Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

i'm loving this season, can't complain much. 
LOL at anyone who thinks BE has fallen off...prolly the best show on tv now that BB is done
Random question, but does anyone remember the episode from last season that featured Nucky and a younger/teen blonde boy who he ultimately ended up killing at the end of the episode? I think he was in hiding with him from Gyp or authorities but the end saw Nucky offing him because he was afraid he himself was going to be offed by the boy.

I'm trying to figure out the episode name and/or the actors name.

Nucky wasn't afraid of him per se, he just knew he couldn't trust him, especially after getting to know him better and paramount above all else, he stole Nucky's liquor. On the usual he would've had one of his henchmen do away with the kid. Not hire him.
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i just dont get excited for it, and if i have to record it it sits on my dvr for more than half the week
I thought BE was the best show on TV even when BB was running.


I agree with this. BB was awesome though.

Oh yeah for sure. Definitely an amazing series.

We're very lucky right now with the way TV has been going. Such top-notch production/directing/acting that you normally don't see for TV shows; they're usually reserved for movie productions.
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Rothstein doesn't want the people he's investing with to know he's a gangster, Margaret doesn't want them to know she's married to one
Seems like there's more to it. Like he's angling in on her for some reason.

Time will reveal I guess.
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It's crazy how much worse this show gets every season.

The beginning of the end was the second they killed off Jimmy.

View media item 629971
It's way too many great characters on this show for it to fall off.

I think Daughter probably aint like her mom that much given the situation described and/or Narcisse just spat that pimp game and cast one of those elevated negro spells on her to make her obedient and basically want to please him. There's a lot of trauma going on to be so loyal to the man that you watched most likely bang and then kill your mother.

However, I do think she lied to him about Chalky not being happy with Nucky being his partner/boss (however Narcisse sees it), Chalky said the opposite and didn't really show any signs he was unhappy with the situation. He got what he wanted when he saved Nucky and risked his livelihood. I think Narcisse plan going from here is to somehow make Chalky look like he's betraying Nucky to Nucky so that he can move in and run things and have Purnsley be his little puppet on a string leading the black community in AC. I think that's where things fall apart cuz he's not aware how tight Nucky's and Chalky's bond is as far as loyalty goes. I'm betting Narcisse thinks there's no way Nucky and Chalky can actually trust each other in this business

This dude Narcisse is getting more and more interesting. He killed his bottom b****** mother and portraying himself as the community savior and he's the one selling 'em the poison. This whole situation with Chalky, Narcisse and the red bone will definitely end with somebody dying.
I'll be pissed if they off chalky this season lol. But I can't see them making Narcisse a permanent character, so you know he won't last. Pursnley is gonna go too
View media item 629971
It's way too many great characters on this show for it to fall off.
This dude Narcisse is getting more and more interesting. He killed his bottom b****** mother and portraying himself as the community savior and he's the one selling 'em the poison. This whole situation with Chalky, Narcisse and the red bone will definitely end with somebody dying.

NO doubt. Purnsley has been on thin ice from the jump, plus he is the reason that Dr. Narcisse is even in their business so you know Chalky is going to get in that *** worse than he did in the prison. Don't even talk about Narcisse, Chalky is going to salivate at the chance to put that ***** with a dictionary 6ft deep.

I'll be pissed if they off chalky this season lol. But I can't see them making Narcisse a permanent character, so you know he won't last. Pursnley is gonna go too

Doubt they will kill off Chalky, but after what to Jimmy you never know. I don't think Nucky would still do business with Narcisse if he ends up surviving any altercation that may take place. I can't wait for Purnsley's death, snake Mutha F'er. When the deacon wasn't clapping, and he gave him that look, I knew it was a wrap for him :smh:
I could be reading too much into it, but I feel like Chalky kind of "side eyed" Purnsley when Purnsley co-signed Narcisse setting up a chapter of his foundation in AC.

Chalky know better than that.

Unless he is truly blinded by the power of the P.
I agree with you, Chalky isn't dumb he knows something is up he just doesn't know what. Whevever Purnsley speaks especially in relation to Narcisse Chalky's ******** meter goes off the charts.
Chalky White didn't get to where he's at by accident.

Dude is a smart cat. I believe he will handle **** when necessary. I think Narcisse is underestimating him.
Probably not true but what if Chalky is using Daughter to get to the bottom of Narcisse's plans LOL.

He is married and is a businessman would be a cool angle but doubt it.
Chalky is wide open right see his home life. Watch him try to get her to stay for a year. Each time he goes to Narcisse, it's something else he has to give.

Narcisse is using her to get to him.
Chalky is wide open right see his home life. Watch him try to get her to stay for a year. Each time he goes to Narcisse, it's something else he has to give.

Narcisse is using her to get to him.

Of course, wouldn't be surprised to have narcisse call in Chalky's family and let them know what is going on. That's when Chalky is going to snap and off the guy.
Thinking about what Knox said to Eddie about whether Nucky would be doing the same thing for him (if the interrogation situation was flipped around)... do you guys think it's foreshadowing a situation where Nucky will have to help out Chalky, but not follow through with it because he doesn't see the relationship that way, similar to his relationship with Eddie?

I'll be pissed if they off chalky this season lol. But I can't see them making Narcisse a permanent character, so you know he won't last. Pursnley is gonna go too
I can see him lasting another season as a villain but not permanent and def not replacing Chalky.
Thinking about what Knox said to Eddie about whether Nucky would be doing the same thing for him (if the interrogation situation was flipped around)... do you guys think it's foreshadowing a situation where Nucky will have to help out Chalky, but not follow through with it because he doesn't see the relationship that way, similar to his relationship with Eddie?

If it was flipped and it was a situation where it was Eddie or Nucky. Nuck would help Eddie with a lawyer to get less time and convince him to do that time or try to leverage the whole situation so the charges or case with dismissed.

Now with Chalky's plot I don't see it connecting with Knox and Nucky's national conspiracy thing. Now if Narcisse approaches Nuck to turn on Chalky I don't see him doing it. I can see him pretending to (to the point maybe we even believe it, especially if something happens with Nucky and Chalky where they look like they're on the outs) and then the revelation coming up later. I don't see a situation where Narcisse can scheme a scenario Nucky has to choose between himself and Chalky.

This show is unpredictable so some ppl can die unexpectedly and at unexpected moment so I aint a 100 on much.
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