Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

bill's messed....
not a fan of eminem,
just what he says and has said about ANYTHING is
watch bill o'reilly tonight and let me know what he says on his show that is factually incorrect ... dont worry, ill wait ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

watch bill o'reilly tonight and let me know what he says on his show that is factually incorrect ... dont worry, ill wait ...

Factually? That won't happen. It's all about point of views not facts. The facts are normally agreed upon by both sides, rarely do politicians refutethe facts. The conflict lies on how to solve certain issues. Both sides have different solutions. So in that case you fail.
let me get this right

- you dont listen to rap no more unless your mad or in a club

why even go to that type of club if you cant relate to the music because you wont be able to relate to anybody in there thats a phony thing

my question is do you really plan on being a lawyer with that type thinking

lord you going to get alot of people throw in jail
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm convinced Tbone is doing some Stephen Colbert act and is a master of satire. He just can't be like this.

Someone finally noticed


I am actually to some extent

I actually just mess around in most of my threads/posts.... I find it hard to believe people haven't noticed before, I thought it was somewhat obvious

Guess not

This certainly isn't 100% me

Like I said yall don't know me & if you talked to me & hung out with me in person you'd be like

But it's whatever
TBONE you're a cool dude in my book, never mind what these people say. can you put me on some country artists though? I'm only listening to kenny chesney at the moment who is

enphan, HI HATER!

A lot of salty people in this thread....
Yeah because your judge of character is well documented by your name and avi... Rumsfeld
, I could see someone likeing Reagan, but Rumsfeld lol

Use this guy instead. A guy who actually has principle
Rummy is a honorable man, who was ahead of his time. sadly we failed his first by electing our political officials
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying that up there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need to address.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by Executive76

I'm glad Slim Shady is back

Why would anyone be happy this #*%%%* is back?
eminem > your life. i still never understood why people believe their political view/stance allows them to tell others what theyshould/shouldn't do. then again i grew up in sf and i'm obviously the root of all sin...

Bill O'Reilly - a champion of feminism and falafel.

This sexual harrasser should be the last person talking about feminism and all that.
If Eminem would've have done some sort of parody on Reverend Wright and the Obama's, this bamma would've thought it was hilarious...
Bill O'Reilly lying on John Edwards when Edwards was 100% right. Yeah O'Reilly is a 100% truth teller.
Rumsfeld: It Would Be A Short War
Does Not Expect Iraq To Become 'World War III'

Nov. 15, 2002 | by John Esterbrook

(CBS) There will be no World War III starting with Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declared Thursday, and rejected concerns that a war would be aquagmire.

"The idea that it's going to be a long, long, long battle of some kind I think is belied by the fact of what happened in 1990," hesaid on an Infinity Radio call-in program.

He said the U.S. military is stronger than it was during the Persian Gulf War, while Iraq's armed forces are weaker.

"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that," he said. "It won't be a World WarIII."

Meanwhile, two Iraqi state-controlled papers, Al-Thawra and Al-Iraq, condemned the Security Council resolution that Iraq accepted Wednesday, with Al-Thawrasaying it could be the worst motion on Iraq that the world body had ever passed.

The resolution strengthened the mandate of U.N. inspectors charged with searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, giving themunrestricted access to presidential compounds and warning Iraq of "serious consequences" if it obstructs the disarmament process. The United Statesand Britain have said they will attack Iraq if it breaches the resolution.

And, as U.N. weapons inspectors prepare for their return to Iraq, the White House is warning Baghdad not to "play games."

In the words of Deputy Press Secretary Scott McClellan, Saddam Hussein "better not go back to his history of cheat and retreat, and deceive and deny, andplaying rope-a-dope in the desert."

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says inspectors won't be sounding the alarm over the odd Iraqi omission or mistake on forbidden programs-- only if there's a pattern of obstruction and deceit.

But McClellan says the administration's motto is "zero tolerance" -- and whatever the Security Council may decide, President Bush remains free toreact to Iraqi defiance.

On the Infinity Radio call-in program, Rumsfeld sidestepped a question on whether the United States would respond with nuclear weapons if Iraq were to usechemical or biological weapons.

"The United States government, the president and others, are communicating with people in Iraq, in the military, very forcefully that theyought not to use those weapons," Rumsfeld said. "Anyone in any way connected with weapons of mass destruction and their usewill be held accountable, and people who helped avoid that would be advantaged."

The weapons inspectors are to resume their search for illegal caches by Dec. 23 and are to report to the Security Council 60 days after they start looking.Iraq has until Dec. 8 to give a full accounting of all its banned weapons programs as well as programs to develop long-range missiles and remote-controlledaircraft to deliver them.

Rumsfeld also told radio listeners it is impossible Iraq doesnot have weapons of mass destruction. "What it would prove is that the inspections process had been successfully defeated by the Iraqis if theyfind nothing."

The conflict with Iraq is about weapons of mass destruction, Rumsfeld insisted.

"It has nothing to do with oil, literally nothing to do with oil. It has nothing to do with the religion."

Rumsfeld defended the notion of a pre-emptive strike, saying the world has changed since the Sept. 11 attacks. The danger, the defense secretary warned, isthat countries such as Iraq might give terrorist groups weapons of mass destruction, producing imminent threats can't always be seen.

"People say 'Where's the smoking gun?' Well, we don't want to see a smoking gun from a weapon of mass destruction," he said."With a weapon of mass destruction you're not talking about 300 people or 3,000 people being killed, but 30,000 or a hundred thousand."

Rumsfeld said the U.S. military at present is capable "to do the job and finish it fast.

"There is absolutely no need for the present for us to even think about returning to a draft."

The newspaper Al-Iraq defended the government's decision to accept the resolution. Earlier this week, Iraq's parliament, which is packed withpro-government legislators, recommended it be rejected.

"Iraq's acceptance of the resolution is an attempt to save our people from any harm. This is the most important thing," Al-Iraq said Friday.

Al-Thawra, the organ of the ruling Baath party, said the resolution was "ill-intentioned, unjust and bad resolution."

"In fact, it could be the worst resolution ever issued against our country. It represents a breach of the U.N. Charter," the paper said in afront-page editorial.

Infinity and are part of Viacom, Inc.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Rumsfeld: It Would Be A Short War
Does Not Expect Iraq To Become 'World War III'

Nov. 15, 2002 | by John Esterbrook

(CBS) There will be no World War III starting with Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declared Thursday, and rejected concerns that a war would be a quagmire.

"The idea that it's going to be a long, long, long battle of some kind I think is belied by the fact of what happened in 1990," he said on an Infinity Radio call-in program.

He said the U.S. military is stronger than it was during the Persian Gulf War, while Iraq's armed forces are weaker.

"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that," he said. "It won't be a World War III."

Meanwhile, two Iraqi state-controlled papers, Al-Thawra and Al-Iraq, condemned the Security Council resolution that Iraq accepted Wednesday, with Al-Thawra saying it could be the worst motion on Iraq that the world body had ever passed.

The resolution strengthened the mandate of U.N. inspectors charged with searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, giving them unrestricted access to presidential compounds and warning Iraq of "serious consequences" if it obstructs the disarmament process. The United States and Britain have said they will attack Iraq if it breaches the resolution.

And, as U.N. weapons inspectors prepare for their return to Iraq, the White House is warning Baghdad not to "play games."

In the words of Deputy Press Secretary Scott McClellan, Saddam Hussein "better not go back to his history of cheat and retreat, and deceive and deny, and playing rope-a-dope in the desert."

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says inspectors won't be sounding the alarm over the odd Iraqi omission or mistake on forbidden programs -- only if there's a pattern of obstruction and deceit.

But McClellan says the administration's motto is "zero tolerance" -- and whatever the Security Council may decide, President Bush remains free to react to Iraqi defiance.

On the Infinity Radio call-in program, Rumsfeld sidestepped a question on whether the United States would respond with nuclear weapons if Iraq were to use chemical or biological weapons.

"The United States government, the president and others, are communicating with people in Iraq, in the military, very forcefully that they ought not to use those weapons," Rumsfeld said. "Anyone in any way connected with weapons of mass destruction and their use will be held accountable, and people who helped avoid that would be advantaged."

The weapons inspectors are to resume their search for illegal caches by Dec. 23 and are to report to the Security Council 60 days after they start looking. Iraq has until Dec. 8 to give a full accounting of all its banned weapons programs as well as programs to develop long-range missiles and remote-controlled aircraft to deliver them.

Rumsfeld also told radio listeners it is impossible Iraq does not have weapons of mass destruction. "What it would prove is that the inspections process had been successfully defeated by the Iraqis if they find nothing."

The conflict with Iraq is about weapons of mass destruction, Rumsfeld insisted.

"It has nothing to do with oil, literally nothing to do with oil. It has nothing to do with the religion."

Rumsfeld defended the notion of a pre-emptive strike, saying the world has changed since the Sept. 11 attacks. The danger, the defense secretary warned, is that countries such as Iraq might give terrorist groups weapons of mass destruction, producing imminent threats can't always be seen.

"People say 'Where's the smoking gun?' Well, we don't want to see a smoking gun from a weapon of mass destruction," he said. "With a weapon of mass destruction you're not talking about 300 people or 3,000 people being killed, but 30,000 or a hundred thousand."

Rumsfeld said the U.S. military at present is capable "to do the job and finish it fast.

"There is absolutely no need for the present for us to even think about returning to a draft."

The newspaper Al-Iraq defended the government's decision to accept the resolution. Earlier this week, Iraq's parliament, which is packed with pro-government legislators, recommended it be rejected.

"Iraq's acceptance of the resolution is an attempt to save our people from any harm. This is the most important thing," Al-Iraq said Friday.

Al-Thawra, the organ of the ruling Baath party, said the resolution was "ill-intentioned, unjust and bad resolution."

"In fact, it could be the worst resolution ever issued against our country. It represents a breach of the U.N. Charter," the paper said in a front-page editorial.

Infinity and are part of Viacom, Inc.
shame on you for attempting to character assassin this man. he has given many years to his country and for that, we should salute him.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

shame on you for attempting to character assassin this man. he has given many years to his country and for that, we should salute him.
Erroneous means based on or containing an error, to be mistaken, wrong, incorrect or inaccurate; to stray from what is considered moral, decent, proper, etc.

Benedict Arnold also served the country for a period of time...

Lol at direct quotes from the man being inaccurate. Bigger LOL at being a character assassin by using the man's words.. Man you are an idiot.
Originally Posted by EvansST

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying that up there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need to address.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...
Good lord.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by CWrite78

you do care. look at how many times you've posted in such a pointless troll thread. you're either a sad attention craving individual.. or just a pathetic troll. either way, let it go.

Actually I don't.
I could easily never sign on NT again & could care less.
I actually didnt sign on NT for over a month not too long ago. Only reason I came back was for the Yankees

NT isn't that important, I don't care.
I got more important things to do like school & girls.

And like I said, I enjoy arguing with people sometimes, which is why I'm about to go into Law School, so that's why I've replied so much in this thread.
I get a kick out of it

Who are you trying to fool? Dude has over 10,000 post and is trying to convince people he has a life. You obviously come here trying to make friends with yourlies. Now you get caught up in your %*+!%@$ trap and you cant play it off. You are a malcontent who has nothing better to do with your life than argue oversenseless issues. Go ahead and listen to 50 he's just aiming for fake white kids like you to buy all his cd's.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Erroneous means based on or containing an error, to be mistaken, wrong, incorrect or inaccurate; to stray from what is considered moral, decent, proper, etc.

Benedict Arnold also served the country for a period of time...

Lol at direct quotes from the man being inaccurate. Bigger LOL at being a character assassin by using the man's words.. Man you are an idiot.
idc what you say, he will always be a hero to me. he was a honest man trying to do the best thing for this country, and sadly Washington politicsruined it. he's just misunderstood
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