Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

What degree/certificate/license is needed to be a hedge fund manager?
You dont NEED any securties licenses to manage a hedge fund, but I've spoken to two people who work for hedge funds and they've both told me the same thing; "If you want to manage a hedge fund, you better be bringing a sizeable book of business with you" which would mean that you would proably need to be securities licenses, specifically your 7, 63, and 65/66. I've also heard CFA helps.

Any reputable HF manager will already have those licenses with him/her before starting one. Not to mention, they'd also have a 24 as well.

CFA is another one, but that one is the hardest (and takes the longest) to get.
I knew I missed one :lol:. But this is what I've been told, the two people I've gotten the chance to talk to had them all.
What degree/certificate/license is needed to be a hedge fund manager?
You dont NEED any securties licenses to manage a hedge fund, but I've spoken to two people who work for hedge funds and they've both told me the same thing; "If you want to manage a hedge fund, you better be bringing a sizeable book of business with you" which would mean that you would proably need to be securities licenses, specifically your 7, 63, and 65/66. I've also heard CFA helps.
I don't think 'managing a hedge fund' is as clear a career track as some of you guys make it seem. I would say it's more in the realms of becoming a head coach for a basketball team. You don't really need certifications, you do't even need to be a trader per se, you don't even need a degree. What you need is too show results, and bring in business (or investor money). 

Hedge funds managers come in all shapes and sizes former bond traders, stock market guys, former medical doctors, high school dropouts, college dropouts, art history majors, convicted con men etc. It's a murky world...where only one thing matters, 'profit'. With that being said hedge funds may hire 'support staff' who fit traditional criteria (e.g. cfas, cpas, computer programmers etc). But being a hedge fund manager is ultimately about proving to groups of people hat you can give them above average returns on their money, and for that you don't need one single certification. I also will say that most hedge fund managers I've read about are incredibly smart, almost genius level even if they haven't got any qualifications. It's not one of those things that 'anyone can do'. Also, you have to be able to solicit millions of dollars from investors to be able to make any can of significant market plays. 

Don't let anyone make you assume that it's a easy world to get into, that's how we get idiots like gold street capital, and even that one dude who took all the nfl players money a couple of years ago. Sometimes people hear the words 'hedge fund' and 'private equity' and all their due diligence goes out the window because they want to be part of the action, that's how you end up getting defrauded.

Couple of interesting books on hedge funds that make that world a bit clearer:[/img][/img]
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When Genius Failed is a phenomenal book. I suggest anyone interested in the financial sector take a look into it. Well worth the read.
I appreciate it. i could make a thread on this job lol but forget it.

Nutshell: GM is considering hiring me for an IT position, specifically B.I. Analyst. Theyre looking for MIS majors and programmers etc etc. Problem is, Im a marketing major with little to no programming experience outside of HTML back in the myspace days :lol: I talked my way into the position and have been studying like crazy trying to learn all these different programming languages.

HOWEVER, if there are any programmers reading this... PM ME. Ill try to get you a job with them too, seriously. Theyre a great company to work for (was a car salesman with them in 08, but you know how that ended lol) and I have 2 friends working IT for them now. Theyd probably start you at at LEAST 60k plus the moving bonus (which i forgot to mention) From what I hear, new offices are in Phoenix Arizona, Atlana, Austin Texas, and Detroit. If youre interested pm me. I'll explain stuff in detail and see if I can help my fellow NT brethren out.

Sir expect a PM as soon as I get home. Too much to type from mobile. But Austin and Atlanta are two of the places I'm looking to move to and I'm a MIS major graduating this December
What the hell happened in here man? I wondered why this thread was always on the 1st page. Did dude get exposed?

I see it. :lol:

Ewing :nerd: and an African :nerd: have a laugh at all it takes to start a hedge fund?

Them boys were rubbing their mittens like, "WE BOUT TO CAKE!!!"


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but hedgehogging is the better book about hedge funds you really get an insight into how it all works.

If someone already has a clear scope of the financial sector landscape, then Hedge Hogging would be the better book because of the concentrated focus of a particular financial model arm.

For someone who knows very little of what finance is (most people), then When Genius Failed would be the more beneficial read. It's like trying to figure out how to fix a turbine engine without knowing how simple internal combustion works first. Catch my drift?
I wasnt trying to make it seem like its an easy thing cause its not. My knowledge on them isnt extensive and I'll be the first to admit it, I was just trying to be concise. I've read The Big Short, its a good read.
but hedgehogging is the better book about hedge funds you really get an insight into how it all works.
If someone already has a clear scope of the financial sector landscape, then Hedge Hogging would be the better book because of the concentrated focus of a particular financial model arm.

For someone who knows very little of what finance is (most people), then When Genius Failed would be the more beneficial read. It's like trying to figure out how to fix a turbine engine without knowing how simple internal combustion works first. Catch my drift?
i remember hedgehogging being a very easy read, almost a 'what my dad does at work' kind of book. A lot of anecdotes  investment philosophy. But when genius failed is a good book.
When Genius Failed is a phenomenal book. I suggest anyone interested in the financial sector take a look into it. Well worth the read.
Will download and read all of em. Thirst for finance is real right now.
start with the big short, it centers around the financial crisis and you won't put it down. It's by the same guy who wrote Moneyball and liars poker.
Maybe this Gold ST Capital guy can use his Rolls Royce and Ferrari to get a date with Lennay Kekua
Michael Lewis is dope. The Big Short > Boomerang - Travels > Liars Poker > Moneyball. I thought Moneyball the movie was a rare situation when the movie was better than the book.

TWIN GLOCK 40's!!!
Liar's Poker certainly has some epic moments and phrases that I'll never stop using.

I really think understanding Graham is a great place to start understanding stocks and investing, but the books were tough reads that I spent a lot of time with when I first started out.
For anyone who is actually interested in pursuing a career in finance, you need to crawl before you can walk. Don't even think about anything related to a hedge fund. You're not working at or starting a (real) hedge fund until you're very, very deep in the industry. "I work for a huge fund" is charming at a cocktail party, but 95% of the time, they're BS speculators who may earn an abnormal return in the short run. Most fail, and when they fail, they close up shop and move onto the next one.

I can open up a "hedge fund" tomorrow and trade on some plan or "edge" that I'll convince my clients that I have. Any of us can do that.
Been waiting 7 months for this dude to tell me how exactly the federal government can sponsor me for the Series 7. 
Have the federal government Sponser it. You have to pay for the test but they will act as your Sponser
Can you explain a little? I didn't know you could do this and I can't seem to find any info on federal government sponsorship for the Series 7. 
He came back to duck me twice after this on some "I'm busy but I got you tip" 

This is why no one is mad that dudes are in here going hard. Dude was really out here giving advice to dudes, he wasn't just lying about his material wealth. FRAUD. 
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