Basketball Thread About Nothing

I know guys that hoop at 6am. I just can’t do it man. I have done it a couple times but I hate it. Mid day or evening for me.
After about 2 weeks of doing, it for 2-4 days, got used to it. Glad I did, because it was the only legit run for a while. We were doing best out of 7 games between 5:40am to 7am. All games to 15, 1's and 2's. Either that or go to the gym in the evening with the younger crowd where a game to 15 may last 45 minutes. Once I realized that, I just switched around and worked out in the evening.
the great thing about a morning run is it is usually folk that have somewhere to be so the games are usually smoother but you almost have to be more deliberate/diligent about warming up…hops was my preferred mode of cardio but since switching to morning workouts it’s less chance to get a run together with the morning shift and the evenings are so crowded…so i just ended up sticking to mornings & repping a progression of a move, then a counter, with another counter or variation…my game instincts are so trash right now 😂
^ Skipped to like 4 minutes in and its 1's and it's hack-a-billy :lol: sheesh what is even the point
Yea they’re playing for 10 racks, I’d be out there lookin like

I know guys that hoop at 6am. I just can’t do it man. I have done it a couple times but I hate it. Mid day or evening for me.

I actually play Sunday mornings at 8am and I prefer that to the 8:30/9pm during the weeknights. I definitely feel like I play better that day though. Maybe it just feels good to get runs in to start your day?
I actually play Sunday mornings at 8am and I prefer that to the 8:30/9pm during the weeknights. I definitely feel like I play better that day though. Maybe it just feels good to get runs in to start your day?

well in a game where height is factor, that you’re ever so slightly taller in the morning might help 😂
After about 2 weeks of doing, it for 2-4 days, got used to it. Glad I did, because it was the only legit run for a while. We were doing best out of 7 games between 5:40am to 7am. All games to 15, 1's and 2's. Either that or go to the gym in the evening with the younger crowd where a game to 15 may last 45 minutes. Once I realized that, I just switched around and worked out in the evening.
Morning run group >>> Evening run (Kids arguing, overdribbling, 45 min games, trash left all around the court) yeah im old lol was doing the morning thing for a min. first these dudes at Health and Racquet seen me one evening and invited me to the 630 am run. Half court in a sweat box, brutal. took weeks to get totally used to it. dudes less athletic than i WAS and older were killing my power meter with every screen and pick in that small space. had a different respect for those dudes. fast foward the 6am run at LA fitness was great too. super efficient games then off to work. by the weekends (AM only, them afternoon youngins smh) those games were a breeze and im talking late 30s lol
I'm actually cool with this, a lot of nice moves. These kids got game. And it's definitely much better than all those back and forth half court shootout vids.

kids that actually play today are so much more skilled, it’s impossible to make any judgement based on highlights but it’s interesting how little off ball movement there was…basically isos & lots of standing and watching but no way to put that observation into context especially as they’re so young
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