Black guy hair cuts

Get your ******* life together. You're 29 thinking about your flawed *** hairline 24/7? FOH man.

Get some yams

MAN, it's the hairline it's everything about my life. Dog, I probably for a fact had a way harder life than you that's what happens to your mind when your abused as a child verbally and physically. It's not easy for me out here.. have some gull for da kid.
Everybody can't go around life without any flaws. I'm a diamond but I have personality flaws which override everything I do. It's hard to control. Y'all can say things like stop taking pictures of yourself and stop worrying about what you look like and get some yambs but it's not that easy for me. Girls say I look like a basketball player.
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Bruh's fade is next level
Y'all can say things like stop taking pictures of yourself and stop worrying about what you look like and get some yambs but it's not that easy for me. Girls say I look like a basketball player.

Either it's beyond late and I'm reading this wrong but let me know if I understand this. You look like a basketball player and don't get yambs easy? How is that possible unless you look like Greg Oden?
Either it's beyond late and I'm reading this wrong but let me know if I understand this. You look like a basketball player and don't get yambs easy? How is that possible unless you look like Greg Oden?

I beat myself over the years man. I'm one of those good looking guys I think that is crazy tho. I get hot girls bro. Trust me. I never finish because my freaking hair or my nose or I'm black or what if I show signs that I've been abused and etc
bruh your hairline aint even that bad, chill out. you just got a big *** forehead. who cares though. you overthinking **** wayyyy too much
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I honestly like having a large forehead, better then having a paul george forehead
Paul's hairline has made leaps and bounds from what it used to be, here is a picture of him before he got an NBA barber lmao
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