Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

[quote name="Freeze"][quote name="PLVN"]Freeze, do you believe that God is a male?[/quote]It says we were made in his image. Bible always refers to God with male pronouns. Jesus refers to him as Father. But he is not flesh.[/quote]I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that it was written by men. Hmmmmm.

(Yes, I understand that the belief is that the bible was written by men who were inspired by the god concept. If we could have recorded who jotted the verses down, it was men.)
When I was in the pen, I was reading this book about if God was a *****. If God was a *****, there wouldn't be wars no nuclear weapons because it ain't in a ******* nature.

Who said that?
Freeze what are your thoughts on life away from earth. And do they serve the same god as us. And are the in contention to go to heaven and hell?
i mean you can ask any question you want but the real question is do believers think the bible is literal truth or a book of stories?
i mean you can ask any question you want but the real question is do believers think the bible is literal truth or a book of stories?
They aren't told what to believe. I have heard many say, look at them as Aesop's stories. Stories that are told to teach a message.

And then some use the, "If it is in there, it happened" card.

They don't know how they are supposed to look at it.
I cannot answer for God and why he does what he does, or doesn't do. He may not even make the things we see happen, but just allows to happen what was going to happen. I cannot answer for him.
This statement...

makes no sense for you to be a "Believer" ...
I'm sorry, did you see the very next sentence or nah?
how can you tell when something happened because god made it happen or if it just happened because god let things play out without doing anything? 
I cannot answer for God and why he does what he does, or doesn't do. He may not even make the things we see happen, but just allows to happen what was going to happen. I cannot answer for him.

This statement...

makes no sense for you to be a "Believer" ...

I'm sorry, did you see the very next sentence or nah?
how can you tell when something happened because god made it happen or if it just happened because god let things play out without doing anything? 

You can't. But God is in all things. All happens or doesn't happen by his will.
You can't. But God is in all things. All happens or doesn't happen by his will.
free will


noun: free will; noun: freewill


the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.

so youve come to the conclusion that you do not control yourself correct?
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To play devil's advocate, free will doesn't necessarily have to negate "God's Will" if He allows events and scenarios occur without interceding. The existence of a "plan" does not immediately cancel out humans actin on their own accord.

Secondly, if their is a god or higher power and that higher power is the God of Christianity or any other monotheistic religion, we could be looking at a scenario where in his infinite wisdom God sees every potential outcome and his will is formulated around those possible scenarios. It wouldn't be that God is forcing you to act a certain a way, destroying free will. Instead He skies every move you'll make and breath and you'll take and his calculated a plan/will based on that data.

Lastly, if there is a higher power regardless if it's the higher power of any specific religion, we're still attempting to understanding it using our limited human intellect which isn't tantamount to its level of intellect. We'll never be able to think or understand on equal levels.
Funny early morning FB post
 Look at GOD! See the world wants to love & live like the world, but #GOD wants you to #Love & #live like Him. I used to be proud to be a part of the #LGBT community and now I'm #unashamed to be #TBGL Transformed By GODs Love #GODisAble #greaterlove #jesusfreak #believers #Worship #Liveonpurpose #livingforJESUS — with jackie hill perry and Kay Welch.
Lastly, if there is a higher power regardless if it's the higher power of any specific religion, we're still attempting to understanding it using our limited human intellect which isn't tantamount to its level of intellect. We'll never be able to think or understand on equal levels.

This is my very crux, with both religion and science. For instance, Adam & Eve and Satan's banishment from "heaven". (Most importantly Satan). He (Satan) appeared to go against and challenge God (According to the Biblical text (written by man of course)). Satan was dealt with and nipped quickly, because he pretty much wanted to step into Gods shoes.

I'll paraphrase it and flat out say, Satan tried to figure out Gods formula. That is exactly what "religion" do. Trying to account for "Gods" creations and try to explain stuff that you yourself, just said can't be explained. That is the causation of many issues. Human beings are always trying to explain things and masquerade as God, and they don't even realize it. Then, they try to deflect and call none believers cultist are the antichrist. Honestly, we can't feasibly explain majority of the marvels that take place around us. Which takes me back to your "we will never be on equal levels" statement.

That to me sums up my issue with religion, and some degrees of science. We as humans don't have the same conscious as a higher level being, then, from a global perspective, people (most notably religions) need to stop acting as if their beliefs are absolute. It is a very domineering way of thinking, and wrong.
^ I can agree with that somewhat. Humans are always looking for a deeper understanding (explanation). But, we didn't create ourselves to have that mentality. We didn't ask for the curiosity gene. We are curious because, "God made us that way." We can't just stop and say, "Ehh, let me not look for some clues that point toward why we are here." It isn't that simple.

And I disagree that religion is here to explain anything. I feel like religion is here for the sake of stopping us from looking for explanation. If anything religion tells us, "Here is what happened. Here is what he did. Take it or leave it." I don't think religion is used as a tool that promotes the quest for knowledge. Now, that isn't to say people in the religious community don't independently do it, but as a whole, I don't think religion was put in place for us to search for THE meaning behind it all.
Anything that teaches you, "Our leader works in mysterious ways" is not in the business of promoting research. It is telling you to, "Take it as is. It is what it is. Don't ask no questions."

Exactly @DCAllAmerican, it's literally a joke. That tons of people have fallen for.
Because they are brainwashed as a child. I just wished people would acknowledge it for what it is. If you raise a child and "force" that mindset upon then, you can limit their desire for intellectual growth.

Again, I know there are people that were brainwashed as kids that have a thirst for knowledge and those that weren't that don't have that thirst. But I just personally think you are stunting your kid's logic by doing that to them.

Instead of having the ability to use words to get out of jams, they will use emotionally protected catch phrases.
Because they are brainwashed as a child. I just wished people would acknowledge it for what it is. If you raise a child and "force" that mindset upon then, you can limit their desire for intellectual growth.

Again, I know there are people that were brainwashed as kids that have a thirst for knowledge and those that weren't that don't have that thirst. But I just personally think you are stunting your kid's logic by doing that to them.

Instead of having the ability to use words to get out of jams, they will use emotionally protected catch phrases.
I believe in the Christ; however, I do believe that children would be better off brought up in confucianism... before being introduced to the stories of the bible when they can understand the spirit behind them.
[quote name="DCAllAmerican"]And I disagree that religion is here to explain anything. I feel like religion is here for the sake of stopping us from looking for explanation.[/quote]Religion is here to give people hope that their existence isn't really over when they die, and to make them feel better about their deceased loved ones. In my estimation/observation, it all boils down to those 2 things.
Religion is here to give people hope that their existence isn't really over when they die, and to make them feel better about their deceased loved ones. In my estimation/observation, it all boils down to those 2 things.
I don't agree with those explanations as the purpose for religion and anyone who views religion as solely as a comforter is putting themselves at risk to become skeptics when they aren't comforted by their faith. The truth of the matter is religion can be very UN-comforting, being a believer puts obligations on a person that may be quite difficult to handle. Because we have free will sometimes it is easier not to believe. And the second part, "feeling better about the deceased", is a mixed bag too. For one mourning and grief is prevalent in the bible, the comfort is in the greater plan, not the individual death. Also knowing that they still spiritually exist may be comforting but religions generally include some possible adverse outcomes as well. 

Yes, it does give indications of an afterlife, which can give people comfort from the fear of the unknown in death; HOWEVER, not to sound cliche but it really is more about the journey and how you spend your time ALIVE. The reason (Spiritual) life after death is mentioned in many religions is to convey the purpose in the life that you have now. More than anything else, religion is supposed to serve as guidelines for living your life in a way that agrees with its original intent when being created as "man". If you do not believe in a consciousness or intent of the universe then so be it, but many people who aren't religious can accept that the whole of creation has some sense of order to it and the system of physics that keeps everything together may someday provide further insight to this from a scientific perspective.

What religion boils down to is the way of life that produces the best outcome for your spirit or essence, through benevolence that benefits your mind, body, and those around you. It is about living harmoniously and peacefully. Christ was the redeemer because of his innocence and his victimless life, more than the fact that he was the son of God. He had to be the son of God in order to understand God's intent and restore the fellowship between the created and the creator. He helped and loved people and gave up his life so that others can live (spiritually) in peace. He was an example to show that the things people think are important are only distracting them from what is really important, loving your fellow man and agreeing with the universal intent for your life (even if it means sacrificing it for a greater good). Someone only thinking of themselves will not deny their self pleasure even if it destroys them spiritually. But we are resilient and can build ourselves up from a broken state by following the tenets of a wholesome religion whatever that may be.
See, you're speaking about the popular areas of the bible. The "be a good person" part of the bible. There's MUCH more to it. You believe 100% of the bible? Well that includes ghosts, monsters, Giants, magic, witches ect. Again, is the bible literal or is it a book of stories?
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Thats why he stay hurt.
Organized Religion is the devil.

When you stop thinking for yourself and follow someone else's strict dogma thats when people start committing heinous attrocities.

The Crusades

The current unrest in the Middle East

Hitler (not religion but still strict dogma)

Jim Jones

And many other examples of people doing terrible things in the name of their "faith".

Learn to think for yourself and create your own physical and spiritual path. Letting someone else do it for you is a sure way to end up a terrible human being.
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