Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Should be an interesting few weeks. Eli's in something serious.. but I'm sure Knox gonna get got soon enough. Maybe Eli's son will pick up on something while working for that dude running for office, and he'll tell Nuck.. idk, I don't see Eli/Nuck beefin' again for too long since they already did that arc. Blood over blood though, who knows.
Rest in Piss Purnsley, backstabbing piece of-

Been waiting for him to go since season 2 man :smh:
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Daughter with the save

I didn't see that coming. I half thought she was gonna literally stab chalky in the back at some point in the scuffle lol. Daughter saving chalky changes some things

great episode

Next weeks looks to be even better!
I liked Purnsley for what he was there for.. he brung the lulz a few times :lol:

he was just so evil lookin' every time and had a snarky comment waiting, not gonna miss 'em like that but he was good while there.
Margot Bingham (Daughter Maitland).

I feel like Nucky won't back Chalky due to Narcisse waving a few extra bucks and ventures with Nucky. Also i see Eli just taking his family away from the game and forgiving his son while doing so. Back to Chalky though, i hope he kills that rat-stached narcisse. Also, i feel O'banion isnt going to die no time i think u guys should keep an eye out for capone and torrio facing hard changes.
Obanion's out.

Van Alden's gonna be an official gangster enforcer.

If Narcisse can get the Black vote behind him AND more money coming in, then Nucky's got a tough decision on his hands.

Because of that, I think it's gonna come down to a faceoff between Chalky and Narcisse over control of hearts and minds of the community.

Don't forget that he attempted to expose Narcisse as a dope dealer in public. People were there and put two and two together.

At the end of the day, I think Chalky comes out on top, but his relationship with Nucky is strained.

Meanwhile, that pic up there of Daughter is IIIINNNNSSSSAAAAANNNNEEE!!!

Like damn, ma, do you even lift?
Glad Purnsely is gone back stabbing piece of ****

Can't wait for next week Van Alden is bringing it!
I'm at work right now.

I keep coming into this thread just so i can look around my shoulder and scroll up to that pick of Daughter real quick.

**** coffee. Them thighs is keeping me UUUUPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!
Nucky to Chalky: "Don't let your life get out of hand"

Funny seeing Nucky here. Maybe Chalky will learn from him tone it down.

William is setting up to be another Jimmy. He just took a job working for a city official like Jimmy did a few seasons ago, with the help of Nucky
Great ******g episode. Across the board.

First off, that pic up there is insane. Glooooooorious.

Chalky is a G. No games. Straight to Purnsley's face called him out and set it off.

Knew Daughter would save him at the end like that.

Interesting dynamic here. So we don't know the nature of Daughter's relationship with her mother.

But she did see her mother get killed. At the hand's of Narcisse we believe.

And here she is watching someone else potentially get killed in front of her, someone she has feelings for, who represents Narcisse (in the sense that Purnsley was sent by him to kill Chalky) and this time she decides to intervene.

Interesting parallel there.

The Nucky/Eli situation is interesting. Eli was already feeling some type of way about Nucky meddling with his family since the incident at the house.

Now, Nucky steps in and cleans up the situation with the kid dying at the school. And Eli is completely oblivious to this.

Which I would imagine makes Eli furious.

Love Nucky flexing his pimp hand on Mickey :lol:

SIDE NOTE: Michael Shannon drinks like a beast. And sometimes goes straight from the bar to film his scenes. Fact.
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Purnsley got got! :pimp:

Awesome episode. Real intrigued what decision Eli is going to make, or if he's going to try and spin things against the Bureau himself/with help.

One of the best aspects of BE is that they can easily neglect to show their other major characters for an entire episode, and it be okay for the seasons growth. I didn't catch the previews for next week, but I would think we'll Capone, Van Alden, etc.
Purnsley got got! :pimp:

Awesome episode. Real intrigued what decision Eli is going to make, or if he's going to try and spin things against the Bureau himself/with help.

One of the best aspects of BE is that they can easily neglect to show their other major characters for an entire episode, and it be okay for the seasons growth. I didn't catch the previews for next week, but I would think we'll Capone, Van Alden, etc.

Yep, that's what makes BE such a great show. They just need to touch on one story and it's already solid as a mofo.

Definitely helps to keep things interesting. Quickest hour of television, I'd say.
Another thing to note with Eli/Nucky here......

So Nucky cleans up the mess at Eli's son's school.

Son drops out.

Now Nucky is putting him in to work for the family.

Something I would imagine Eli did NOT want for his son.

**** looks like it could get real messy between the bros.
Loved that Chalky line.

It went something like...

"How much he paying you to **** me?"

"How you know I drive a Packard?", Pt. II :lol: :pimp:

Chalky seems have a really good memory in the midst of turmoil lol...

I think Daughter Maitland is still in good with Narcisse... Remember that Purnsley was a pawn in the Dr's whole plot against Chalky. Save Chalky to keep his trust. Purnsley... If he dies, he dies... Nothing lost on Narcisse behalf. Legit thought it was over for Chalky tho lol... Can't wait to see how this whole thing plays out.

:lol: @ Doyle this episode. Nuck's bitterness on full display when he hit Doyle with the cain... Maybe a little jealousy and arrogance in there as well. But he had to remind Doyle and that Tampa broad who's boss...

Richy Harrow back next episode... :pimp:

"How you know I drive a Packard?", Pt. II :lol: :pimp:

Chalky seems have a really good memory in the midst of turmoil lol...

I think Daughter Maitland is still in good with Narcisse... Remember that Purnsley was a pawn in the Dr's whole plot against Chalky. Save Chalky to keep his trust. Purnsley... If he dies, he dies... Nothing lost on Narcisse behalf. Legit thought it was over for Chalky tho lol... Can't wait to see how this whole thing plays out.

:lol: @ Doyle this episode. Nuck's bitterness on full display when he hit Doyle with the cain... Maybe a little jealousy and arrogance in there as well. But he had to remind Doyle and that Tampa broad who's boss...

Richy Harrow back next episode... :pimp:

Nuck's a simp and he blocked so hard last night. If you pay attention Doyle laid down his getting box tactic in that first scene with Eli & Nuck at the warehouse. He wines and dines them them brings them to that Remdez Vous park to try and seal the deal, that's why Nucky reacted when he heard Rendez-Vous park.

Nuck's control issues are becoming problematic. He's not use to having a female not being fully dependent on him.
Am I reaching when I say this is shaping up to be the best season? 

literally every episode has been good this season 

can't wait to see my boy Van Alden get intense next week !
My favorite season by far.

No love for that motherf'er Jimmy

@Blade Brown The idea that Narcisse told Daughter to save Chalky to keep control over him is a good catch.
:lol: @ the amount times somebody pulls a gun on Van Alden. Son is on some Walter White steez at this point.
@Blade Brown The idea that Narcisse told Daughter to save Chalky to keep control over him is a good catch.
I don't think Chalky will see it that way at all though even if Daughter tells him that.

I don't think Narcisse is just gonna admit everything and it's pretty clear that Narcisse sent Purnsley to kill him or take him somewhere to be killed. So Daughter saying Narcisse told Daughter to save Chalky would make Chalky think at the least Narcisse is clearly playing games.
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I didn't expect Purnsley to last this long considering how him and Chalky started off in jail. I liked his character though.

Eli, this will be interesting....he turned on Nucky before over jealousy, now that his son is getting involved behind his back.

Nucky seems just as whipped as Chalky, but at least yella daughter seems to care about Chalky.
Now to this traitorous cur Eli. How does he not immediately tell Nucky this fed is trying to squeeze him and risk his family? How isn't that the first thing he says to Nuck after his son apologizes? We need to talk Nuck. So and so happened Nuck. We're in trouble Nuck. Like damn, you mean to tell me you're gonna betray your brother AGAIN!

Have you never seen other mob shows or movies? If Eli admits to Nuck that he has the option to squeal he's a dead man walking, bosses like Nucky can't have that sort of liability walking around.

In terms of people saying that Narcisse planned the botched hit to keep Chalky under Daughter's spell, I highly doubt it. If you notice earlier in the episode, when Narcisse walks into Daughter's room she pulls her sheets up as if she was threatened. Narcisse has placed her in a prison of fear since she was a child and she now sees Chalky as a way out, that's why she flipped and killed Purnsley.

In terms of people saying Knox will be finished soon, again I doubt it. I may be wrong, but I believe Agent Knox (Jim Tolliver) is loosely based on Clyde Tolson, J. Edgar Hoover's longtime assistant, protege, and rumored lover. There are parallels between the two, in the show it is mentioned that Tolliver was from Iowa; Tolson went to school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Also it was briefly mentioned that Tolliver and Hoover went to law school together; in real life Tolson and Hoover attended George Washington Law together.
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For me, a lot of the mysterious magic of Narcisse has been taken away after seeing his failed playwright side.

Like last year when we saw the Gypenis.
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