At some point you have to stop blaming females and realize that you might be unattractive...


Be irrationally self-confident
No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more cooter than rational defeatism.

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Originally Posted by mrkane


Be irrationally self-confident
No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more cooter than rational defeatism.

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"Never allow yourself to be a “kept man
Originally Posted by mrkane


Be irrationally self-confident
No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more cooter than rational defeatism.

more at this site
"Never allow yourself to be a “kept man
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

5 pages of theory and speculation. The game is so incredibly simple. Everything is timing and that's simply it. Swag,money looks etc are all thrown out the window if you strike at the right time. On the other side of the coin those could be just the things she is looking for at the time. Too much time and energy is spent trying to figure each other out when its never gonna happen and you need to just breath and stop sweating it.
exactly what I'm trying to say. You might end up being her rebound but would it matter?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

5 pages of theory and speculation. The game is so incredibly simple. Everything is timing and that's simply it. Swag,money looks etc are all thrown out the window if you strike at the right time. On the other side of the coin those could be just the things she is looking for at the time. Too much time and energy is spent trying to figure each other out when its never gonna happen and you need to just breath and stop sweating it.
exactly what I'm trying to say. You might end up being her rebound but would it matter?
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

This thread is the reason why a lot of you can't find a girl 

To much thinking .. your too in your head 

Look your best, dress nice, groom yourself well and approach a girl with confidence and thats all it takes 

We all can't  be tall,very handsome , rich etc and all that stuff does help but jut because you don't have it don't mean you can't get a girl it just means you have to use a  different route 

And another thing i notice with dudes that have trouble getting girls is they don't try ....

How do you expect to get a girl if you don't even walk up to one and introduce yourself and If you don't go to places with girls 

Sitting at home on NT all day, playing video games and fapping obsessively isn't going to help you 

The only difference between a alpha male and a beta male is fear

I alpha male will go up to a girl and try to bag her but a beta won't 


 (my man speaks truth tho)
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

This thread is the reason why a lot of you can't find a girl 

To much thinking .. your too in your head 

Look your best, dress nice, groom yourself well and approach a girl with confidence and thats all it takes 

We all can't  be tall,very handsome , rich etc and all that stuff does help but jut because you don't have it don't mean you can't get a girl it just means you have to use a  different route 

And another thing i notice with dudes that have trouble getting girls is they don't try ....

How do you expect to get a girl if you don't even walk up to one and introduce yourself and If you don't go to places with girls 

Sitting at home on NT all day, playing video games and fapping obsessively isn't going to help you 

The only difference between a alpha male and a beta male is fear

I alpha male will go up to a girl and try to bag her but a beta won't 


 (my man speaks truth tho)
Girls bag me, example last night true story, I'm at McDonald's with my boy at the drive thru, get our food and leave, when I get home in my bag on a napkin Shorty from the drive thru writes down her name and # and says "for the light skin one, call me."

OP might just be right, attractiveness counts for something.
Girls bag me, example last night true story, I'm at McDonald's with my boy at the drive thru, get our food and leave, when I get home in my bag on a napkin Shorty from the drive thru writes down her name and # and says "for the light skin one, call me."

OP might just be right, attractiveness counts for something.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

This thread is the reason why a lot of you can't find a girl 

To much thinking .. your too in your head 

Look your best, dress nice, groom yourself well and approach a girl with confidence and thats all it takes 

We all can't  be tall,very handsome , rich etc and all that stuff does help but jut because you don't have it don't mean you can't get a girl it just means you have to use a  different route 

And another thing i notice with dudes that have trouble getting girls is they don't try ....

How do you expect to get a girl if you don't even walk up to one and introduce yourself and If you don't go to places with girls 

Sitting at home on NT all day, playing video games and fapping obsessively isn't going to help you 

The only difference between a alpha male and a beta male is fear

I alpha male will go up to a girl and try to bag her but a beta won't 
well said man, kudos
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

This thread is the reason why a lot of you can't find a girl 

To much thinking .. your too in your head 

Look your best, dress nice, groom yourself well and approach a girl with confidence and thats all it takes 

We all can't  be tall,very handsome , rich etc and all that stuff does help but jut because you don't have it don't mean you can't get a girl it just means you have to use a  different route 

And another thing i notice with dudes that have trouble getting girls is they don't try ....

How do you expect to get a girl if you don't even walk up to one and introduce yourself and If you don't go to places with girls 

Sitting at home on NT all day, playing video games and fapping obsessively isn't going to help you 

The only difference between a alpha male and a beta male is fear

I alpha male will go up to a girl and try to bag her but a beta won't 
well said man, kudos
I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.
I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.
Not if the chick gives good head.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.
Not if the chick gives good head.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.

I think this is true when you're talking about relationships.
Every woman can get laid by men who are out of their league, though. I know a woman from around my way who is a 3 on a good day and I see her with a new 8 at least once a month. Yuckyuckyuck.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I'd say it's easier for an uglier guy to get a more attractive girl then the other way around, though. Thoughts?
Second thought, maybe not.

I think this is true when you're talking about relationships.
Every woman can get laid by men who are out of their league, though. I know a woman from around my way who is a 3 on a good day and I see her with a new 8 at least once a month. Yuckyuckyuck.
Looks are important, but status is the key for men. Men are valued for their power, strength and status - it's women that are prized for youth and beauty.

Just think about this. You get rejected by a girl. You get on your grind cause you felt you were done dirty. So you roll by the girl who shot you down in a Maserati windows done with an even badder chick at your side. 9/10 women would be on their knees begging for you.

Now imagine it's the other way around. Man doesn't like woman. Woman pulls by in a drop top Mercedes with another guy next to her. Will the man care? 9/10 men would be like "I ain't even mad" and go get another girl.

If you're ugly and a guy, you have it A LOT easier than if you're an ugly chick. Just cause you're ugly, you could still get jacked, get bank and meet women who aren't all into looks. But men care a lot more about looks then women, so an ugly woman could be making bank and not many guys would fall for her.

I'm ugly and don't get girls if it matters
Looks are important, but status is the key for men. Men are valued for their power, strength and status - it's women that are prized for youth and beauty.

Just think about this. You get rejected by a girl. You get on your grind cause you felt you were done dirty. So you roll by the girl who shot you down in a Maserati windows done with an even badder chick at your side. 9/10 women would be on their knees begging for you.

Now imagine it's the other way around. Man doesn't like woman. Woman pulls by in a drop top Mercedes with another guy next to her. Will the man care? 9/10 men would be like "I ain't even mad" and go get another girl.

If you're ugly and a guy, you have it A LOT easier than if you're an ugly chick. Just cause you're ugly, you could still get jacked, get bank and meet women who aren't all into looks. But men care a lot more about looks then women, so an ugly woman could be making bank and not many guys would fall for her.

I'm ugly and don't get girls if it matters
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