Black Culture Discussion Thread

Since you have some guys on this site who love to claim the Libertarian card
In 2004, presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) voted against a resolution praising the 1964 law banning whites-only lunch counters and employment discrimination because he claimed that “the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not improve race relations or enhance freedom. Instead, the forced integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased racial tensions while diminishing individual liberty.

Later in the same interview, Paul attacks the interviewers for “dwelling on an obscure issue” by questioning his father’s opposition to desegregation.
Blacks don't even match with libertarian values unless we are the majority of a nation. Only the dominating socio economic group truly prospers in a libertarian society.

Black libertarians are only that way because they grew up with the anti-libertarian laws that cushioned their perception
ok...where did you copy and paste that from.

obviously you havnt read even a fraction of the studies listed
ok...where did you copy and paste that from.

obviously you havnt read even a fraction of the studies listed
Wait I'm confused are you arguing that white people did not use science to portray blacks as a sub-human species? What exactly are you arguing against? If you had any reading comprehension skills you'd figure out what I'm doing here. A black man using science for his own feminist and homophobic attitudes makes him just as bad as his oppressors.

Let's keep dancing around the bush.
please link me to your source....

I'd just like to see where you copy and pasted the studies from

stop hiding
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LION BLOOD & alot of this other dudes is the perfect example of why BLACK FOLKS can't unite you bring your emotional & personal attachments in the struggle instead of putting that to the side & looking at the best interest for us as a ppl....I'm a CHRISTIAN but I know plenty brothers don't rock with it but I don't debate & argue with Brothers about it cause I know the struggle is bigger than my personal views so I let brothers say what they will....I choose to focus on getting on common ground with brothers (with things like economics etc) instead of trying to force my opinion on dudes like most of yall dudes that ride with the LGBT MOVEMENT do if you don't agree with HOMOSEXUALITY your preaching hate, you homophobic etc....
Anton and amx1, Can yall take your beef to're derailing the thread. :rolleyes
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please link me to your source....

I'd just like to see where you copy and pasted the studies from

stop hiding
What source? Do you want me to post a source that slavery happened as well? Do you want me to post a source about the native American genocide?
I just want to see where you copied that list from.

You didn't look up each study independently, you found a page that had them in a list and you took it from there.

I want a link to that page/resource.

EDIT: Stop Hiding, just link me 
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Anton and amx1, Can yall take your beef to're derailing the thread.
the hilarious thing is they`d be banned from any other thread by now, hell I was banned from the Thread about nothing for posting music videos
1. im not airmax1 or anton, I'm createdestroy

2. I only address the topics being discussed, I can't derail by responding to the topic.

I notice that all the people who posted and cosigned Dr. Umars video on lgbt were not accused of derailing. 

Its only when you actually disagree with the narrative that you are accused of these things. 

Great way to marginalize any opposing views on a topic that this thread keeps bringing up.
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Black feminists
easily one of the worst groups out there with no real agenda or plan.
isnt this the original derail^

didn't you and brad start bringing up feminsts and LGBT issue?

Where's the accusations at?
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I thought all opinions and viewpoints were welcome as long as you are problack...

I guess you have to be anti--LGBT, pro-Egypt, pro-Segregation, pro-NOI, pro-Dr. Umar, and pro-Tariq to not be considered a troll in here...

it really pisses me off because the only thing allowed is a circle jerk on certain topics, no respectful informative debates without character assassination.
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I thought all opinions and viewpoints were welcome as long as you are problack...

I guess you have to be anti--LGBT, pro-Egypt, pro-Segregation, pro-NOI, pro-Dr. Umar, and pro-Tariq to not be considered a troll in here...

it really pisses me off because the only thing allowed is a circle jerk on certain topics, no respectful informative debates without character assassination.
If you get pissed off by a discussion board topic you really need to re-evaluate your social life son it ain't that crucial I don't know you personally so I can't assassinate your character get out your feelings man....Just cause people disagree with you don't mean anything nobody attacking you it's just majority people don't agree with you....
I thought all opinions and viewpoints were welcome as long as you are problack...

I guess you have to be anti--LGBT, pro-Egypt, pro-Segregation, pro-NOI, pro-Dr. Umar, and pro-Tariq to not be considered a troll in here...

it really pisses me off because the only thing allowed is a circle jerk on certain topics, no respectful informative debates without character assassination.
If you get pissed off by a discussion board topic you really need to re-evaluate your social life son it ain't that crucial I don't know you personally so I can't assassinate your character get out your feelings man....Just cause people disagree with you don't mean anything nobody attacking you it's just majority people don't agree with you....
1. i get pissed off by any incorrect assessment of my character and intentions regardless of the medium... my social life has nothing to do with it.

2. People are not just disagreeing.... disagreeing I can accept... that's the whole point of a debate.

3. I never complained about people disagreeing. I specifically addressed troll accusations and character assassination in lieu of debate

Even your response is ducking the actual issue I'm addressing...

-personal attack (social life reference)

-personal attack and misdirection (claiming i accused you of character assassination/get out your feelings)

-misdirection (claiming my responses are simply due to people disagreeing with the topic at hand)

EDIT: you know what, i should include you with the rest for character assassination. You reply to the video on LGBT issues with your opinion.. I reply with my opinion AFTER you.... then all of a sudden I'm derailing?

You wrote paragraphs to address my character.... didn't write a single sentence arguing the points I made...
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Black feminists
easily one of the worst groups out there with no real agenda or plan.
...... he said homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness in order to takeover the black civil rights struggle......

and yall think he's making sense?

lol.... what is going on in here.... this is rediculous... 

he also said homosexuals and lesbians are the purveryors of most pedophilia...

which he should know is wrong because the pathology for pedophilia is not gender dependent

"where were lgbt groups when mike brown was murdered"

Protesters for Michael Brown march in solidarity with LGBT activists eastward down Manchester Avenue in The Grove neighborhood on Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014, as peaceful but fervent demonstrations erupted all over the St. Louis area. Photo by Christian Gooden, [email protected]

Protesters started at the San Francisco LGBT Community Center at 1800 Market St. and walked to Octavia Boulevard and the off-ramp from Highway 101.


I can keep going...but how many instances do you need?

Dr. Umar is giving the same "well why don't black people protest when they kill each other"

type of response that white people give in order to deflect the issue.

I just lost alot of respect for him 
I heard that Ron Paul accepted donations from Stormfront and that one of his former campaign organizers was a klan member.

And we all know about the racist articles that were published in his newsletter.
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I was borderline rocking with dude even though he's an old white dude from TX cause of his stance on the Fed Reserve and state rights but those news letters showed his heart.

I was borderline rocking with dude even though he's an old white dude from TX cause of his stance on the Fed Reserve and state rights but those news letters showed his heart.

But that was almost 2 decades ago no ? Regardless, the policies he proposes are the most friendly to American Citizens that are minorities. 
 But that was almost 2 decades ago no ? Regardless, the policies he proposes are the most friendly to American Citizens that are minorities. 
If this isn't sarcasm, please name which policies you are referring to.
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The newsletters were from the 80's and 90's, but he had white supremacists on his team in 2008 soooo...
I thought all opinions and viewpoints were welcome as long as you are problack...

I guess you have to be anti--LGBT, pro-Egypt, pro-Segregation, pro-NOI, pro-Dr. Umar, and pro-Tariq to not be considered a troll in here...

it really pisses me off because the only thing allowed is a circle jerk on certain topics, no respectful informative debates without character assassination.
I don't agree with everything posted on hear and I question the relevancy of some of the "pro-black" stuff posted in here from time to time as I am sure nobody here agrees with absolutely everything posted on here or everything that I post. I don't think that Umar is right about his point and I am very weary about a lot of stuff he says because most of it just doesn't come off right to me so I never really finish listening to most of his stuff but I don't make a case of it because people are entitled to their opinions and I don't think I have to blow up the spot unless someone asks me to. It is OK to disagree but the personal attacks aren't warranted, the people that went at you aren't right either but if you are going to disagree, try to do so respectfully because it seems like you only come in here only to try and antagonize with everybody. You cannot deny that some of the language that you used in that post wasn't targeting people, specifically the person who posted it.
 But that was almost 2 decades ago no ? Regardless, the policies he proposes are the most friendly to American Citizens that are minorities. 
If this isn't sarcasm, please name which policies you are referring to.
One that stands out is his stance on the enforcement of the illegal drug laws. At least he recognizes how minorities get the short end of the stick.

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