Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

I was watching Bad Boys 2 this past weekend and just realized that the guy who plays Van Alden was the KKK guy they locked in the car trunk while chasing the van full of john doe's.
Also he was Greg in 8mile, the half-****** guy that was suppose to be a few years older than Eminem smashing his reality he's actually younger than Eminem.
I can't be the only one that was hoping Gyp actually made it out West.

Also, I'm having trouble understanding why Mellon would allow Overholt to be shuttered?

He asked Nucky to take it over, get it running and turning a profit.

Then, before Doyle has a chance to get it moving, he deliberately tips off the Feds, at Nucky's direction, that Rothstein will in fact be running it.

Does Nucky have provable leverage on Mellon or his he willing to have Overholt temporarily shut down to screw AR, only to have Nuck take it back after AR is jammed up?
Dear Boardwalk Empire,

Please make the entire show about RIchard Harrow. That is all. Thank you,

I would definitely be interested in some kind of short film about his life right before the war, his time during the war, after the war when he goes back home to his twin sister, and ending it when he leaves to go to Chicago where he meets Jimmy.
Great finale.

Those of you who were complaining about the lack of bloodshed this season got your money's worth in the finale.

Richard Harrow.

Looks like Gillian got her comeuppance for all the ****** up **** she has done in the series thus far.

Props to the dude that brought up the possibility of Gyp meeting his demise at the hands of his own people; namely his no. 2, who was more than justified in his actions considering what Gyp had done to him and his family.

That final scene with Gyp rambling on the shore, I was just waiting for him to get got. Don't have a problem with him getting killed and how he was killed.

Nucky making Rothstein take the bait with the distillery and using it to exact vengeance on him for not helping him out was brilliant. Definitely think that is going to factor in to season 4.

BTW loved the interactions between Capone and Chalky this episode.
I can't be the only one that was hoping Gyp actually made it out West.
Also, I'm having trouble understanding why Mellon would allow Overholt to be shuttered?
He asked Nucky to take it over, get it running and turning a profit.
Then, before Doyle has a chance to get it moving, he deliberately tips off the Feds, at Nucky's direction, that Rothstein will in fact be running it.
Does Nucky have provable leverage on Mellon or his he willing to have Overholt temporarily shut down to screw AR, only to have Nuck take it back after AR is jammed up?

I think hes willing to have it shut down temporarily...but in that questionare its suggested he wont be too happy with I'm not sure. I forgot, did he hand Nucky the distillery so he can generate profit for him, or did he straight up owe him a big favor?
I think hes willing to have it shut down temporarily...but in that questionare its suggested he wont be too happy with I'm not sure. I forgot, did he hand Nucky the distillery so he can generate profit for him, or did he straight up owe him a big favor?
Nucky was supposed to run it and Mellon was going to have Remis arrested (so Nucky wouldnt get arrested) and split the profits with Mellon.
It was nice to see Richard just finally let go. I was so afraid that he'd be shooting up the place and accidently kill Tommy.
Now that I think about it Nucky in the end probably knows it was Harrow that cleaned out the Commodore's mansion cuz Tonino probably answered all of Nucky's questions when found. Just saying the man in the mask was enough to make the connection.

That interview is definitely worth reading. Some things I assumed correctly others, filled in little gaps.

IMO, there should've been a depiction of that shoot out on the beach in the Atlantic Highlands in the middle of the day. I would've liked that better than the montage of the war going on for a few days/weeks.
Yo i swore GYP lost it after taking that L.

I was mind ****** for a second... when he started talking extra feminine / gay.

I'm like has this dude been on the low the whole time :lol:

PERFECT ENDING to an awesome season.

and nucky had no need to kill gyp, he just needed to see him dead. and I think seeing him work it from a distance shows a lot more of his power than if he murked dude face to face.
Yo i swore GYP lost it after taking that L.

I was mind ****** for a second... when he started talking extra feminine / gay.

I'm like has this dude been on the low the whole time :lol:

PERFECT ENDING to an awesome season.
When he did that voice trying to mock Nucky and whoever else (I think Rothstein too even though only Nuck's name is mentioned) I was like :wow: I was thinking they had some voice actor dub over his mouth moving or he had inhaled some helium :lol:

I know that actor for the most part for having a deep voice so the lack of base in that impression caught me all the way off guard.


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Gyp's death was perfect IMO. He was getting his future plans together with the beach in the background, taking a much needed piss, and out of nowhere he got stabbed in the back figuratively and literally by his right hand man.
Gyp's death was perfect IMO. He was getting his future plans together with the beach in the background, taking a much needed piss, and out of nowhere he got stabbed in the back figuratively and literally by his right hand man.

Exactly. Dude thought he made it! Then BAM, stabbed while you're taking a piss.
From beginning to end this season finale was epic. The opening scene :wow: :pimp: :pimp:

Gyp went out the way mobsters go out... Your murderers come with smiles, they come as your friends... He was definitely the star of this season for me.

Im glad Harrow made it through this season. I always look at him as a soldier but Its hard not to root for his character. The Terminator scene was a little to much but still dope.

So we just gonna forget Eli was the one that came up with the idea to kill Nucky? He still shouldnt trust him.

Capone and Chalky moving up next season :pimp:

Nucky's plan was brilliant

Another great season. This and Breaking Bad are neck and neck.

If you read the Terrace Winter Interview that somebody posted earlier you will see that he is trying to stay true to characters that are historic figures. Meyer and Luciano end up being business partners until Luciano gets deported to Italy when he is older and dies there not much later after deportation. Meyer eventually retires from being the "mobs accountant" and dies of old age

Interesting to see which historical figures start to play bigger roles in next season. Its obvious Capone is going to have problems with O'banion so we will definitely see more of Frankie Yale if they stay true to history. I wonder if they will give bigger roles to Peg Leg Lonergan and Bugsy Siegel. Also theres tons of new guys they could introduce like Joe Adonis, Frank Costello, Vito Genovese, Albert Anastasia, etc.

Hell yeah. Vito Genovese and Albert Anastasia would be so over the top :lol: :pimp:
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Nucky played it beautifully.

Harrow a one man army. Walking around shooting people with a sniper rifle likes its Call of Duty :smokin

Great Finale. Can't wait for next season.
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Gilligan survives and tries to get back her grandson, Richard will likely show up at some point and need work, hopefully for Nucky
so what's gonna be of harrow and gillian's characters?

I wondered this as well. I'm assuming she didn't die but was just super coked out.

I see Harrow somehow being a part of Nucky's empire while still trying to get that dream of a family.

Gillian will probably still be a ho.
She didn't die, the creator said so in an interview that was posted a few pages back
Now that I think about it no reason Harrow couldn't have washed his face. He aint walk from the mansion to Julia's. Probably used/stole a car.

I know it was for dramatic effect but still :lol:
Heat of the moment probably.
What heat of the moment? It passed hrs ago. That's a long *** drive to her house, longer walk :lol: During that span of time Tommy went from awake to asleep.

Wash your face son.
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