black people not equal?

Originally Posted by eaalto

At the end of the day, there are still a ton of racist people in this country. I know people who would absolutely never sleep with nor date a black man. I know people who have previously dated a black man JUST to make their parents/grand parents angry (they forbade it).

They day we can say any minority is equal to whites is when these intolerances and mindsets have been completely eradicated.

Who knows when that will be?

never... as much as it sucks, if people keep distinguishing themselves from other, it'll never be that day...
The reality is there is no such thing as equality. The way society is today its all about getting yours. As a young black man with a pretty good job in the DC metro area, I can tell you it's all about what you can do. I know every day going to work that most people I work with don't really F with me and I feel the same way about them, but we need each other to get paid. But whats really crazy is that when I have to go to black tie events, I get more animosity from the black people there than anybody else. They treat me like I shouldn't even be there.
The reality is there is no such thing as equality. The way society is today its all about getting yours. As a young black man with a pretty good job in the DC metro area, I can tell you it's all about what you can do. I know every day going to work that most people I work with don't really F with me and I feel the same way about them, but we need each other to get paid. But whats really crazy is that when I have to go to black tie events, I get more animosity from the black people there than anybody else. They treat me like I shouldn't even be there.
This sums up NT's new generation. Damn shame. 
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

i'm calling BS here, whites have it just as bad as blacks. you think that whites that have no money have it easier? please.... this goes for all races, it is not hard to go out and get a job, just dont be so damn lazy. a lot might flame me, but that is fine. the majority of people that is lazy are blacks, im not saying all are lazy. most of the blacks on this board have good jobs, because they make something of themselves, but there are plenty that dont.

everybody needs to stop this drama, acting like blacks have it worse than anyone else. it is what you make of yourself. if you decide to sell drugs rather than have a job at a 7/11, then dont complain if you get arrested. everyone wants fast cash, but doesnt want the consequences when they get busted and then putting at racial swing to it...

you come to the south and then see how many unemployed black and whites there are.. in all honesty, i think the hardest workers are the asians and mexicans

I'd be curious to hear what, aside from anecdotal claims and stereotype, you believe supports this "laziness" accusation.  
"It's not hard to go out and get a job?"  I'm not sure where you live, but in most of the country I think you'd be hard pressed to make such a claim.  

Just the other day, McDonald's revealed that it received over a MILLION applications for 50,000 PART TIME, MINIMUM WAGE jobs:  

No matter how tragic or unenviable his/her condition may be, the poorest White American nonetheless maintains a set of unearned privileges that even the most affluent people of color in our society lack.  If you clicked through to the aforementioned 'invisible knapsack' article, you'd find some of them.  Even our president is subjected to racism for crying out loud. 

According to numerous studies, roughly three quarters of our nation's drug users are White.  It's been determined that, even in the case of the same alleged crimes, people of color are more likely to be 1) arrested, 2) prosecuted, 3) convicted, and 4) issued a lengthy prison sentence. 

Your perception is almost certainly tainted by such biases.  

According to statistics provided the Bureau of Justice, Black Americans now serve an average of 58.7 months in prison for drug offenses - which is almost the same amount of time that White Americans serve for committing violent crimes (61.7 months.)  So, you see, even White criminals benefit from racism - even if none of us would wish to trade places with one. 

No data needed at all. I see this %@#% everyday. It's actually depressing.
I'd love to find out what your infallible population sample consists of, too. Actually, that speech is nothing more than a recent fabrication:
I'd really encourage people to spread the word on that... it's used so frequently and only tends to sap credibility from otherwise worthy arguments.  Gotta stay vigilant when it comes to your sources...
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

i'm calling BS here, whites have it just as bad as blacks. you think that whites that have no money have it easier? please.... this goes for all races, it is not hard to go out and get a job, just dont be so damn lazy. a lot might flame me, but that is fine. the majority of people that is lazy are blacks, im not saying all are lazy. most of the blacks on this board have good jobs, because they make something of themselves, but there are plenty that dont.

everybody needs to stop this drama, acting like blacks have it worse than anyone else. it is what you make of yourself. if you decide to sell drugs rather than have a job at a 7/11, then dont complain if you get arrested. everyone wants fast cash, but doesnt want the consequences when they get busted and then putting at racial swing to it...

you come to the south and then see how many unemployed black and whites there are.. in all honesty, i think the hardest workers are the asians and mexicans

I'd be curious to hear what, aside from anecdotal claims and stereotype, you believe supports this "laziness" accusation.  
"It's not hard to go out and get a job?"  I'm not sure where you live, but in most of the country I think you'd be hard pressed to make such a claim.  

Just the other day, McDonald's revealed that it received over a MILLION applications for 50,000 PART TIME, MINIMUM WAGE jobs:  

No matter how tragic or unenviable his/her condition may be, the poorest White American nonetheless maintains a set of unearned privileges that even the most affluent people of color in our society lack.  If you clicked through to the aforementioned 'invisible knapsack' article, you'd find some of them.  Even our president is subjected to racism for crying out loud. 

According to numerous studies, roughly three quarters of our nation's drug users are White.  It's been determined that, even in the case of the same alleged crimes, people of color are more likely to be 1) arrested, 2) prosecuted, 3) convicted, and 4) issued a lengthy prison sentence. 

Your perception is almost certainly tainted by such biases.  

According to statistics provided the Bureau of Justice, Black Americans now serve an average of 58.7 months in prison for drug offenses - which is almost the same amount of time that White Americans serve for committing violent crimes (61.7 months.)  So, you see, even White criminals benefit from racism - even if none of us would wish to trade places with one. 

No data needed at all. I see this %@#% everyday. It's actually depressing.
I'd love to find out what your infallible population sample consists of, too. Actually, that speech is nothing more than a recent fabrication:
I'd really encourage people to spread the word on that... it's used so frequently and only tends to sap credibility from otherwise worthy arguments.  Gotta stay vigilant when it comes to your sources...
On the jobless rate....we just opened a new Whole Foods in Raleigh, NC, and we had over 2,500 applicants for 200 something positions.
On the jobless rate....we just opened a new Whole Foods in Raleigh, NC, and we had over 2,500 applicants for 200 something positions.
Well said Meth.

Being a black male in college, I personally notice a fair amount of concealed racism. I personally don't think too much of it because that's just the way it is. Racism will never be completely erased. It's crap that people actually believe there's a way to completely stamp out racism.
Well said Meth.

Being a black male in college, I personally notice a fair amount of concealed racism. I personally don't think too much of it because that's just the way it is. Racism will never be completely erased. It's crap that people actually believe there's a way to completely stamp out racism.
meth your so %%+%@! well spoken. idk if your one already but youd be one hell of a lawyer.
meth your so %%+%@! well spoken. idk if your one already but youd be one hell of a lawyer.
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