb in her younger days

She was, and she still killing it now.

how is purnsley disloyal have you guys seen how chalky was treating him prior to getting into the heroin biz.

the same with nucky smacking dude over a chick instead of just saying what it is.

very disloyal stuff from both kings.

Word, how could anyone expect him to have any loyalty toward Chalky? He got his *** stomped out on dudes orders, now he has to work for him. There is no loyalty there just survival. Don't forget Chalky never let him forget why he is there either, not that he had to be nice to Purnsley. But with all that, how can a man have loyalty toward him?
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loyalty because he let him live.  purnsley made his first mistake disrespecting chalky when he didnt know who he was.  after that, he should have learned his lesson not to cross him.  

its not a surprise to see purnsley turn his back on chalky, its more that chalky should never have let him live and almost paid for that mistake.
loyalty because he let him live.  purnsley made his first mistake disrespecting chalky when he didnt know who he was.  after that, he should have learned his lesson not to cross him.  

its not a surprise to see purnsley turn his back on chalky, its more that chalky should never have let him live and almost paid for that mistake.

Yup, like I said, Purns was a beta.

Dude should have stayed loyal to Chalk. Few more years and he could have been a strong #2.
I forgot about Simp dude and his whole act being an undercover op. I wonder what he's scheming.

Rothstein's wife is to keep up appearances. It's why Nucky is technically still married to Margaret. Just a thing these rich guys do.

Purnsley was never loyal, he was clearly greedy cuz when you think about it he didn't have to stay and work for Chalky after that beat down. Could've went to BK or Harlem or somewhere else. He accepted the status quo for black folk in AC and simply jumped at an opportunity when it presented itself. Same thing that lame dude did when he had to kill Gyp Rosetti.
My wife said she thinks she saw Harrow behind Chalky and his crew in the preview for next weeks episode. Looks like it COULD be him. Hard to tell in a flash.
I just watched it mad times, she's right. That's Harrow.

Also not that it's surprising but Van Alden can be seen in the background when Al is talking to Torrio. So I guess he's working for Capone full time now. If they veer away from history I wonder if Van Alden is going to take credit for killing O'Banion or if I'm just missing something when Al last talked Van Alden about it being done tonight and the plan was to just make sure O'Banion was by himself in the flower shop so 3 dudes could waste him.
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If they stick to history, O'Banion was killed by Yale on Torrio's orders. Torrio and Capone wanted to get O'Banion for years, but Mike Merlo never gave the go-ahead. Merlo was basically the mediator between all sides and when he died, **** was on.

Enough of the history lesson...

I could've sworn that was Frankie Yale that walked in the shop and held O'Bannion's hand while the other 2 dudes clapped him down... I said to myself that dude looks awfully like that Frank Yale character they have on the show...

I was wrong about the Daughter still being tied to Narcisse... She caught that beat down too...

I want to see how this whole thing with Chalky and his daughter will play out. I guess they foreshadowed it last season when she wanted to know more about him...

Van Alden came to life, bruh... :pimp:

And now that the pastor is dead (the one who was the key witness when Van Alden drowned his partner) I wonder if Van Alden returns to AC to continue the story or how his past will come back into play...

And I need one of those OG club dancers to Renaissance twerk for your boy... :pimp: :pimp:

That was absolutely Frankie Yale.

Same dude who killed Collisimo (sp?) in season 1, then got threatened by Rothstein :lol:

Hurts to see Rothstein so weak though :smh:
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I knew once Chalky got that call her face was going to be something messed up. Was still like daaaaaaamn though when she was revealed.
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