Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

100 months at #1


CNN & MSNBC ain't got jack on Bill

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

You used to suck 50's !%!$ to no end your a clown.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NT OG

What's your point?

I didn't say that country music doesn't sell.

Yeah my fault, you weren't taking a shot


What I was trying to say that country music isn't "grown man" music.

All kinds of people listen to country. That may include grown men, but that doesn't mean country is "grown man" music.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

dam talk about exposed
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

So in 2 months or so you went from Loving Hip Hop to absolutely hating it? I don't get it

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.

Country music I can relate to, the messages, the lyrics, everything

Come on. Not all rap music is like this. What are you talking about? If you were able to look for other types of music, then you are able to look for othertypes of rap music too. Not all rappers are misogynistic, drug-dealing law breakers.
#@$+ each and every person in this thread and in this world...twice.... if he or she thinks rap is automatically negative. That's all I have tosay about that.
and by the way Glen Beck gets good ratings and that guy is Literally off the rocker. Dude was talking about Mission Impossible Tom Cruise's from differentcountry's waiting to take over America because they know our grid? Seriously.

People love controversy that's why extreme right always gets high ratings even more so when a liberal president is in.

To make the point better to you Vanilla Ice sold millions and so did Hammer... Damn even the Clippers made the playoffs.

Also by the way check polls of damn near everything and you would realize conservatism is not the majority. It would be a centrist majority with a slight leftleaning. And if we are talking social issues forget about it this country is left.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid
You sir, are the biggest hypocrite
. Just a few months you was jocking the Aftermath team and how much you Love 50 and blah blah blah. Now your against rap? !*+@ out of here
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

You've been on 50's tip a lot lately TBONE.
50 my favorite rapper ever and always will be.
So yes I ride with Fifty.
Especially since I hate a lot of these terrible new dudes like Kanye & Wayne
Just terrible.

Plus Eminem coming back =

And Dr. Dre CD & his producing =

50 is and will always be my favorite rapper. Mostly because of his swag
And when is that dated???
I haven't listened to rap in a couple months.
I just bought the new Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean, and Keith Urban CD
and Jason Aldean concert tickets
That's country for people that don't know

It's possible for people to change their views on things....... I hope you do know that

I'm so over rap, it's terrible.....

I'll listen to 50 Cent if I'm going out to a club or I'm in a

Otherwise ALL I listen to is COUNTRY now

In the past 2 months I've gotten 15 country CDs

So fall back

I've grown up

Plus all my white girls love country, I'm scoring ALL KINDS of bonus points lately with girls

changing your taste in music doesn't make you grown up, no matter how "horrible" the music you used to listen to is. why are u always trying toprove yourself on here? you honestly think somebody gives a @%%+ about u outside of a browser window?
u even tried to get an NT OG 'cause you'realways on edge everytime you post and he never even attacked you. chill doggie, you're going to catch a heart attack defending people that don't give a@%%+ about you to begin with
Originally Posted by Essential1

TBone I realize why you are a conservative now. All you have ever known is a nice house and everything handed to you. You don't know struggle. You keep saying my black friends like it proves something. A man shouldn't have to prove he knows another race's pain or struggle by saying "My best friend is black".. I remember you once saying you have been to hoods all the time. When you went there did you go straight into a house or did you look around, talk to the people in that area. Have you been there fixing buildings, helping the young kids there, have you done that? You really don't know anything substantial politically, or otherwise.

You are just so far gone, and so inconsiderate of what real people live through and so blind to the world that everything you have learned must have been from your parent's teachings.
Yeah and you know why I have a nice house & everything handed to me..... because of my HARD WORKING MOM..... my mom waspoor.... my mom didn't have anything either, we come from a military family, average middle-income grandparents with 6 kids..... my mom buster her butt tomake it in this country, to get where she is today & now she makes 6 figures and is high up at Boeing. So that's somehow my fault that I was so luckyto have a women who was determined as a mom? Please, shove it.
I didn't bring up the black friends thing sucker, someone else did.... I'm not trying to prove anything, you don't even know me. And I have been inhoods, what's your point?
I don't know anything?

What an ignorant comment. Clearly you actually know nothing about me, so keep on ranting about someone you know nothing about. It's really quite comical.

You really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I don't know why people are trying to reason with TBONE in the first place. Let him say his outlandish statements, it's no consolation to you and onlyprovides breading ground for more senseless debate. Just learn to leave trolls alone and you'll save yourself a headache.

You guys really arguing about country and rap music? Seriously?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

100 months at #1


CNN & MSNBC ain't got jack on Bill

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

You were a just in a thread not too long ago talking about how much you like 50 Cent's music. I even called you a hypocrite and you defended yourself. Ithasn't been six months since that thread and now you all of the sudden grew out of it? Get the hell out of here with that. You're a JOKE.

Also, just because Bill is #1 doesn't mean his show is any good. He just has the biggest following of ignorant racist individuals.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

You used to suck 50's !%!$ to no end your a clown.
And I'll still ride for 50, what's your point?
50 is that dude....
Doesn't mean I like rap any more.
Rap sucks.
I like 50 as a person, dude is very intelligent & comical. He's way smarter then 99% of rappers. Dude actually has some intelligence.

Originally Posted by NT OG

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Yeah my fault, you weren't taking a shot

What I was trying to say that country music isn't "grown man" music.
All kinds of people listen to country. That may include grown men, but that doesn't mean country is "grown man" music.
Yeah, yeah I get what you mean now

And MY point was that you don't see many older people who listen to rap, that's what I meant

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Come on. Not all rap music is like this. What are you talking about? If you were able to look for other types of music, then you are able to look for other types of rap music too. Not all rappers are misogynistic, drug-dealing law breakers.
That's true.... I did concede that it's not an all or nothing scenario. I'm willing to agree with that.
CWrite78 wrote
changing your taste in music doesn't make you grown up, no matter how "horrible" the music you used to listen to is. why are u always trying to prove yourself on here? you honestly think somebody gives a @%%+ about u outside of a browser window?
u even tried to get an NT OG 'cause you're always on edge everytime you post and he never even attacked you. chill doggie, you're going to catch a heart attack defending people that don't give a @%%+ about you to begin with

And you're acting like I care

I just like arguing mostly
I like being right and proving my point
I'm about to go into Law School.....
I actually find entertainment and enjoyment in arguing
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

100 months at #1

CNN & MSNBC ain't got jack on Bill

Bill's RERUN's beat out Keith Overbite, I mean Keith Olbermann
Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash
Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid
You were a just in a thread not too long ago talking about how much you like 50 Cent's music. I even called you a hypocrite and you defended yourself. It hasn't been six months since that thread and now you all of the sudden grew out of it? Get the hell out of here with that. You're a JOKE.
Say whatever you want, see if I care

And yes I did change my view on rap & grew out of it, got a problem with that?
I literally haven't listened to rap except in the club in months.
All I listen to is 2 country stations & all my country CDs

And I'm not going back to rap, country all day from here on out

Oh and I said I still do listen to 50 Cent under 2 circumstances..... 1. If I'm
... 2. If I'm getting hyped for the club
AND 50 Cent still is and always will be 1 of my favorite people
Dude is just awesome in my opinion, swagger is amazing & his views on things are real, he keeps it funky.
Plus he likes to mess around with people, as do I
you do care. look at how many times you've posted in such a pointless troll thread. you're either a sad attention craving individual.. or just apathetic troll. either way, let it go.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

you do care. look at how many times you've posted in such a pointless troll thread. you're either a sad attention craving individual.. or just a pathetic troll. either way, let it go.

Actually I don't.
I could easily never sign on NT again & could care less.
I actually didnt sign on NT for over a month not too long ago. Only reason I came back was for the Yankees

NT isn't that important, I don't care.
I got more important things to do like school & girls.

And like I said, I enjoy arguing with people sometimes, which is why I'm about to go into Law School, so that's why I've replied so much in thisthread.
I get a kick out of it
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i rest my case.
That you're a sucka
Why'd you come back in the thread?
Just to reply to a "troll"?

Get off my nuts

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

you ride for 50?

go to sleep
I got him on speed dial in my iPhone right now.

You want his #?
I could hook you up!!!
TBONE95860 wrote:
Essential1 wrote:
TBone I realize why you are a conservative now. All you have ever known is a nice house and everything handed to you. You don't know struggle. You keep saying my black friends like it proves something. A man shouldn't have to prove he knows another race's pain or struggle by saying "My best friend is black".. I remember you once saying you have been to hoods all the time. When you went there did you go straight into a house or did you look around, talk to the people in that area. Have you been there fixing buildings, helping the young kids there, have you done that? You really don't know anything substantial politically, or otherwise.

You are just so far gone, and so inconsiderate of what real people live through and so blind to the world that everything you have learned must have been from your parent's teachings.
Yeah and you know why I have a nice house & everything handed to me..... because of my HARD WORKING MOM..... my mom was poor.... my mom didn't have anything either, we come from a military family, average middle-income grandparents with 6 kids..... my mom buster her butt to make it in this country, to get where she is today & now she makes 6 figures and is high up at Boeing. So that's somehow my fault that I was so lucky to have a women who was determined as a mom? Please, shove it.
I didn't bring up the black friends thing sucker, someone else did.... I'm not trying to prove anything, you don't even know me. And I have been in hoods, what's your point?
I don't know anything?

What an ignorant comment. Clearly you actually know nothing about me, so keep on ranting about someone you know nothing about. It's really quite comical.

You really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Not once did I fault you for your parents success YOUNG'N. But I am saying you don't know the world of which you speak. Eyes glued shut. Like you knowwhat a hood is. Because you have "visited a hood.. Which I doubt it was a hood probably an in between does not mean you know what it is about. Hoods aremore than the Wire and Jay-Z and according to you moochers off of welfare. It is real people who work just as hard as your mom.

You talk in hypocrisy all the time since when is changing music genre's growing up. That is a childish statement like the music makes the man. The manmakes himself. His music says nothing about who he is. But since you assume so it shows your ignorance and lack of maturity.

Also I do know you. Everyone knows you. Everyone has experienced you in their lives and have interacted with them past a message board. You are the person whothinks he knows everything. Who constantly is in your face saying you are wrong and tries to prove his point by screaming louder than everyone else. The personwho thinks he is right and only his opinion is right. Anything else is ignorant and any other viewpoint is hypocrisy. The person who has been spoonfed falseinformation about the world so much he believes it himself. The person who always tries to act tough always puts on a big front but buckles under the pressure.The one who just thinks he is god's greatest creation to the world, and all others need to bow to him. The one who thinks his ends don't smell. The onewho acts as if he has never made a mistake. The one who gets people to be polite to his face but enjoy when he is not around because all he does is makecondescending remarks, and try to prove he is just Einstein of everything when it is not true. I don't know everything but at least I do not claim to likeyou. Political disagreements aside as a person I will compare you to a cop who abuses his power because he can. Or just a straight up jerk (stronger wordscould/should be used). I wish you well man but you are a joke and not worth the political argument but it is fun to humor myself. Good luck, and instead ofvisiting a hood volunteer there you will get alot out of it.

By the way good luck on the law school but it takes opposing viewpoints to make it in that world after school. If you go in with the holyer than thou viewpointthey will boot your !@% on the street. So learn the art of being humbled quick.
whats the difference between 50's lyrics and the other rap lyrics you condemn?

like you don't do drugs, so why would you be interested in em coming back?

isn't their message just as worst as the average rapper's?

you're honestly too slow to be a lawyer
Originally Posted by Essential1

Not once did I fault you for your parents success YOUNG'N. But I am saying you don't know the world of which you speak. Eyes glued shut. Like you know what a hood is. Because you have "visited a hood.. Which I doubt it was a hood probably an in between does not mean you know what it is about. Hoods are more than the Wire and Jay-Z and according to you moochers off of welfare. It is real people who work just as hard as your mom.

You talk in hypocrisy all the time since when is changing music genre's growing up. That is a childish statement like the music makes the man. The man makes himself. His music says nothing about who he is. But since you assume so it shows your ignorance and lack of maturity.

Also I do know you. Everyone knows you. Everyone has experienced you in their lives and have interacted with them past a message board. You are the person who thinks he knows everything. Who constantly is in your face saying you are wrong and tries to prove his point by screaming louder than everyone else. The person who thinks he is right and only his opinion is right. Anything else is ignorant and any other viewpoint is hypocrisy. The person who has been spoonfed false information about the world so much he believes it himself. The person who always tries to act tough always puts on a big front but buckles under the pressure. The one who just thinks he is god's greatest creation to the world, and all others need to bow to him. The one who thinks his ends don't smell. The one who acts as if he has never made a mistake. The one who gets people to be polite to his face but enjoy when he is not around because all he does is make condescending remarks, and try to prove he is just Einstein of everything when it is not true. I don't know everything but at least I do not claim to like you. Political disagreements aside as a person I will compare you to a cop who abuses his power because he can. Or just a straight up jerk (stronger words could/should be used). I wish you well man but you are a joke and not worth the political argument but it is fun to humor myself. Good luck, and instead of visiting a hood volunteer there you will get alot out of it.
I don't know the world? Right.
I guess having been to 35 out of the 50 states.... or being a history major.... yeah I've learned and seen nothing
Exactly.... you don't even know what hoods I've been to and seen because you don't know me

So how can you speak about what I know and or don't know

@ you knowing me, get out of here
Unfortunately you have no idea who I am and your remarks are completely not true....
But honestly I don't care what you think, so I'm not going to make a case for all of those points you lined out.
Go ahead and have your misconceptions and assumptions.
Honestly I have none about you except for the fact that you're liberal.... besides that I have no idea who you are, so I can't make such remarks aboutyou.... but if you feel you can about me.... fair enough

Maybe someday I'll be fortunate enough to be at a level of power where I'll be able to make a serious difference for the hood, we'll see... onlytime will tell.
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