Black Culture Discussion Thread

Jordan Peele is the first black writer-director to land $100 million debut 

Thing that gets me tight is my parents are so deep into it man :smh: Went to a catholic jr high, christian HS and they been involved in the church since i can remember. My wife recently got promoted for her job and was unsure if she should take it(she didn't know the full details of it at the time) she told my mom about it, and my mom was like "pray about it, he's all knowing, blah blah blah" the entire time i was like :stoneface:

I'm really scared me and my parents gonna have a falling out over this, it's been a minute since my mom started talking up god and church and since she been diagnosed with Breast cancer(she's cancer free now) she brings it up even more

I had a great aunt who died when she was like 104, but she was still coherent and I'd talk to her alot just pick her brain about how it was back then(she died in the early 90's) her parents were slaves and on the cusp of civil war so she was that great source on real ish, I was so big on learning black history(still am) and she would always be like "Jesus is Lord, blah blah blah" and even though I'm like 12 or 13 I'm thinking how in the hell can you believe all that??

As a religious person, you need to feel comfortable tellin' your parents how you feel. It comes with the territory of being an adult. Mom and Dad have to learn that you don't believe what they believe and unfortunately it may not go over as well but they will know who you actually are and not some character they have created.

I understand and respect the "fear" of opening up to them because who wants to not get along with their parents, but also you want them to respect you and your beliefs.

I'll pass on discussing how real my religion is to me, I just don't care for the online conversations.

whether or not you feel comfortable telling your ogs this probably depends on the relationship you have with them...and how important faith is to that relationship, how contentious is it really? if it's about getting it off your chest and/or really affecting how (or if!) you interact with your fam then it's probably worth easing into having the discussion if for nothing else, peace mind....but if your aim is to challenge or change the way they think about faith, the axiom: 'everything ain't for every body' is as true for what you share about your individual (philosophies about) life as it is for what, how, or if you practice faith; only you can do the math on the value of disclosing your view of religion to the parental units...

while i consider myself agnostic, i do see the value in the rituals of religion and really think the only time it is worth challenging the orthodoxy of religion is when/where it explicitly is harmful to people; which i guess might be open for interpretation as to how & what is harmful about religion...
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I don't agree with my folks when it comes to religion either.

However, I do understand that it is a part of their identity. My parents are damn near 60. Why mess up their peace?
I just let them to do them and nod in agreement. It doesn't do me any good to mess up our relationship because we disagree on religion.
Religion is a true conundrum for me & has been for quite some time. Whats interesting now is that I'm raising a Son & I'm uneasy about my approach to it with him. I will absolutely not be following my parents footsteps of simply forcing Christianity on him. It's also tough when all of your family members are just blind believers & use every attempt to literally brainwash. It's definitely gonna be a struggle. If anyone has an good reading material regarding African spirituality please drop that it would be much appreciated.
Religion is a true conundrum for me & has been for quite some time. Whats interesting now is that I'm raising a Son & I'm uneasy about my approach to it with him. I will absolutely not be following my parents footsteps of simply forcing Christianity on him. It's also tough when all of your family members are just blind believers & use every attempt to literally brainwash. It's definitely gonna be a struggle. If anyone has an good reading material regarding African spirituality please drop that it would be much appreciated.

That's real man, my son is 4 now nd my mother takes him to church every Sunday...its both a break for me, plus a chance for him to bond with her..

ill admit, I struggled with that decision initially, because of my feelings towards organized religion, but ma dukes is a good person and means no harm..."just pray on it " gets old, but at the end of the day I don't see any harm in Sunday school stories and church picnics...

when the time comes, and I feel he's ready, I'll wake him up the same way I was once I was mature enough to understand...

I'm gonn let lil man choose his own path a much as I can,nd he's gonna understand both sides fully, but I def feel ur uneasiness, it's a tough decision...
Some good talk on this page right here :pimp:

Going through the a lot of the same **** y'all are in regards to religion, family etc.
I don't agree with my folks when it comes to religion either.

However, I do understand that it is a part of their identity. My parents are damn near 60. Why mess up their peace?
I just let them to do them and nod in agreement. It doesn't do me any good to mess up our relationship because we disagree on religion.
That's real man, my son is 4 now nd my mother takes him to church every Sunday...its both a break for me, plus a chance for him to bond with her..

ill admit, I struggled with that decision initially, because of my feelings towards organized religion, but ma dukes is a good person and means no harm..."just pray on it " gets old, but at the end of the day I don't see any harm in Sunday school stories and church picnics...

when the time comes, and I feel he's ready, I'll wake him up the same way I was once I was mature enough to understand...

I'm gonn let lil man choose his own path a much as I can,nd he's gonna understand both sides fully, but I def feel ur uneasiness, it's a tough decision...
Religion is a true conundrum for me & has been for quite some time. Whats interesting now is that I'm raising a Son & I'm uneasy about my approach to it with him. I will absolutely not be following my parents footsteps of simply forcing Christianity on him. It's also tough when all of your family members are just blind believers & use every attempt to literally brainwash. It's definitely gonna be a struggle. If anyone has an good reading material regarding African spirituality please drop that it would be much appreciated.
Too keep it funky, my son is 10 is as Christian as I am there will be no pressure on him to follow my faith. Very much in the frame of Shareef's dad from Menance to Society. Teach your kids as you want them to be, and when the time comes they'll remember the way
^ my parents always thought we would become muslim after a while.

today my siblings and i are closer to agnosticism than anything.
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As much as black folks love to vacation in Europe and as much as folks love to Pray for Paris.....

We should never forget what was going on over there just not too long ago....

As much as black folks love to glamourous and fantasize vacations in Dubai....

These hypocritical Muslim Emirates treat Africans and other non Arab Muslims like sub human pets.

Human trafficking is very much real there, yet these rappers and celebraties are quick to fly there and put money into thier economy.
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Religion is a true conundrum for me & has been for quite some time. Whats interesting now is that I'm raising a Son & I'm uneasy about my approach to it with him. I will absolutely not be following my parents footsteps of simply forcing Christianity on him. It's also tough when all of your family members are just blind believers & use every attempt to literally brainwash. It's definitely gonna be a struggle. If anyone has an good reading material regarding African spirituality please drop that it would be much appreciated.

That's real man, my son is 4 now nd my mother takes him to church every Sunday...its both a break for me, plus a chance for him to bond with her..

ill admit, I struggled with that decision initially, because of my feelings towards organized religion, but ma dukes is a good person and means no harm..."just pray on it " gets old, but at the end of the day I don't see any harm in Sunday school stories and church picnics...

when the time comes, and I feel he's ready, I'll wake him up the same way I was once I was mature enough to understand...

I'm gonn let lil man choose his own path a much as I can,nd he's gonna understand both sides fully, but I def feel ur uneasiness, it's a tough decision...

as i learned more about different faiths & systems of belief, it really became apparent to me that they are ways of explaining (how to act/be/exist/operate in) the world, and you can see this in both the way people actually adhere to/practice their faith as well as how the different religions themselves have changed over time...from that perspective i don't see faith as particularly more harmful than any other ideology

infamously though, most belief systems/religions are not known for their tolerance for pluralism and it is really tough to have an open mind about faith (or spirituality, though there maybe less rigidity), even as it tends to be displayed/presented to children simplistically, if that open-mindedness isn't already a part of how a child is being raised...

i feel like as long as we instill in our young folk, the ability to think critically about the world and the choices they make, the bit of healthy skepticism that comes along with that should be enough to not have to worry about what form of faith/spirituality they will choose...

to all you dads outchea #maytheforcebewithyou guiding the chil'ren to fulfilling & productive lives
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Religion is a true conundrum for me & has been for quite some time. Whats interesting now is that I'm raising a Son & I'm uneasy about my approach to it with him. I will absolutely not be following my parents footsteps of simply forcing Christianity on him. It's also tough when all of your family members are just blind believers & use every attempt to literally brainwash. It's definitely gonna be a struggle. If anyone has an good reading material regarding African spirituality please drop that it would be much appreciated.

That's real man, my son is 4 now nd my mother takes him to church every Sunday...its both a break for me, plus a chance for him to bond with her..

ill admit, I struggled with that decision initially, because of my feelings towards organized religion, but ma dukes is a good person and means no harm..."just pray on it " gets old, but at the end of the day I don't see any harm in Sunday school stories and church picnics...

when the time comes, and I feel he's ready, I'll wake him up the same way I was once I was mature enough to understand...

I'm gonn let lil man choose his own path a much as I can,nd he's gonna understand both sides fully, but I def feel ur uneasiness, it's a tough decision...

as i learned more about different faiths & systems of belief, it really became apparent to me that they are ways of explaining (how to act/be/exist/operate in) the world, and you can see this in both the way people actually adhere to/practice their faith as well as how the different religions themselves have changed over time...from that perspective i don't see faith as particularly more harmful than any other ideology

infamously though, most belief systems/religions are not known for their tolerance for pluralism and it is really tough to have an open mind about faith (or spirituality, though there maybe less rigidity), even as it tends to be displayed/presented to children simplistically, if that open-mindedness isn't already a part of how a child is being raised...

i feel like as long as we instill in our young folk, the ability to think critically about the world and the choices they make, the bit of healthy skepticism that comes along with that should be enough to not have to worry about what form of faith/spirituality they will choose...

to all you dads outchea #maytheforcebewithyou guiding the chil'ren to fulfilling & productive lives

Knowledge is the biggest threat to passcode religion. I was into it growing up then fell out then got back into it when I met my wife because she wanted me to be sure to get beliefs, that's carried up until I watched a Dr. Umar video when he asked a simple question "Why are Christians about the only people who have to suffer on earth for rewards in heaven?" Made sense to me and started to think more critically. Haven't willfully been to church in a over a year because of the lack of teaching true empowerment. My wife is gradually starting to understand my position, which is good.

Disclaimer: I'm not an Umar fanboy by any means, just wanted to put that out there before y'all think otherwise :lol:
Knowledge is the biggest threat to passcode religion. I was into it growing up then fell out then got back into it when I met my wife because she wanted me to be sure to get beliefs, that's carried up until I watched a Dr. Umar video when he asked a simple question "Why are Christians about the only people who have to suffer on earth for rewards in heaven?" Made sense to me and started to think more critically. Haven't willfully been to church in a over a year because of the lack of teaching true empowerment. My wife is gradually starting to understand my position, which is good.

Disclaimer: I'm not an Umar fanboy by any means, just wanted to put that out there before y'all think otherwise :lol:

not familiar with the term 'passcode religion,' but knowledge really hasn't been much of a threat to religion up to this point, think about how much (western) religion has changed (though maybe not enough) to accommodate new & contradictory information to what it once held as canon and/or sacred and how many smart folk over the course of history called themselves followers of religion, or even the new thing now, being 'spiritual,' whatever that means...religion can definitely coexist with knowledge, the question always has been: does it (it being both the people who call themselves leaders of faith & their followers) want to?

there are many reasons why people choose to leave, believe or join faith, it is unlikely there is any single thing that will shake the hold it has over humanity; there is a reason almost every peoples have come up with their own system that involves the supernatural, we are meaning seeking creatures, we can't really help it. religion only loosens its hold on folk when it ceases to have or give meaning to people, and if it has formed and shaped one's worldview since young, it can be hard to break free of...which in the large scheme of things to me isn't all that bad, especially they way most people practice religion today, more individualistic and less doctrine; and though admittedly, i do get a lil' put off by people who are (genuinely) super into their faith but i respect their commitment, there is so much more to be concerned about these days...
These last few posts...With all the progress that's been made there is still so much more work to do.
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also interesting when you watch mob movies and the non Italians call Italians guineas.

which lead to Italians referring to themselves as guineas in those films.

sounds like amelioration to me. but god forbid black people try that samething.

also interesting when you watch mob movies and the non Italians call Italians guineas.

which lead to Italians referring to themselves as guineas in those films.

sounds like amelioration to me. but god forbid black people try that samething.
I never met one Italian who took being called a guinea or daygo too well.....
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