Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I'd like to hear your thoughts on these issues first before I could possibly answer because I haven't had a dialogue with you yet

I need to know who Im talking to and their beliefs, so I don't offend you

These was your original response mister friendly mister friendly , I said I wouldn't be offended.

You have my word on that. My word is my bond.
And then you asked me this

I said in the reply, I dont want to offend you

Whats your reasoning on why I need to answer your questions?...Because you asked first?

To which I replied that I was simply curious of your stance on these questions.

I still am very curious.

Tell me, why do you need me to answer my questions first before you answer them? Offending me is no longer a valid concern, you have my word on that mister friendly mister friendly .
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I think God is a merciful God and has plan with details with more complex than I can possibly understand.
do you have any evidence that god is a merciful god?

or do you just hope he is because if he is not we're all screwed? 

Do you have proof he's not a merciful God?

God is an merciful God to me, to you he may not be.
"god is a merciful god to me" 

what do you mean by this?

i dont have proof that there is a god to begin with, however the god which is depicted in the bible and various other religions texts is not merciful at all.

It means God is merciful to eyes

You may think God isn't merciful in your eyes but that's your eyes, not mine.

I was stating my opinion you are welcome to state your opinion too
I understand that's your opinion

I'm asking why you came upon thinking this way

If I think the dark knight is a good movie I am able to give you a list of reasons on why I feel this way

My response to why the dark knight is a good movie is not "because it's a good movie"

The circular reasoning is not caused by the topic of discussion but rather your inability to actually provide answers to simple questions
some of yall mess with the wrong kinda believers. I knew a chick at my old church who was studying to be an EMT. She failed out. Most of her answers were God. Like really? :stoneface: I agree, God, ultimately. But like, lets be serious..... She a atheist now. lol. Yall can keep her tho. She had other issues...

But did you see the vid I posted on Dark Matter? That stuff is crazy.
I think that is the purpose. I saw the mathematical probability of us humans existing in this galaxy. It literally impossible for us to be here.

So at what point do you push the "because God" reasoning out of the way for logic, observation, and reality? When do you come back to it?

I don't really ever say "because God." That would imply I know what His train of thought is, which I dont.
And that is too hollow of a thing to say. We have the Bible but we also have complex brains, with an innate will to know.
If God wanted mindless drones, we would have been born with His will for us and ways to live downloaded into our brains from birth. (shoot, that would make my life easier.....but more unfulfilled,... unless he gave us some type unlimited fulfillment sensory gland aswell lol) But He wants is to discover our world and the worlds within. In my heart and mind I know ultimately everything organic is of His work, but to use that as a crutch to directly respond to things is disrespectful to all the mental tools blessed me with. There would be no growth mentally and spiritually. There's a beauty in seeing how He put stuff together.
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The continuing posting of questions and continuing non answers is circular.

You answering your own questions or even the new questions I asked will not influence my answers

You cannot prove your answers will influence me and I assure you they want. I would just like to get some background from you.

I'll wait...

What's your thoughts on the Bible?

When a person dies what you do think happens to their consciousness?

When does an embryo become a life?

What are morals?

What is good and bad? good and evil? Right vs wrong?

What are your thoughts on survival of the fittest?

Are some lives more important than others?

I would like your response but if you don't want tp I understand
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To which you replied...

Honestly Im still scared to offend you.....I'm curious about your thoughts on your questions first

I don't know why you wont answer your own questions?

To which I replied...

I don't want my answers to influence yours.

And honestly, my answers are immaterial to the ongoing discussion. It was your rationale that led me to ask these questions, so what use is my input right now?

I'm just trying to clear the table. Get some stone cold answers.

Get some closure in this discussion. I'm sure your wife would appreciate that, no?

Again, I am not going to be offended.

i think my answers to your concerns regarding these questions have been exceedingly reasonable and rational.

I don't understand who you insist however why you must have me answer these questions before you give your own answers?

Please mister friendly mister friendly . I would love to hear your thoughts.
[quote name="Mister Friendly"]See SH we aren't going get anywhere like this

You're being prideful, I'm being's just going to circular and we both know it

YOU would like information from me, I've answered about 3 of your questions, maybe not the ones you've wanted but I've answered some. If you want a discussion, I'd like for some of my questions to be answered or it will be end of our discussion[/quote] Focus on that.

Focus on what you can change. :smile:

(see: serenity prayer :wink: )
I think God is a merciful God and has plan with details with more complex than I can possibly understand.
do you have any evidence that god is a merciful god?

or do you just hope he is because if he is not we're all screwed? 

Do you have proof he's not a merciful God?

God is an merciful God to me, to you he may not be.
"god is a merciful god to me" 

what do you mean by this?

i dont have proof that there is a god to begin with, however the god which is depicted in the bible and various other religions texts is not merciful at all.

It means God is merciful to eyes

You may think God isn't merciful in your eyes but that's your eyes, not mine.

I was stating my opinion you are welcome to state your opinion too
I understand that's your opinion

I'm asking why you came upon thinking this way

If I think the dark knight is a good movie I am able to give you a list of reasons on why I feel this way

My response to why the dark knight is a good movie is not "because it's a good movie"

The circular reasoning is not caused by the topic of discussion but rather your inability to actually provide answers to simple questions

I can't give simple answers to complex ideas even if you liked to knock the complex ideas into simple questions

It's like giving a 2 second sound bite to 3 hour movie to tell you what it's about
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I'll wait...

What's your thoughts on the Bible?

When a person dies what you do think happens to their consciousness?

When does an embryo become a life?

What are morals?

What is good and bad? good and evil? Right vs wrong?

What are your thoughts on survival of the fittest?

Are some lives more important than others
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The continuing posting of questions and continuing non answers is circular.

Incorrect, circular questioning, by definition. Is a tool employed by therapists used to inspire introspectiveness in their patients by having they themselves inspect the questions or conundrums they are faced with.

Me not answering these questions is not in anyway me using circular questioning, you asking me how I feel about the questions I am posing is you employing circular questioning. This is not a therapy session. If I wanted someone to ask me how I feel about something that I myself am looking for answers for, I'd go pay a shrink for that.

So, shall we? mister friendly mister friendly

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"]See SH we aren't going get anywhere like this

You're being prideful, I'm being's just going to circular and we both know it

YOU would like information from me, I've answered about 3 of your questions, maybe not the ones you've wanted but I've answered some. If you want a discussion, I'd like for some of my questions to be answered or it will be end of our discussion
Focus on that.

Focus on what you can change. :smile:

(see: serenity prayer :wink: )[/quote]

Who said I wanted to change that? :wink:

I'll wait...

What's your thoughts on the Bible?

When a person dies what you do think happens to their consciousness?

When does an embryo become a life?

What are morals?

What is good and bad? good and evil? Right vs wrong?

What are your thoughts on survival of the fittest?

Are some lives more important than others

I said in my first post to you, I'd happily field any questions you have and answer them thoroughly and thoughtfully. All I asked is that you not answer my questions with a question. That still stands, you have my word.

Why the mexican standoff mister friendly mister friendly ? Why are you behaving in this manner? Why can you not just be forthright on your reservations regarding these issues?

Can you at least answer me that mister friendly mister friendly ?
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I don't really ever say "because God." That would imply I know what His train of thought is, which I dont.
And that is too hollow of a thing to say. We have the Bible but we also have complex brains, with an innate will to know.
If God wanted mindless drones, we would have been born with His will for us and ways to live downloaded into our brains from birth. (shoot, that would make my life easier.....but more unfulfilled,... unless he gave us some type unlimited fulfillment sensory gland aswell lol) But He wants is to discover our world and the worlds within. In my heart and mind I know ultimately everything organic is of His work, but to use that as a crutch to directly respond to things is disrespectful to all the mental tools blessed me with. There would be no growth mentally and spiritually. There's a beauty in seeing how He put stuff together.
I can get with an answer like that!
mister friendly mister friendly ...

You keep up bringing up "my background", that by me answering the questions I am posing you, you'd get some insight in my "background".

Of what consequence is it?

Why must you, in your own words "know your audience" in order for you to field questions that your own thoughts and ideas lead me to ask these questions in the first place?

What purpose does it serve?

I'm simply trying to gain further insight on your stance, I find your thoughts absolutely fascinating.

Please mister friendly mister friendly .

This isn't a political campaign. You do not need to know anything about me to answer these questions. You don't need to be worried about offending me. You do not need to worry about anything.

Please, mister friendly mister friendly .

I'm sure other's are equally curious as I.

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?
I think God is a merciful God and has plan with details with more complex than I can possibly understand.
do you have any evidence that god is a merciful god?

or do you just hope he is because if he is not we're all screwed? 

Do you have proof he's not a merciful God?

God is an merciful God to me, to you he may not be.
"god is a merciful god to me" 

what do you mean by this?

i dont have proof that there is a god to begin with, however the god which is depicted in the bible and various other religions texts is not merciful at all.
It means God is merciful to eyes

You may think God isn't merciful in your eyes but that's your eyes, not mine.

I was stating my opinion you are welcome to state your opinion too
I understand that's your opinion

I'm asking why you came upon thinking this way

If I think the dark knight is a good movie I am able to give you a list of reasons on why I feel this way

My response to why the dark knight is a good movie is not "because it's a good movie"

The circular reasoning is not caused by the topic of discussion but rather your inability to actually provide answers to simple questions
I can't give simple answers to complex ideas even if you liked to knock the complex ideas into simple questions

It's like giving a 2 second sound bite to 3 hour movie to tell you what it's about
what is one example of god being merciful that lead you to come to the conclusion that god is merciful?

even 3 hour movies have 30 second trailers. being able to come up with a short version of a complex idea is a valuable life skill that will help you in places other than this thread. might as well start practicing now
[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="DarthSka"]Focus on that.

Focus on what you can change. :smile:

(see: serenity prayer :wink: )[/quote]Who said I wanted to change that? :wink:[/quote] No one said that.

So are you saying you don't want to change being prideful in this situation?
Or maybe you can expand on this post mister friendly mister friendly ...

An atheist is just an non believer in God

By killing the man, he is giving in to his God less human nature.

Is that man wrong to kill the other man?

Are those that are "Godless" more likely to kill their fellow man? By nature are humans homicidal?

Are we born homicidal?

Is empathy learned in your opinion? Or are humans instinctively nurturing, empathetic? Do you believe that religion is why mankind sees killing as immoral?

mister friendly mister friendly ? Hello, are you still there mister friendly mister friendly ? :nerd:
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No one said that.

So are you saying you don't want to change being prideful in this situation?

What is he saying?

mister friendly mister friendly .

You have the floor sir, please, elaborate. Where are you going with your posts in this thread?

Please, I am growing exceedingly curious by the minute.

Also, if you get a minute, could you perhaps answer.

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?
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I don't even know why yall keep messing with Officer Friendly man. Just talk to HtG. He is level headed.

I posed some questions to HTG as well, he didn't answer.

I asked htg designs htg designs ...

Do you believe all non-believers are hell bound?

What about those of nontheistic religions? Or polytheistic religions? Or even other monotheistic religions?

Do you believe that good people, people who serve their community and their fellow man. People who nurture and preserve mother earth. Pacifists.

Do those people face eternal damnation for not sharing your faith?

Those born into a different culture, a different religion with little to no exposure to your faith?

What about those who were here before the advent of religion, specifically your faith. Are they damned by default?

Eagerly awaiting your ideas on this matter.

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

I find it quite comical that when I posed those questions to htg designs htg designs , mister friendly mister friendly chimed in.

He won't answer the questions I pose him, but he'll answer questions I posed someone else.
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God gave me the opportunity to know its wonder, to feel the love and have hope. To have free will and make choices.

Its feeling... It's like trying to explain to somebody who's never had an orgasm what is like

I don't know that's as simple as I can make it
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[quote name="DCAllAmerican"]I don't even know why yall keep messing with Officer Friendly man. Just talk to HtG. He is level headed.[/quote]Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking to Friendly for purposes of productive debate anymore. Strictly entertainment.

Whenever a religious discussion comes up, there are absolutely people I actually look forward to engaging because I respect their position and respect that they don't think less of 'us'.

That dude... is NOT in that company. :lol:

And I post this with full knowledge that the response will be some sort of, "Oh, I don't respect your position either, champ. :wink: ", or some other defensive retaliation. :lol:
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God gave me the opportunity to know its wonder, to feel the love and have hope. To have free will and make choices.

Its feeling... It's like trying to explain to somebody who's never had an orgasm what is like

I don't know that's as simple as I can make it
thanks, this gives me a better idea of your thought process than a non answer

i feel more respected by you that you are able to give me a straight answer rather than avoiding the question because you dont want to offend me 
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