Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

So Dr. Narcisse kills Daughter Maitland's mother, she witnessed the murder. And now she is with Dr. Narcisse? Weird. And what happened to his chest?

I wouldn't put Eli killing his son past him. This the dude that wanted Nucky dead.
I think Daughter probably aint like her mom that much given the situation described and/or Narcisse just spat that pimp game and cast one of those elevated negro spells on her to make her obedient and basically want to please him. There's a lot of trauma going on to be so loyal to the man that you watched most likely bang and then kill your mother.

However, I do think she lied to him about Chalky not being happy with Nucky being his partner/boss (however Narcisse sees it), Chalky said the opposite and didn't really show any signs he was unhappy with the situation. He got what he wanted when he saved Nucky and risked his livelihood. I think Narcisse plan going from here is to somehow make Chalky look like he's betraying Nucky to Nucky so that he can move in and run things and have Purnsley be his little puppet on a string leading the black community in AC. I think that's where things fall apart cuz he's not aware how tight Nucky's and Chalky's bond is as far as loyalty goes. I'm betting Narcisse thinks there's no way Nucky and Chalky can actually trust each other in this business.
Eli had a valid arguement, you don't interject yourself into another mans family life especially when you never had one of your own.
He's not another man though. He's his brother. FAMILY. You don't watch and standby as your brother beats the crap out of your nephew. Furthermore, Nucky barely got to interject. He tried to calm the whole situation down and got cut off each time. Mind you, he was/is on Eli's side about the kid staying in school.

The writer's are making it pretty clear this kid is mirroring Jimmy though. Nucky wanted him to stay in school cuz he had a plan for him, he ups and joins the army (understandable given he banged his moms) but then when he returns he's on some other wannabe gangster ****, no thought put in to his actions for the long term and we know how that ends. I don't think this kid is any smarter and he's not as hardened, experienced, and tough the way Jimmy was.
Chalky and Piggly Wiggly falling in love with hooker and junkie yambs :smh:

Margaret getting more screen time :smh: hopefully something exciting comes out of this AR and Margaret storyline

This Narcisse character doesnt make it out of this season dude is just way to grimey

Cant wait to see Al go off

I wonder whats next for Van Alden he should be getting way more screen time I love dude as an actor
-She did imply that she was a littl girl when her mom got choked out. So the good ole Doc had plenty of time to twist her head around

-My boy Roy Philips seaglowed Gllian's yambs and restored their previous shine. 8)
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I wonder whats next for Van Alden he should be getting way more screen time I love dude as an actor
I'm really looking forward to O'Banion's death downfall. **** that guy.

Think he slick with the **** he's pulling.

I'm hoping Al calms down, plays this smart and makes Van Alden help him in taking down O'Banion.

It's not a focus but I like the parallel with how much Al respects Joe while Lucky gets ordered around by Masseria and he basically has to try and cover his tracks and hide **** from dude.
He's not another man though. He's his brother. FAMILY. You don't watch and standby as your brother beats the crap out of your nephew. Furthermore, Nucky barely got to interject. He tried to calm the whole situation down and got cut off each time. Mind you, he was/is on Eli's side about the kid staying in school.

The writer's are making it pretty clear this kid is mirroring Jimmy though. Nucky wanted him to stay in school cuz he had a plan for him, he ups and joins the army (understandable given he banged his moms) but then when he returns he's on some other wannabe gangster ****, no thought put in to his actions for the long term and we know how that ends. I don't think this kid is any smarter and he's not as hardened, experienced, and tough the way Jimmy was.

Nope Nucky only plays the family card when it's beneficial to him. It's been implied many times he didn't come around often. Add in him going to Willy when the war was about to break out with Rosetti, now the whole alcohol death coverup at school, he continues to go behind Eli's back when it comes to matters pertaining to HIS child. Nuky has control issues and even if he meant well, you don't interject yourself at that moment.
Don't normally see Torrio acting like a gangster, so I really like his scenes in this week's episode. When dude threw the steak I was :rofl:

Tonino really needs to die. Nucky let him go and now he's Masseria's Man Friday? Not to mention talking that disrespect towards Nucky after Masseria and him supposedly squashed their past dealings with the cash?
Am I incorrect but didn't Nucky have a wife and kid and they died? I can't remember thought I heard it in Season 1.
Am I incorrect but didn't Nucky have a wife and kid and they died? I can't remember thought I heard it in Season 1.


Baby came out premature, died soon after birth.

Mabel, his wife, offed herself soon after the baby was buried
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Season has been dope so far. Great writing.

So many interesting story lines.

From the Hoover/Jim and Narcisse one to the Al and Rothstein ones. I'm interested in all of them.

Nucky's nephew isn't about that life, he can't even hear anything that makes him think of dude.
Am I incorrect but didn't Nucky have a wife and kid and they died? I can't remember thought I heard it in Season 1.

There was a few scenes of Nucky passing the baby shop on the boardwalk and another dealing with abortion and also him scolding Margaret for rubbing lye or something on her pum pum

There was a few scenes of Nucky passing the baby shop on the boardwalk and another dealing with abortion and also him scolding Margaret for rubbing lye or something on her pum pum
It was Lysol. She wasn't rubbing it either. She was inserting it in to act as a spermicide.
North Star episode was underwhelming to me. Y'all got me jacked on the next episode though.
finally caught up on these last 2 eps.  
 Reemus being made to speak normally

Daughter Maitland is fine as cat hair!
It's crazy how much worse this show gets every season.

The beginning of the end was the second they killed off Jimmy.
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