Bill O'Reily using Eminem to discuss feminism and difference in left/right actioi/reaction to it

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

So TBONE is a "changed, matured" man who doesn't listen to that evil rap music unless
TBONE95860 wrote:
I said there are two EXCEPTIONS of when I do listen to rap.... did you not read the responses and all the other pages???
I said I don't like rap.... I don't like its lyrics, etc etc.... that I love country now.... and that the only 2 exceptions that I'll throw in my 50 CD is when I'm either 1.
or 2. Getting hyped for the club.... otherwise I have no reason to listen to rap for any enjoyment
...but 8 days ago you said this in the Music Forum:
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

What If is

For those who don't know, "What If" is a track by Jadakiss ft. Nas (no 50 Cent
). Jadakiss and Nas are evil rappers who Bill O'Reilly has had problems with in the past, but I'm sure TBONE knows that.
Lie #1.
Then we have this gem...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rap is garbage.... only reason I ever liked it was because it was all i knew because all my friends listened to it.... I grew up with black friends, Asian friends, etc.... no really white friends who listened to country. Plus the 90's and today are dominated by hip-hop culture.
Once i listened to country on my own.... now I LOVE it.
I never knew country was this good. I'd only heard it here & there but never given it a chance.

Rap's lyrics are terrible.... and I can't relate to any of it...... I'm white, not black.... I'm not from the hood, I live in a $800,000 house... I dont view women the way these raps songs do.... I've never done a drug in my life.... I've never broken the law, etc etc etc
I just liked the beats.
But in a thread where someone called you out, your response was...
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

I wanna hear any Curtis Jackson stories that you got

No hate, but I swear you are the cookie cutter white, Republican dude ALL THE TIME. This dude is telling stories about legends like Pac, Dre and Suge and you ask about 50? I don't know why I find that funny, but it just seems like something you'd ask.

I been listening to rap since 1994, longer then a lot of people on NT.... I remember the good ol days!!
I do definitely enjoy the Pac, Dre, Suge stories! But he's already been telling some.... so I want to hear about 50!

50 my favorite rapper ever, that's why I asked. I like him better then Pac, better then Biggie, better then new dudes like Wayne

Oh and for the cookie cutter white comment.... I'd put $ on me having spent more time in ghettos & in the hood then a lot of NTers. People just make assumptions cuz I'm a white boy
So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.
Yet, as you said yourself, you can't relate to ANY of this. I wonder why...

Lie #2

As y'all can also see by that post, TBONE was not just a rap fan...but dude was a true hip hop head (
). Been listening to rap since 1994 and he remembers the "good ol days"...

So what happened? How'd you go from that to now claiming you just liked the beats and only listened because your friends listened to it...?

Big difference there, champ.

Lie #3

Cut the act and get your $%*% embarrasing yourself.
And you wanna be a lawyer...


1. Yes I go to hiphopdx every once in a while to see what's hot........ like I said if I'm getting ready for a club, I put on some rapmusic while I'm getting ready to go out..... that's the only purpose this terrible music has

So back then (this post was made less than 2 months ago) you had spent more time in hoods & ghettos than a lot of NT'ers. You had an understanding of what was poppin' in the hood.
Yup.... and I stand by that statement.... what's your point?
Just because I've spent time in the hood doesn't mean I can relate to the terrible lyrics...... but trust me there are way more fraudlent NTers thathave actually never seen in a hood in their life.

And yes I USED to listen to rap..... like I said people change

And no there isn't a "BIG DIFFERENCE CHAMP"

It's called changing what I like....... it happens.

Cut the act?

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This thread is further proof that TBONE is and most likely will forever be FRAUD status. He got torn to shreads in here.
So which are you a fraud or a ignorant
The correct answer for TBONE is both. However, as a community we have to do our best to try and educate him and bring him up to speed. We simply can't allow him to fall by the waste-side.

Yall are so stupid it's not even funny.
Unfortunately you just can't see it, which is sad.
Liberals always just seeing what they want to see, what's new.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

This is what I don't get about people like you NikeTalker....

Do you know what America is about?
America is about making something out of yourself.
America is about coming from the bottom and making it to the top.
So why hate on rich people?
Why be so angry at people who come from money?

You know people like my family were once poor & worked their butt off to become rich thanks to what America offers.
And I was lucky enough to be born into it.

Shouldn't you want to offer your kid the same thing?

Obviously your answer is yes....

So would you want your kid to be penalized and seen in the same light that you see me just because YOU ARE RICH?????

Oh I absolutely know what America is about. I grew up poor getting toys and clothes from dumpsters. I bet you don't know what that's like huh? I know what it's like to struggle. I dont care where you've been, how many states or hoods you've visited, you have NO clue what life is like outside your prefect little life. Don't pretend to know what it's like to be poor because your parents struggled. I applaud them for doing what they've done, but what I hate is when snobby spoiled rich kids like you act like they've done anything to deserve any of that. People on here don't dislike you because you have money. It's your damn attitude. You come on here acting like you're better than everybody and you're QUICK to judge and criticize people of low income ESPECIALLY minorities. You think you're better than them based on what YOU'RE PARENTS have accomplished, NOT YOU. You're the type of person who couldn't care any less about anybody below your parent's income bracket. Keep being ignorant posting up all your
at videos of racist pricks like OReilly and Limbaugh, I could care less. It's just sad that you refuse to open your eyes and choose to remain ignorant.
Why would I want to know what it's like to get clothes and toys out of a dumpster?
Like that makes you better then me that you have or something......
You clearly don't know me, I'll leave it at that

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- i LOVE people like TBONE......

- his views are moronic and he has no problem showing you just how moronic his views are in each and evey post he makes. im surprised it took yall this long to figure it out. i stopped taking this dude seriously a long time ago.

- but hey, keep doing you TBONE

StaXX wrote:
This guy TBONE took a beating in here..

If you have the same view, mindset, etc as all these other people then sure

Originally Posted by solesavage

I'm having difficulties undestanding why most of you pay T-bone any mind?

Its like a 30 year old trying to prove a 12 year old wrong
Except for the fact I'm not wrong..... it's impossible for me to BE WRONG..... since it's my OWN personal choice as towhat type of music I like, when I listen to it.... and when I switched to listening to country & stopped listening to rap.

Yet they're claiming they're winning by bringing up some old posts

Funny how people who aren't from the hood brag about kicking it there but anyone who's from hood would do anything to get the hell out. Plus ifyou've visited a real hood you'd be scared as %+%*. Compton at night =scary.

Visiting the hood doesn't give you any idea of what it's like to live in the hood. Only good thing about the hood is you feel close to you'reneighbors and the people around you and you appreciate %@## a lot more.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

found it funny how dude flipped the switch.
Which I have.... what's your point?
I don't listen to rap music any more, hardly at all except for the 2 circumstances already outlined.
I just listen to country music in my car, iPhone, at home on the computer.... everywhere.
I changed.

End of story.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Funny how people who aren't from the hood brag about kicking it there but anyone who's from hood would do anything to get the hell out. Plus if you've visited a real hood you'd be scared as %+%*. Compton at night =scary.
Visiting the hood doesn't give you any idea of what it's like to live in the hood. Only good thing about the hood is you feel close to you're neighbors and the people around you and you appreciate %@## a lot more.
I'm not "bragging" about it..... simply stating that I've been there numerous times so I do know how it me I know lots of white boys from my RICH area who have never stepped foot anywhere near a ghetto area. Meanwhile I was the only white guy on an allblack basketball team IN the hood. So it's giving me life perspective.
I wouldn't claim to say I know what it's like to LIVE in the hood but I do know how things go in the hood.... I've had 14 year old kids with gunson my team..... had kids get arrested etc etc

People just misinterpret why I bring it up because they're like a white guy bringing up going to the hood or having black friends again

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

(feels peer pressured)

i don't know why y'all argue with t bone...

I asked this about 4 pages back too.

Be easy fellow NTers, Tbone's not worth the hike in blood pressure. Get some fresh air, and enjoy your Thursday.

For the record, if i ever run into someone like Tbone in real life, I'd lose it, word to Eminem.
the my closest friends are black argument again and I hang out with black people argument. Sound choices.

How bout you use the I help fix their buildings, I help get their kids to do there homework, I help get them on the right path, I see the injustices in frontof my face, I try to argue on their behalf. Try that and maybe you would get it

Playing on a basketball team with black kids doesn't prove you know them.. If that were the case consider me MLK.
Originally Posted by Essential1

the my closest friends are black argument again and I hang out with black people argument. Sound choices.

How bout you use the I help fix their buildings, I help get their kids to do there homework, I help get them on the right path, I see the injustices in front of my face, I try to argue on their behalf. Try that and maybe you would get it

Playing on a basketball team with black kids doesn't prove you know them.. If that were the case consider me MLK.
Well some of my favorite actors are black!

That should count for something too... right Tbone?
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

(feels peer pressured)

i don't know why y'all argue with t bone...

I asked this about 4 pages back too.
Be easy fellow NTers, Tbone's not worth the hike in blood pressure. Get some fresh air, and enjoy your Thursday.

For the record, if i ever run into someone like Tbone in real life, I'd lose it, word to Eminem.
Except for the fact you wouldn't knowit was me...... I'm a funny dude in real life, hella chill, really nice

MOST NTers after hanging out with me for a few hours & then telling them my NT name would be like
Originally Posted by Essential1

the my closest friends are black argument again and I hang out with black people argument. Sound choices.

How bout you use the I help fix their buildings, I help get their kids to do there homework, I help get them on the right path, I see the injustices in front of my face, I try to argue on their behalf. Try that and maybe you would get it

Playing on a basketball team with black kids doesn't prove you know them.. If that were the case consider me MLK.
This comment is such BS it's not even funny.
Since it happens to be true you have to come back with such a weak argument like this.
How does it not prove I know them? So I don't know my best friends or people I'm friends with? Huh?

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm convinced Tbone is doing some Stephen Colbert act and is a master of satire. He just can't be like this.

Someone finally noticed


I am actually to some extent

I actually just mess around in most of my threads/posts.... I find it hard to believe people haven't noticed before, I thought it was somewhat obvious

Guess not

This certainly isn't 100% me

Like I said yall don't know me & if you talked to me & hung out with me in person you'd be like

But it's whatever
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm convinced Tbone is doing some Stephen Colbert act and is a master of satire. He just can't be like this.

Someone finally noticed


I am actually to some extent

I actually just mess around in most of my threads/posts.... I find it hard to believe people haven't noticed before, I thought it was somewhat obvious

Guess not

This certainly isn't 100% me

Like I said yall don't know me & if you talked to me & hung out with me in person you'd be like

But it's whatever

So this was all a joke? Thank god. I was thinking you seriously needed help
Yall are so stupid it's not even funny.
Unfortunately you just can't see it, which is sad.
Liberals always just seeing what they want to see, what's new

You throw around the word liberal like it's a bad thing. I can tell when a person like you starts losing an argument or a debate cause your quick to callsomeone a liberal, when in fact I have never stated if I'm a liberal or not. You need to stop getting your talking points from Bill O'Reily and otherFRAUDS like him cause clearly their failed initiatives are now becoming yours. If you haven't noticed already you clearly have taken a beating in thisthread and will continue to do so the more you post. If you enjoy being on the losing end of certain matters then by all means continue to express yourself inthis thread. Just know that the rest of us are laughing at you and not in a good way champ.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

So this was all a joke? Thank god. I was thinking you seriously needed help
No, it's're a fool if you think this was all a ruse.

Son is attempting damage control...not surprising.

Like I said before, I'm not gonna bother arguing with someone who's clearly ignorant...
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I'm sure he'll end up putting his own spin on it, but I trust y'all see past that by now...
Too predictable. A typical TBone spin job.

See you in the Yankee threads this season.

Yall are so stupid it's not even funny.
Unfortunately you just can't see it, which is sad.
Liberals always just seeing what they want to see, what's new

As opposed to conservatives who tell the truth 100% of the time. Yeah liberals are the reason we are doing terribly right now.. Twist the factsand then say someone else is. That is good lawyer technique but you did it in such a clear and obvious way it failed miserably. Hence the point of being alawyer is to win the case.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm convinced Tbone is doing some Stephen Colbert act and is a master of satire. He just can't be like this.

Someone finally noticed


I am actually to some extent

I actually just mess around in most of my threads/posts.... I find it hard to believe people haven't noticed before, I thought it was somewhat obvious

Guess not

This certainly isn't 100% me

Like I said yall don't know me & if you talked to me & hung out with me in person you'd be like

But it's whatever
TBONE you're a cool dude in my book, never mind what these people say. can you put me on some country artists though? I'm only listeningto kenny chesney at the moment who is

enphan, HI HATER!

A lot of salty people in this thread....
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

I'm convinced Tbone is doing some Stephen Colbert act and is a master of satire. He just can't be like this.

Someone finally noticed


I am actually to some extent

I actually just mess around in most of my threads/posts.... I find it hard to believe people haven't noticed before, I thought it was somewhat obvious

Guess not

This certainly isn't 100% me

Like I said yall don't know me & if you talked to me & hung out with me in person you'd be like

But it's whatever
TBONE you're a cool dude in my book, never mind what these people say. can you put me on some country artists though? I'm only listening to kenny chesney at the moment who is

enphan, HI HATER!

A lot of salty people in this thread....
Yeah because your judge of character is well documented by your name and avi... Rumsfeld
, I could see someone likeing Reagan, but Rumsfeld lol

Use this guy instead. A guy who actually has principle
Bill has obviously constructed an alternate reality where is distorted ideas are indeed true, and those of you who believe it must be deluding yourselves aswell. you know who you are
and for the record I hate both sides but for very different reasons.
I used to be into O'Reilly, but dude is a straight up conservative. He claims to be a moderate, but that falls by the wayside all the time when he quicklyjumps on the conservative side. He rarely, if ever, takes the liberal approach.
At the end of the day this whole argument is not going to matter..TBONE will stick by his opinion and you all will stick by yours.
If he thinks rap music is trash,Who cares? I wont
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