Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

What's funny to me is that someone like Eminem would even drop a Palin reference in a song. Obama won, so move the f on....oh wait, you can't sellrecords based on success stories, you have to focus on the running mate of the guy who lost the election. For a country that was so eager to move on fromRepublican rule, we sure seem to be dwelling on insignificant things in the past.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Essential1

Not once did I fault you for your parents success YOUNG'N. But I am saying you don't know the world of which you speak. Eyes glued shut. Like you know what a hood is. Because you have "visited a hood.. Which I doubt it was a hood probably an in between does not mean you know what it is about. Hoods are more than the Wire and Jay-Z and according to you moochers off of welfare. It is real people who work just as hard as your mom.

You talk in hypocrisy all the time since when is changing music genre's growing up. That is a childish statement like the music makes the man. The man makes himself. His music says nothing about who he is. But since you assume so it shows your ignorance and lack of maturity.

Also I do know you. Everyone knows you. Everyone has experienced you in their lives and have interacted with them past a message board. You are the person who thinks he knows everything. Who constantly is in your face saying you are wrong and tries to prove his point by screaming louder than everyone else. The person who thinks he is right and only his opinion is right. Anything else is ignorant and any other viewpoint is hypocrisy. The person who has been spoonfed false information about the world so much he believes it himself. The person who always tries to act tough always puts on a big front but buckles under the pressure. The one who just thinks he is god's greatest creation to the world, and all others need to bow to him. The one who thinks his ends don't smell. The one who acts as if he has never made a mistake. The one who gets people to be polite to his face but enjoy when he is not around because all he does is make condescending remarks, and try to prove he is just Einstein of everything when it is not true. I don't know everything but at least I do not claim to like you. Political disagreements aside as a person I will compare you to a cop who abuses his power because he can. Or just a straight up jerk (stronger words could/should be used). I wish you well man but you are a joke and not worth the political argument but it is fun to humor myself. Good luck, and instead of visiting a hood volunteer there you will get alot out of it.
I don't know the world? Right.
I guess having been to 35 out of the 50 states.... or being a history major.... yeah I've learned and seen nothing
Exactly.... you don't even know what hoods I've been to and seen because you don't know me

TBone no matter how many states you've been to, no matter how many "hoods" you've seen, youll NEVER know what it's like togrow up poor or grow up in the hood. You live in your perfect little world, completely oblivious to everything outside of your bubble.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I don't know the world? Right.
I guess having been to 35 out of the 50 states.... or being a history major.... yeah I've learned and seen nothing
Exactly.... you don't even know what hoods I've been to and seen because you don't know me

TBone no matter how many states you've been to, no matter how many "hoods" you've seen, youll NEVER know what it's like to grow up poor or grow up in the hood. You live in your perfect little world, completely oblivious to everything outside of your bubble.
And I'm not ashamed of it and wouldn't want it any other way.
Why would I want to know what it's like to grow up poor or in the hood?
I'm forever indebted and grateful to my parents for having $$$ so I didn't have to grow up in that type of situation and doing what they've donefor me.
I'll hopefully do the exact same thing for my kids.

But to say I'm completely oblivious is a joke. I've traveled and seen more then most people BECAUSE OF money, that's for damn sure.
I do not like O'Reilly's reactionary, antiquated and antediluvian views on rap music (and drugs, civil liberties, immigration and a few more thing).

He still is less horrible than Olbermann, who is a water carrier for the Pelosi-Obama-Geithner syndicate, lies about his educational background (he impliesthat he has an Ivy League degree when he went to an agricultural school near Cornell University. Ironically, O'Reilly actually has those coveted Ivy Leaguecredentials) and hijacks J.S. Bach in his daily "Worse Persons" segment, where he basically gets mad that conservatives even exist.
This is what I don't get about people like you NikeTalker....

Do you know what America is about?
America is about making something out of yourself.
America is about coming from the bottom and making it to the top.
So why hate on rich people?
Why be so angry at people who come from money?

You know people like my family were once poor & worked their butt off to become rich thanks to what America offers.
And I was lucky enough to be born into it.

Shouldn't you want to offer your kid the same thing?

Obviously your answer is yes....

So would you want your kid to be penalized and seen in the same light that you see me just because YOU ARE RICH?????
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying thatup there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need toaddress.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems within the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettosthan a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good oldays"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friendslistened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...
This last page is so funny. Why are you arguing with him? He's a black republican
which is literally a like a jewish nazi
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

i didn't even watch the vid, but the only reason Bill appears to win any argument is because he doesn't even give the other person a chance to rebuttle. the guy's an idiot.

I hate people that argue like that.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying that up there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need to address.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...



Link to said music post with the stories?
Bill is that dude.

Dudes trashing Bill JUST because he's Anti-Hip Hop? Who the hell cares? Aren't there worse things in the world?

I can guarantee that 99% of you who trash Bill NEVER watch his show.

This last page is so funny. Why are you arguing with him? He's a black republican
which is literally a like a jewish nazi

This comment is proof that public education in this country is a TOTAL FAILURE.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican, so did he "sell out"?
This thread is further proof that TBONE is and most likely will forever be FRAUD status. He got torn to shreads in here.

So which are you a fraud or a ignorant

The correct answer for TBONE is both. However, as a community we have to do our best to try and educate him and bring him up tospeed. We simply can't allow him to fall by the waste-side.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Bill is that dude.

Dudes trashing Bill JUST because he's Anti-Hip Hop? Who the hell cares? Aren't there worse things in the world?

I can guarantee that 99% of you who trash Bill NEVER watch his show.

This last page is so funny. Why are you arguing with him? He's a black republican
which is literally a like a jewish nazi

This comment is proof that public education in this country is a TOTAL FAILURE.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican, so did he "sell out"?

1. I went to a private schools all my life except college. 2. The Republican party in the 50s-60s is not the same GOP of today, although I wouldn't expectyou and YOUR failed public education to realize that.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Bill is that dude.

Dudes trashing Bill JUST because he's Anti-Hip Hop? Who the hell cares? Aren't there worse things in the world?

I can guarantee that 99% of you who trash Bill NEVER watch his show.

This last page is so funny. Why are you arguing with him? He's a black republican
which is literally a like a jewish nazi

This comment is proof that public education in this country is a TOTAL FAILURE.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican, so did he "sell out"?

1. I went to a private schools all my life except college. 2. The Republican party in the 50s-60s is not the same GOP of today, although I wouldn't expect you and YOUR failed public education to realize that.

Don't bother, this is the same man who regularly spouts that republicans ended slavery as if the repubs of back then are the same as today. He's toofar gone. Leave him be in his own ignorance.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

TBONE - If you don't care about NT and can do without it sign off and never log back on.

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Bill is that dude.

Dudes trashing Bill JUST because he's Anti-Hip Hop? Who the hell cares? Aren't there worse things in the world?

I can guarantee that 99% of you who trash Bill NEVER watch his show.

This last page is so funny. Why are you arguing with him? He's a black republican
which is literally a like a jewish nazi

This comment is proof that public education in this country is a TOTAL FAILURE.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican, so did he "sell out"?

1. I went to a private schools all my life except college. 2. The Republican party in the 50s-60s is not the same GOP of today, although I wouldn't expect you and YOUR failed public education to realize that.

I didn't go to public school, and I go to a private university right now. I know the GOP of the 50's and 60's are not the same as today, but bothare were and still are considered "racist", so why would you compare the two?

You have no premise comparing those two like that, just makes you look like a fool and ignorant.

God forbid a black man believing in the free market and less Gov't intervention.
damn that was a rack of arguments lol ...

bill is still the man ... his show is entertaining and i guarantee if you just watched it most of you would think so too ... reason being, he is trying to beOVERLY fair recently, not just pigeon holing every guest that comes on who opposes him ... he doesnt even criticize obama for things he shouldnt be criticizedabout, but he does point out the wrongdoings of the current administration ... and o by the way, dude goes IN on bush sometimes lol ...

im listening to his audio book as well ... dude was a weisenheimer
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

This is what I don't get about people like you NikeTalker....

Do you know what America is about?
America is about making something out of yourself.
America is about coming from the bottom and making it to the top.
So why hate on rich people?
Why be so angry at people who come from money?

You know people like my family were once poor & worked their butt off to become rich thanks to what America offers.
And I was lucky enough to be born into it.

Shouldn't you want to offer your kid the same thing?

Obviously your answer is yes....

So would you want your kid to be penalized and seen in the same light that you see me just because YOU ARE RICH?????

Oh I absolutely know what America is about. I grew up poor getting toys and clothes from dumpsters. I bet you don't know what that's like huh? I knowwhat it's like to struggle. I dont care where you've been, how many states or hoods you've visited, you have NO clue what life is like outside yourprefect little life. Don't pretend to know what it's like to be poor because your parents struggled. I applaud them for doing what they've done,but what I hate is when snobby spoiled rich kids like you act like they've done anything to deserve any of that. People on here don't dislike youbecause you have money. It's your damn attitude. You come on here acting like you're better than everybody and you're QUICK to judge and criticizepeople of low income ESPECIALLY minorities. You think you're better than them based on what YOU'RE PARENTS have accomplished, NOT YOU. You're thetype of person who couldn't care any less about anybody below your parent's income bracket. Keep being ignorant posting up all your
at videos ofracist pricks like OReilly and Limbaugh, I could care less. It's just sad that you refuse to open your eyes and choose to remain ignorant.
- i LOVE people like TBONE......

- his views are moronic and he has no problem showing you just how moronic his views are in each and evey post he makes. im surprised it took yall this long tofigure it out. i stopped taking this dude seriously a long time ago.

- but hey, keep doing you TBONE
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I do not like O'Reilly's reactionary, antiquated and antediluvian views on rap music (and drugs, civil liberties, immigration and a few more thing).

He still is less horrible than Olbermann, who is a water carrier for the Pelosi-Obama-Geithner syndicate, lies about his educational background (he implies that he has an Ivy League degree when he went to an agricultural school near Cornell University. Ironically, O'Reilly actually has those coveted Ivy League credentials) and hijacks J.S. Bach in his daily "Worse Persons" segment, where he basically gets mad that conservatives even exist.

hahahaha the funniest statement I have ever heard. Giving TBone a run for his money. He has criticized Obama the past few days. Whether it was soft or not onthe criticism he did. Something Fox News rarely if ever did for Bush.

Also he addressed his Degree on air for a few minutes when Ann Coulter (not Michelle Bachman sorry for the mistake) said he isn't from a certain school. Adegree that from an Agricultural School that says Cornell University at the top. He actually showed it on air

O'Reilly questioned the last administration? OH PLEASE.

Here is the difference between Fox News and MSNBC. Fox News says Fair and Balance. MSNBC says the place for politics. Fox News says they are a balanced. MSNBCwill at least admit they are liberal.

So who is worse a person who lies on who they are or a person who admits who they are? By the way at least MSNBC doesn't have to twist facts 100% to provesomething like Faux news.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying that up there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need to address.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...



Link to said music post with the stories?
It was Ben's thread that ended up with him sharing stories about certain celebrities...

I been listening to rap since1994...

Here's the comment on the "What If" track...just Jadakiss and Nas, not even a chorus from his boy 50...

And I'm not sure if that other dude was addressing me...but I'm not looking to have an argument with TBONE or go back and forth with him. I justremembered him sayin' all this stuff and found it funny how dude flipped the switch. I'm sure he'll end up putting his own spin on it, but I trusty'all see past that by now...
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

This is what I don't get about people like you NikeTalker....

Do you know what America is about?
America is about making something out of yourself.
America is about coming from the bottom and making it to the top.
So why hate on rich people?
Why be so angry at people who come from money?

You know people like my family were once poor & worked their butt off to become rich thanks to what America offers.
And I was lucky enough to be born into it.

Shouldn't you want to offer your kid the same thing?

Obviously your answer is yes....

So would you want your kid to be penalized and seen in the same light that you see me just because YOU ARE RICH?????

Oh I absolutely know what America is about. I grew up poor getting toys and clothes from dumpsters. I bet you don't know what that's like huh? I know what it's like to struggle. I dont care where you've been, how many states or hoods you've visited, you have NO clue what life is like outside your prefect little life. Don't pretend to know what it's like to be poor because your parents struggled. I applaud them for doing what they've done, but what I hate is when snobby spoiled rich kids like you act like they've done anything to deserve any of that. People on here don't dislike you because you have money. It's your damn attitude. You come on here acting like you're better than everybody and you're QUICK to judge and criticize people of low income ESPECIALLY minorities. You think you're better than them based on what YOU'RE PARENTS have accomplished, NOT YOU. You're the type of person who couldn't care any less about anybody below your parent's income bracket. Keep being ignorant posting up all your
at videos of racist pricks like OReilly and Limbaugh, I could care less. It's just sad that you refuse to open your eyes and choose to remain ignorant.

1. You can't take everything he says seriously, he has a tv show and bases it self on ratings.
2. It's Fox News, stop watching.
I'm having difficulties undestanding why most of you pay T-bone any mind?

Its like a 30 year old trying to prove a 12 year old wrong
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