Black guy hair cuts

**** both of them dusty dudes. Y'all really in your feelings about my scalp. 
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Worst part about it is that they could of spent 30 seconds looking up oily scalp dandruff to save themselves the embarassment
really cant be embarrassed since i know none of you guys in real life.....i didnt understand his statement, so he replied as if his condition is common or as if head and shoulders is the known cure.....a couple days of dumb posts about shampoo and i thought he was making bad if he or someone else going thru it was offended. 
Only person in their feels is you. You got clowned now you salty. Sit yo behind down. Don't nobody give a damn about yo beanie. Like homeboy said, go see a dermatologist. Over the counter aint for you

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Those first two months of growing dreads looks a lot worst in my opinion especially once you hit that week right before a retwist.


been doing this for a minute now

headed to my barber now

i go every wednesday

this is a great example of what i wanna do. noob question, from what i can see, im guessing i just ask the barber for a taper on the sides and line up front and back? and just continue to grow out the top thru the back? :nerd:

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I'm usually good for about two weeks after a haircut, then it starts getting wild. I'm going on 3.5 right now and looking a mess, need to go get cut tomorrow or Monday
I have a great natural hairline, but my sides are lookin terrible.

I'm on target to flourish in the summer though so that's good.

2 Questions:

1. Is there away to prepare your waves while you grow your hair out?

So that when I eventually cut it my waves are there.

2. Is excessive moisture bad for your hair or is it just the greasy feeling

that is lamented?
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