Asics Love?!? Where is it?

My pics. Monkey Time quality is on a different level from the Atmos. Just my personal opinion. Also, I saw samples of the A Few and HAL Medic in Osaka last night. My phone died so I couldn't take pics. A Few look alright, but the Medics look damn good in person.
Has anyone heard any concrete info on these releasing here in the states? I have heard/read different stuff but I have seen some pics popping up on my different social feeds and was just wondering if I missed something. Been wanting these bad!
These are fantastic, the hints of infrared pop. Quick on-foot shot
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My pics. Monkey Time quality is on a different level from the Atmos. Just my personal opinion. Also, I saw samples of the A Few and HAL Medic in Osaka last night. My phone died so I couldn't take pics. A Few look alright, but the Medics look damn good in person.
Has anyone heard any concrete info on these releasing here in the states? I have heard/read different stuff but I have seen some pics popping up on my different social feeds and was just wondering if I missed something. Been wanting these bad!
I got both my pairs (kept MT, traded Atmos) here in Japan. Monkey Time US release was confirmed on Japanese site...It just seems to keep getting delayed in the States. Some spots dropped them in Europe, though. As for the atmos, I never heard anything of a US release from anyone in Japan. A few people in this thread said it was going to happen, though.
Are you referring to the Atmos or Monkey Times?
On both actually, sorry should have clarified.
I got both my pairs (kept MT, traded Atmos) here in Japan. Monkey Time US release was confirmed on Japanese site...It just seems to keep getting delayed in the States. Some spots dropped them in Europe, though. As for the atmos, I never heard anything of a US release from anyone in Japan. A few people in this thread said it was going to happen, though.
Welp, considering the fact that I paid a pretty hefty price to get my Atmos GLVs from Japan, I'm hoping they don't release in the U.S. :tongue: I've seen a few dudes in here say they're gonna release here but I haven't seen any sources or concrete info yet...
So I'm hearing Koi's didn't come with extra laces. Is that true?
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Laaaaame. Wonder what happened. 

AFEW was showing 2 extra laces in each box.

Maybe that was only the wooden boxes though.
yeah, the Afew release packaged even the laces in little jars so they´d look like soy sauce and wasabi. Guess that´s why the normal-box releases didn´t get any
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