Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Although his stature seemed diminished, it should be clear those weren't Narcisse's ppl watching the play. Those were the folk in the black community of AC that went there @ 2pm due to the flyer in the new spot Chalky let Narcisse have. He's only recently started trying to get his foothold in AC with the black folk. I figure his usual plan is to introduce the heroin, which will cause disruption and violence, have the ppl complain, oust the current leader, step in as an effective and radical man of power that'll take charge. That way he has all the money from the heroin and has the support from all the ppl not doing heroin. The remaining few end up working for him as muscle to keep the violence at bay all while maintaining the illusion of change.

It was no surprise that they were not engaged and uninterested. What really made him look weak as mentioned was how bad that play was. Son got delusions of grandeur, mouthing the words like they epic lines and **** :lol:
I don't think Nucky would ask that and Eli would kill Nucky or himself before he kills Will.
Too wild.

At best, maybe Nucky implies it but not outright orders it clear. He'd be dumb to say that to Eli.

I can see Will doing it without orders thinking he's doing the right thing "for the family" though and then Nucky kinda just not making a big fuss since it's already happened.
Somehow Will is gona find out his Pops is a snitch by working in that government office job Nuck is putting him in. The end result I have no idea, but I have a feeling thats how things will start to unravel for Knox and or Eli.
Somehow Will is gona find out his Pops is a snitch by working in that government office job Nuck is putting him in. The end result I have no idea, but I have a feeling thats how things will start to unravel for Knox and or Eli.
Now that I think about it I can see the writers setting things up to extend in to next season sorta with what they did with Jimmy. So we'll either see a conclusion to the Knox story line or a conclusion to the Narcisse story line.

I can see the potential for extending both. I am thinking it'd be pretty quick (with 4 eps left) if Will found out something while working to tie back in to Eli's predicament.
Van Alden.
how is purnsley disloyal have you guys seen how chalky was treating him prior to getting into the heroin biz.

the same with nucky smacking dude over a chick instead of just saying what it is.

very disloyal stuff from both kings.
how is purnsley disloyal have you guys seen how chalky was treating him prior to getting into the heroin biz.

the same with nucky smacking dude over a chick instead of just saying what it is.

very disloyal stuff from both kings.

do you not remember how chalky and purnsley met?
Harrow gettin' back to work :pimp:

I'm guessin' those guys that went in on O'Banyon (sp?) were sent by Capone? Van Alden' gonna get grilled hard by 'em. But alas, he enjoyin' the secks for once in his life. Can't eem hate.. feel happy for dude after the hundreds of L's he's taken on this damn show.

knew that dude Gillian's messin' with is up to no good..wonder who he was talkin' to.
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I don't know if it's the wardrobe or not but Patricia Arquette is so busty.



Awesome episode.

That last scene with Van Alden had me :rofl:

I like the way they're building up to Rothstein's gambling debts :nerd:
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Van Alden got his balls back! Done grew them to a dangerous size to boot :rofl:

Just the way he told O'Banion the whole truth had me. He really got new life in him the way he talked to his wife ad made it rain :lol: :smokin I was waiting for him to kill dude right after that. Then bam :wow: Now I kew O'Banion was gonna die this season when I found out what year things were set in but didn't want to spoil myself on how it happened but who actually killed him?

Damn @ Daughter. I thought Narcisse had just gave her that slap :smh: I'm still wondering why Chalky aint just kill Narcisse hile he in AC. I wouldn't let him leave no matter what Nuck say. Gonna be hard for Harlem to start a war whe their leader just disappears.

Harrow back on the grind again. Hopefully he's the one that kills Eli.

:lol: @ Rothstein's broke ***. Scheming for bread no matter if Mickey dies or not.

Them tig ol bitties :evil:
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