Beyonce's New GQ Cover

yo come on NT, seriously.  are y'all seriously hating on bey bey's HANDWRITING?!  jesus christ 
  priorities is are wayyyy outta whack in this thread.
Bey looks and body>>> ri
Ri swag and sex appeal>>> Bey

I agree....I'd wife Beyonce though, Ri I don't think can sustain a stable relationship, but you know she's a freak :evil:

Only thing I'll say is her songs aren't all that to me but she has an ARMY so I know I'm in the minority on that :lol:

And dudes criticizing handwriting :rofl: 98% of the males I know write with 3rd grade chicken-scratch...please stop.
A bad smile and sloppy penmanship are absolute dealbreakers for me.

Jay should kick her to the curb

This has to be a joke, she couldn't type this up at least? And who got hold of the letter from the President, did Obama post this online to make fun of Beyonce? This has hoax written all over it.

While it might be fake.
In all fairness, handwritten letters are seen as much more genuine and personal than typed.


I'm seeing this letter for the first time, but based on this letter and the comments on here about it...where exactly are the misspellings and ignorance/stupidity that would lead you to think she's a low-IQ having ******? Cause I'm not getting that from this :lol:

I'm seeing this letter for the first time, but based on this letter and the comments on here about it...where exactly are the misspellings and ignorance/stupidity that would lead you to think she's a low-IQ having ******? Cause I'm not getting that from this :lol:

Its cause she did this

"NT is WheRe of LaMes ReSide"

The one of her in the black tee should have been the cover.
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Bey has her moments when she looks damn near perfect
but Rihanna is highly overrated...... and i mean HIGHLY
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