Black Culture Discussion Thread

Need some insight for a paper.

For black voters, who was the best presidential candidate? Worst?
Need some insight for a paper.

For black voters, who was the best presidential candidate? Worst?

Honestly, none of them :lol: but for the sake of an actually answer, I'd like to say Bernie or Hillary. Now research why and good luck.
I read a book on the organization, to me it gave the impression that it further segregated blacks into rich/poor and light/dark skinned.
Yall go ahead and keep defending these folks though....thier culture is just as prejudiced as white America's.

They never gave a damn about our rights or our skin color in general.

Yet we quick to march for thier rights.....
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I find this incredibly disturbing.... You tellin me with all these rich black folk, leaders, activists, and celebrities running around that no one could help our elder Rosa Parks pay her rent and live out her days comfortably? Negroes are something else man
So many of our heroes die broke, forgotten, and unwanted.

ike Ilitch, who founded Little Caesars and who owned the Detroit Red Wings and Detroit Tigers, died on Friday at the age of 87. Now, as Detroit marks the loss of the pizza magnate, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley has shared the story of how Ilitch paid Rosa Parks‘ rent for over a decade.

“It will give you a sense of the kind of man Mike Ilitch was,” Calley wrote on Saturday morning along with a link to the MLive story.

According to Street and Smith’s Sports Business Journal, Ilitch took over on paying Parks’ rent in 1994 when he heard that there were some concerns over her welfare and safety when she became the victim of assault and robbery. He continued to pay her rent up until she died in 2005.

“It’s important that people know what Mr. Mike Ilitch did for Ms. Rosa Parks because it’s symbolic of what he has always done for the people of our city,” U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Damon Keith said in 2014.

Since the announcement of Ilitch’s death, many such stories of his generosity and kindness have been flooding social media and other places as many remember him and share their own tributes.
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Yall go ahead and keep defending these folks though....thier culture is just as prejudiced as white America's.

They never gave a damn about our rights or our skin color in general.

Yet we quick to march for thier rights.....
Came in to address this, I've seen this treatment first hand growing up in Egypt

I'll go as far as saying 90% of Arabs don't like anyone with dark skin.  And all those in the examples are young, so not much is changing since they're still getting that same mentality from their parents

I don't blame any minority who isn't marching for middle eastern refugees, most of them don't like you, a pretty sad truth.
So i watched "13th" documentary recently (great doc)

And the main theme throughout was how media propaganda has been used throughout history to demonize and criminalize the black image/reputation

"Media propaganda" is no doubt the glue that holds white supremacy together!

"media propaganda" is lowkey one of the most effective tactics being used against black people. What it does is keep the most negative stereotypes of blacks in mainstream consciousness. The most damning affect of this is not how it makes the rest of the world feel about blacks, but how it makes blacks feel about other blacks. Ive said this many times here but it hit me like a ton of bricks when one of the commentators in the documentary said the very same thing:wow:

There was a part when they were explaining the 80's "war on drugs" campaign. Basically, media propaganda was used heavily to "criminalize" black people to justify new drug laws and policies. (Google the term "super predators"). The propaganda worked so well that even black people went out in droves to support these very same laws created to enslave blacks in the prison industrial complex!

Those of you who have seen the flick may remember the part when the female commentator made the comment that propaganda affects mainly how we feel about OURSELVES. That part literally made me because its something ive said many, many times here. 

This "media propaganda" tactic has been an extremely effective weapon for many generations. This is why its extremely important for black people to learn about our history. Learn about Minstrel shows, blackface, etc. Learn about how the black image has been intentionally manipulated throughout history, 

The film "The Birth Of A Nation" released in 1915 was a propaganda piece that demonized the black image as savages and rapists. The film rejuvanated the KKK because it burned the idea of blacks being uncivilized and dangerous into the minds of the masses. It justified the creation of the KKK. It justified violence against black people. Lynchings against blacks rose dramatically after the films release. 

You gotta remember that propaganda is a covert way to "lay the foundation" before carrying out the physical extermination. Hitler used media propaganda against the J*ws before the physical extermination and the very same thing is happening today. Its been a long process and thats why most of you are unaware of it. The main reason most of you are unaware of this intentional manipulation of the black image is because its disguised as "entertainment"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, the songs you dance to promoting black genocide. Your favorite buffoon rapper. Your favorite reality tv shows are all apart of the white supremacist tactic known as "media propaganda". You're blind to it because it "entertains" you. You're blind to it because it "bangs in the whip". You dont realize that old white/J*wish men are behind these cartoon stereotypes of the black image

Like i said earlier, its the glue that holds white supremacy together. Constantly seeing ourselves in a negative light keeps our own self-esteem and racial pride down. It plays a role in our own lack of unity. Black people distrust, fear and stereotype other black people because of these negative stereotypes constantly in rotation in mainstream media. Black people dont want to do business with each other because we've fell for the stereotypes of ourselves being shady and lazy.

We dont want to live around each other or support each other because our overall racial pride is non-existent. This is why there's little to no positive programs on tv about blacks anymore. The show "A Different World" was taken off the air because it instilled racial pride and inspired blacks to aspire for a higher education:

And we dont even have to discuss today's hip hop and the content of the music being drilled into todays black listeners:

I can keep going all day about the affects because its very deep but i urge everyone to please start studying history and how the intentional manipulation of the black image/reputation has played a key role in white supremacy. 
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