Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

This dude TBONE is one funny fella. He comes in this thread talking bout he's better and all that nonsense and he tries to defend himself by saying that hecan stop coming here and he could care less and blah blah blah. But the sad thing is that he keeps coming back to this damn thread, I mean damn son if NT isnot that important to you why are you coming back all the damn time?
Originally Posted by gangtsa

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by CWrite78

you do care. look at how many times you've posted in such a pointless troll thread. you're either a sad attention craving individual.. or just a pathetic troll. either way, let it go.

Actually I don't.
I could easily never sign on NT again & could care less.
I actually didnt sign on NT for over a month not too long ago. Only reason I came back was for the Yankees

NT isn't that important, I don't care.
I got more important things to do like school & girls.

And like I said, I enjoy arguing with people sometimes, which is why I'm about to go into Law School, so that's why I've replied so much in this thread.
I get a kick out of it
Who are you trying to fool? Dude has over 10,000 post and is trying to convince people he has a life. You obviously come here trying to make friends with your lies. Now you get caught up in your %*+!%@$ trap and you cant play it off. You are a malcontent who has nothing better to do with your life than argue over senseless issues. Go ahead and listen to 50 he's just aiming for fake white kids like you to buy all his cd's.
Right I have no life

Mkae friends???
$*! are you talking about? I could give a **+$ about anyone on NT
What trap? There is no trap

Fake white kids? What are you even talking about?

I've never once bought an Eminem CD, get off my nut sack
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

This dude TBONE is one funny fella. He comes in this thread talking bout he's better and all that nonsense and he tries to defend himself by saying that he can stop coming here and he could care less and blah blah blah. But the sad thing is that he keeps coming back to this damn thread, I mean damn son if NT is not that important to you why are you coming back all the damn time?
I was trying to defend myself by saying that I can stop coming here???
Why not come back?
And I could care less.... this whole thread was just pure entertainment anyway
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by EvansST

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid

Little did you know how much you !#@%@+ up by saying that up there...

I'm glad I ran through the pages and seen visualmusiC's post...that's one thing I don't need to address.

To put it mildly, you're a phony...

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment

...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.

Lie #1.

Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.

Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...
Good lord.


What's funny is not ONE of those 3 things are lies


Originally Posted by Shun Goku Satsu

let me get this right
- you dont listen to rap no more unless your mad or in a club
why even go to that type of club if you cant relate to the music because you wont be able to relate to anybody in there thats a phony thing
What do you mean why go to clubs???
I've NEVER gone to clubs for the MUSIC..... if you go to clubs for music then
@ you

You go to clubs for GIRLS

And what are you talking about I won't be able to relate to anyone in there?
I don't go to hood black clubs.
Clubs I go to mostly all white people.... some asians, a few black people, a few hispanics
so many things wrong with his arguement....

lowest form of entertainment?...i think strip clubs are a little more degrading
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Shun Goku Satsu

let me get this right
- you dont listen to rap no more unless your mad or in a club
why even go to that type of club if you cant relate to the music because you wont be able to relate to anybody in there thats a phony thing
What do you mean why go to clubs???
I've NEVER gone to clubs for the MUSIC..... if you go to clubs for music then
@ you

You go to clubs for GIRLS

And what are you talking about I won't be able to relate to anyone in there?
I don't go to hood black clubs.
Clubs I go to mostly all white people.... some asians, a few black people, a few hispanics

TBONE just give it up.

I don't give a damn about race whenever I go to a club or party. As long as there are plenty of girls and a good variety of music played, I'm all set.
By responding to TBONE you're only fueling him. I think he likes to argue with others and to have people hate him, a characteristic some people have whichI have yet to understand. I think you guys should just ignore him, it's not difficuilt.
And you're acting like I care

I just like arguing mostly
I like being right and proving my point
I'm about to go into Law School.....
I actually find entertainment and enjoyment in arguing

Nothing worse than someone who tries to play it off as if it doesn't matter to them when they reply and defend themselves (and think they arealways right) in almost every other response in this thread.

The more you respond the more you make yourself look like a clown.

Let me guess...."I don't care, blah blah I'm a grown man because I own 15 country music CD's".
Damn I'm not one of those who always hate on TBONE but gatdamn. You still had the nerve to continue posting after DSK just exposed you like that?
He just straight pulled your card and you with it
OK here is what I would like to the video O'Reily talks about some incident in the past where he got into trouble for some comment he madeconcerning women and then goes on to say, essentially, how come Eminem can do it with Sarah Palin, and not get in trouble? So if I am understanding thiscorrectly Bill O'Reily, a supposed professional news journalist and tv show host, wants to be able to say the same kind of nonsense that a rapper does, andbe taken seriously? Can anyone say apples and oranges? What I would like to know is if this guy can even sit down and watch one of his own shows withoutrolling his own eyes and laughing at the nonsense he spews?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Damn I'm not one of those who always hate on TBONE but gatdamn. You still had the nerve to continue posting after DSK just exposed you like that?
He just straight pulled your card and you with it

It's a bit odd, he somehow still thinks he's right.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Damn I'm not one of those who always hate on TBONE but gatdamn. You still had the nerve to continue posting after DSK just exposed you like that?
He just straight pulled your card and you with it

dude got murdered
lookin' at his post history and all
tbone ... wow man, just wow.

for those who say hes unbiased, thats ignorant.

CSPAN is unbiased ... CNN/MSN/FOX all make money, and thus have an agenda, and because of that skew to their coverage.

if you want news, i dont suggest you get it through a cable.

Willy O is a flaccid +#$$, K. Olb spends most of his days trynna get Willy O up ... its a weird homoerotic relationship.

the reason ppl dont like palin is not because of the media, she was a half as smart as bush and had ****, thats why ppl dont respect her. no offense but itsharder for women to earn that level of respect., ESPECIALLY the way she carried herself she wanted no part of the game that clinton had to play to get whereshe was which was to abandon her femininity, palin acted as if it was a high school SGA election. and not being able to say i dont read newspapers opposed totrynna evade the question would have been much more acceptable. she started complaining about the media picking her apart, which WOULDNT have happened had shespoken to the media, it wasnt bias but when force the hand of the story tellers $!%*+ not gonna go your way, regardless of political affiliation.

left to their own devices, the media will make up stories to fill time, and thats what she did, she was unprepared and because of that she didnt hold pressconferences ... so with a essential no name running as VP, the american ppl need to know what the %%#! is up. its her own fault really.

palin was a stupid choice by the republicans, who werent interested in winning apparently ... i feel for mccain cuz i coulda guaranteed lieberman was gonna beon the ticket, they would have had a MUCH better chance of staving off the obama train.

as far as eminem and rap, well i like rap, more so than most ppl but will agree that most of it these days is just to make money, theres very little"art" coming from the genre. happens when you take instruments out of music ...

the reason people dislike orielly is that hes dismissive ... which is an insult to a persons intellect. and as far as i can tell thats how his demographicwould like to operate, if you disagree, your opinion is invalid, so were gonna keep it moving, and im not saying the other half isnt the same way, cuz theyarent, they use different tactics to the same effect. really i cant stand someone telling me what to think ... i try to avoid TV all together ... sports forthe win.

espn is up there with fox in my book too ... %%#! ed werder.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap FTL anyways.... youngsters listening to this trash

Don't get me wrong, I once used to listen to rap all the time.... but I grew out of that stage.... the messages & lyrics of these songs are just terrible & stupid
You sir, are the biggest hypocrite
. Just a few months you was jocking the Aftermath team and how much you Love 50 and blah blah blah. Now your against rap? !*+@ out of here
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

You've been on 50's tip a lot lately TBONE.
50 my favorite rapper ever and always will be.
So yes I ride with Fifty.
Especially since I hate a lot of these terrible new dudes like Kanye & Wayne
Just terrible.

Plus Eminem coming back =

And Dr. Dre CD & his producing =

I just bought the new Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean, and Keith Urban CD
and Jason Aldean concert tickets
That's country for people that don't know
I've grown up

To anyone that does know, that isn't country dude. You can't say you've grown up and list those three as albums you justbought.

Deny it all you want, but hip hop has a lot more in common with true country music than yours does.
Originally Posted by gangtsa

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by CWrite78

you do care. look at how many times you've posted in such a pointless troll thread. you're either a sad attention craving individual.. or just a pathetic troll. either way, let it go.

Actually I don't.
I could easily never sign on NT again & could care less.
I actually didnt sign on NT for over a month not too long ago. Only reason I came back was for the Yankees

NT isn't that important, I don't care.
I got more important things to do like school & girls.

And like I said, I enjoy arguing with people sometimes, which is why I'm about to go into Law School, so that's why I've replied so much in this thread.
I get a kick out of it

Who are you trying to fool? Dude has over 10,000 post and is trying to convince people he has a life. You obviously come here trying to make friends with your lies. Now you get caught up in your %*+!%@$ trap and you cant play it off. You are a malcontent who has nothing better to do with your life than argue over senseless issues. Go ahead and listen to 50 he's just aiming for fake white kids like you to buy all his cd's.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

To anyone that does know, that isn't country dude. You can't say you've grown up and list those three as albums you just bought.
In Johnny Cash's autobiography, he said something to that effect.
Originally Posted by oXo yzarc oXo

CSPAN is unbiased
Very true.
I could easily never sign on NT again & could care less.
I actually didnt sign on NT for over a month not too long ago. Only reason I came back was for the Yankees


try signing out of life.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Shun Goku Satsu

let me get this right
- you dont listen to rap no more unless your mad or in a club
why even go to that type of club if you cant relate to the music because you wont be able to relate to anybody in there thats a phony thing
What do you mean why go to clubs???
I've NEVER gone to clubs for the MUSIC..... if you go to clubs for music then
@ you

You go to clubs for GIRLS

And what are you talking about I won't be able to relate to anyone in there?
I don't go to hood black clubs.
Clubs I go to mostly all white people.... some asians, a few black people, a few hispanics
you just keep putting that foot up your mouth huh? if you still going to clubs for females alone then your no different then your avg teenager.

the fact that you still go to clubs just supports that.

all of the mature friends i know dont go to clubs they go to lounges and its not just for the females its to chill have a good time and vibe with the music

and just so you know theres girls all over the world no need to go to the club to find the local hood rats or wat ever there called in your area

and i said you wont relate because out of all the clubs ive been too(and ive been to many) ive never heard country music in none of them(hip hop, r&b,slowjams are the main ones)a lounges? yes. a club? never

and dont come with that i only been to hood clubs because thats not the case

and can you explain to me what a "hood black club" is?
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