Black Culture Discussion Thread

I wanna know how many relevant black rappers today are actually helping further the culture?

Atleast ti is promoting a successful white female rapper which has never been done before, if kreashawn & v nasty was still relevant yall would be calling them a culture vulture too even tho them chicks actually grew up in the hood
Kendrick, Cole, amongst others.
I wanna know how many relevant black rappers today are actually helping further the culture?

Atleast ti is promoting a successful white female rapper which has never been done before, if kreashawn & v nasty was still relevant yall would be calling them a culture vulture too even tho them chicks actually grew up in the hood
Like i said in an earlier post...2chains rick ross lil wayne etc do not get a pass.
She from Australia she has an Australian accent & speaks proper in all her interviews... She raps she has a southern accent and uses slang. Her videos and the themes displayed in them are night & day from when she first started til now, when she's big enough and has enough cosigns to not wanna give off a "hood" image anymore.

You can admire a culture without trying to be a carbon copy of what's going on in it. Enough of Iggy tho, her individual violations are irrelevant, the POINT IS BLACKS HAVE CREATED MUSICAL FORMS FOR THE PAST 100 YEARS, & WATCHED AS MAISTREAM HAS TAKEN THE GENRE MOLDED WHO'S CONSIDERED A PIONEER & MADE IT SEEM LIKE A CULTURE WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED.

That is people's problem wit Iggy, it's not her exactly, it's her being a huge representation of what has routinely happened to us for years. Stop focusing on the smaller things and take hold to the clear and obvious IMAX sized picture here.
She from Australia she has an Australian accent & speaks proper in all her interviews... She raps she has a southern accent and uses slang. Her videos and the themes displayed in them are night & day from when she first started til now, when she's big enough and has enough cosigns to not wanna give off a "hood" image anymore.

You can admire a culture without trying to be a carbon copy of what's going on in it. Enough of Iggy tho, her individual violations are irrelevant, the POINT IS BLACKS HAVE CREATED MUSICAL FORMS FOR THE PAST 100 YEARS, & WATCHED AS MAISTREAM HAS TAKEN THE GENRE MOLDED WHO'S CONSIDERED A PIONEER & MADE IT SEEM LIKE A CULTURE WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED.

That is people's problem wit Iggy, it's not her exactly, it's her being a huge representation of what has routinely happened to us for years. Stop focusing on the smaller things and take hold to the clear and obvious IMAX sized picture here.


A white ***** rapping is the least gf our concerns.

And I mean really, How much of this Iggy hate is because she went at Snoop?
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***** said Pac.
 Never one to let pass an opportunity to attack President Obama and other Black leaders, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani went on Fox News yesterday and blamed the killing of two NYPD police officers on the president and other Black leaders for promoting “hate the police” propaganda.
“We’ve had four months of propaganda, starting with the president, that everybody should hate the police,” said Giuliani during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” “I don’t care how you want to describe it—that’s what those protests are all about.”

Just as he did all too frequently when he was mayor, Giuliani once again demonstrated his penchant for fanning racial flames at a time when others are looking for calm reason. On more than one occasion while he ran the city, Giuliani responded to controversial shootings committed by NYPD officers by blaming the victims of the shooting. In this case, he blamed the shooting of the two police officers by a mentally unstable man on the protesters who were demonstrating against deadly police shootings—not on the deadly police shootings themselves, or even on the killer’s mental instability.

Giuliani said the nationwide protests of police killings and grand jury decisions in Ferguson and New York, in addition to the ongoing criticism of police tactics and the criminal justice system, were part of what led to the shooting of two NYPD officers in Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon.

“The protest are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence—a lot of them lead to violence—all of them lead to a conclusion: The police are bad, the police are racist,” said Giuliani. “That is completely wrong. Actually, the people who do the most for the Black community in America are the police.”

That thinking was directly addressed by the activist group Black Lives Matter, which issued a statement yesterday denouncing the killing of the officers.

“An eye for an eye is not our vision of justice,” said the group, which has been organizing protests. “We who have taken to the streets seeking justice and liberation know that we need deep transformation to correct the larger institutional problems of racial profiling, abuse and violence.”

The claim that police do the most for the Black community is an argument Giuliani has made before. A few weeks ago he tangled with scholar Michael Eric Dyson on “Meet the Press” when he said police are an oft-seen presence in the Black community because they are there to keep Black people from killing one another.

Dyson countered that his claim was part of the “defense mechanism of white supremacy.”

“Your attitude reinforces the problematic perspective that prevails in the culture, sir,” Dyson said. “Look at this. This is the defense mechanism of white supremacy at work in your mind, sir.”

On Fox & Friends, Giuliani a few weeks ago even said he had saved more Black lives than any mayor in New York’s history.

“I’d like to see if Dr. Dyson has ever saved as many lives in his community as I’ve saved,” he said.

On Fox yesterday, Giuliani accused Black commentators of creating “an atmosphere of severe, strong anti-police hatred in certain communities.”

He also accused New York Mayor Bill de Blasio of “allowing protests to get out of control,” adding that it wasn’t time to call for de Blasio’s resignation because “a lot of other police officers were killed under a lot of other mayors.”

“If I was in the situation that Mayor de Blasio is in, and I feel sorry that he’s in this situation, I would give a speech to the police department and I would explain that maybe I was wrong about a few things,” Giuliani said. “Maybe I was wrong about putting too much emphasis on, you know, police misconduct, when in fact police misconduct is a minor part of the problem. Community, serious violent crime, is a much bigger part of the problem.”

“I think I would say to them, and I have said this to the police, ‘You know, the people who are saving black lives in this city are you, the New York City Police Department.’ I’m not doing it. President Obama is not doing it. Mayor de Blasio is not doing it,” Giuliani went on. “He’s not out at night walking up and down housing developments and trying to save children from being killed. The police officers are doing the most, right now, in these very, very poor communities.”
The things we see today in hip hop culture are a product of the "golden era", we glorify these dudes as the best but they're the reason hip hop is what it is today, killing/f *******/get money

& pac was a hypocrite

But your username is Offset Pow Clow and you stay in the Migos thread... are you not a hypocrite for that?
I mean..... 

most rappers are cartoon characters anyway... the right situation, NOT TALENT, has put plenty of people on 

Ross came on the scene as the biggest dope dealer in Miami and by the time people found out he was the police, it was too late. 

Tyga went and got some tattoos, now he's goonie #1 

look at Pitbull.... he use to be running around with Lil John with braids in his hair --- now he's a corporate hispanic making all the Euro club jams. 

so I'm not even mad at her for not admitting she's a gimmick taking advantage of her situation....  people just seem to be mad that she's white and a fraud 

a fraud is a fraud to me. 
They always blame **** on us

I'll just counter and say them letting that nyc cop walk caused those officers deaths. There are reasons to justify death on an unarmed citizen but this one was not. Chad Kelly should have got killed but white privilege allowed him to have a fair one with the cops
I want everyone to remember how irresponsible & child like all of these people are acting in regards to lives. We have the "leader" of basically one of the biggest militaries in the world calling for a war like atmosphere in wake of one lone maniac killing two cops. We have the former Mayor of NYC advocating that people protesting for a fair judicial review of a murder has in turn empowered vigilante's to start taking police lives...

Yet we are talking about the irresponsible things rappers say in music?...... rappers talking about guns in their songs is a problem.... The NYPD calling for war on civilians because of a death however isn't irresponsible. Them blaming the mayor for speaking up about a WELL DOCUMENTED problem isn't unreasonable?

These guys are literally doing what a Blood/ Crip Gang would do if one of their soldiers were killed, except the other gang isn't out hunting for their blood
It's possible to care about the larger issue while also calling out someone who is making millions of dollars off what is essentially vocal blackface. Don't even get me started on her backhanded racist tweets and 'runaway slave master' line. But I digress; a lot of you will cape for her regardless. Good day gentleman.
Nypd on some **** you'll see from police in communist countries and **** :lol:

Them dudes another breed of scum
I want everyone to remember how irresponsible & child like all of these people are acting in regards to lives. We have the "leader" of basically one of the biggest militaries in the world calling for a war like atmosphere in wake of one lone maniac killing two cops. We have the former Mayor of NYC advocating that people protesting for a fair judicial review of a murder has in turn empowered vigilante's to start taking police lives...

Yet we are talking about the irresponsible things rappers say in music?...... rappers talking about guns in their songs is a problem.... The NYPD calling for war on civilians because of a death however isn't irresponsible. Them blaming the mayor for speaking up about a WELL DOCUMENTED problem isn't unreasonable?

These guys are literally doing what a Blood/ Crip Gang would do if one of their soldiers were killed, except the other gang isn't out hunting for their blood
i think they are equally is breeding a perception of blk ppl fed to the masses whether is culture appropriation and c@@nery   which leads to justification on why black lives don't matter to the majority. This whole police crap is def outa hand but notice when a blk person die.. the first thing that is attacked is his or her character to justify a reason for their death.
^ always and if they can't find anything on them they'll start attacking their mother and father
i just wish we will focus on whats really the issue and get off the small stuff
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