Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

[quote name="Freeze"][quote name="DarthSka"][A]theism is mostly a refusal to believe what has been largely indoctrinated, whereas belief is mostly sticking to an indoctrination with little to no thought or criticism behind it; just blind loyalty.[/quote]But if you're going to look at it like that, then you have to see atheism in the same light. You're shown so many examples of God, and yet you want to attribute it to something else. You see miracles literally every day[/quote]I used to tell people the same thing, as a pastor.

Then I realized that the things I was telling people are miracles... aren't.

Childbirth is not a miracle. Sperm, egg, DNA coding, 7-9 months, boom.

Nature is not a miracle. Plant seeds, fertilisation, blah, blah, blah.

Miracles are things that defy logic.

Something we don't knew the answer to yet is not an example of something that defies logic, bro.

Once you understand that you've been conditioned to believe that the simple is evidence of a miraculous god and that the unknown is further evidence of god, you'll understand that you've actually never seen proof of God.


And neither have I.

I have never been shown one example of god, and one example is all it would take.
Easy to say if you have never been in a life and death situation. 

Then you need to change your circle. Nobody should be crucified for their beliefs, or lack there-of. 

Dude, being in a life or death situation doesn't require prayer.

America needs to change its stance on atheists before I change my social circle...which includes my family. Going against the majority isn't exactly smooth sailing.

People aren't willing to vote for an atheist presidential candidate:
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Really? Bill Maher? The guy who is so anti-muslim it is seeping through his pours? 

I love Bill too, but his religious views get a little cloudy when his obvious alignment with Jewish zionism seems to be a huge factor in his support of Netanyahu. And I hate to break it to you, but essentially everything you just posted is far more complex than just a causal relationship with religion......
'In God We Trust' is on my money, 'Under God' is in the pledge, the holidays have been taken over by crosses on Easter, everyone collectively thanking the god concept for their blessings in November, and nativity scenes in December, and I hear 'bless you' and least a dozen times a day, and the mere questioning of those religious influences causes deep stares and nasty accusations from the same people you're crediting right now as 'not imposing.'
Crosses on Easter? It's a Christian Holiday.....

Christmas is a holiday based on Capitalism....Seriously it jump starts our economy every year, Christmas commercials air in october because of $ , not jesus.

Bless you, really? We bringing in phrases now? I am not religious, but you can bless my *** all day if you please.

None of the things you listed is imposing, unless you consider a 3 day weekend from work imposing. SIGN ME UP.
Do your research.

Easter absolutely does NOT have Christian origins.

I used the phrase 'take over' intentionally.

If it's a Christian holiday, pray tell: what does an egg have to do with the rumored crucifixion and resurrection?
Dude, being in a life or death situation doesn't require prayer.

America needs to change its stance on atheists before I change my social circle...which includes my family. Going against the majority isn't exactly smooth sailing.

People aren't willing to vote for an atheist presidential candidate:
Dude, have you been in one? Serious question. Because I have, and have never done so many hail mary's in my life.

It is changing, this is America, Church attendance is dwindling, and in Europe you would be hard pressed to find a church. 

 There are a lot of jobs that carry certain requirements, president is a public office that people are just not ready to vote for an atheist president. I think Obama is, but he would never say so. I don't blame him 
 All you gotta do is fake the funk
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Do your research.

Easter absolutely does NOT have Christian origins.

I used the phrase 'take over' intentionally.

If it's a Christian holiday, pray tell: what does an egg have to do with the rumored crucifixion and resurrection?
Research? I've read the Bible 

You talking easter eggs and I'm talking Jesus being resurrected? I is confused. 

That's like saying what does egg nog have to do with Jesus? Pointless.
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[quote name="BlackIntellect"][QUOTE name="DarthSka"]Do your research.

Easter absolutely does NOT have Christian origins.

I used the phrase 'take over' intentionally.

If it's a Christian holiday, pray tell: what does an egg have to do with the rumored crucifixion and resurrection?[/QUOTE]Research? I've read the Bible[/quote]View media item 668428
Easter has pagan's a celebration of the equinox
Just like Christmas is also Pagan. I get that, it's a different conversation than what we are having.

For those that are wondering I am talking about Pasch
Easter[sup][nb 1][/sup]  (Old English  usually Ēastrun-on, or -an; also Ēastru-o; and Ēostre),[sup][1][/sup]  also called Pasch  (derived, through LatinPascha  and Greek  Πάσχα Paskha, from Aramaic: פסחא‎, cognate to Hebrew: פֶּסַח‎ Pesaḥ)[sup][nb 2][/sup][sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup][sup][4][/sup][sup][5][/sup]  or Resurrection Sunday,[sup][6][/sup][sup][7][/sup]  is a festival and holiday  celebrating the resurrection of  Jesus Christ  from the dead, described in the New Testament  as having occurred on the third day of his burial after his crucifixion  by Romans  at Calvary  c. 30 AD.[sup][8][/sup][sup][9][/sup]  It is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent  (or Great Lent), a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.
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Kind of hard to change family...
If they don't mess with you because of your beliefs, @@@@ them. Straight up. 
Easy to say but close family is close family at the end of the day,it's impossible to cut contact even if you try 
. I still love them at the end of the day no matter the differences in beliefs but it's just annoying how those differences manage to sometimes alter certain relationships 
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[quote name="BlackIntellect"]
Easter has pagan's a celebration of the equinox
Just like Christmas is also Pagan. I get that, it's a different conversation than what we are having.

For those that are wondering I am talking about Pasch[/QUOTE]Let's back up a tick.

The original convo you and I are having started with you saying religious people don't impose, and I contended that they just take over so they don't really need to impose, but that even the questioning of certain religious influences causes the religious to furrow brows.

You're next point now, if I'm following this correctly, is an example of a pagan holiday that has been taken over.

"Religious people don't impose."
"They don't have to; they take over, like Easter."
"I get that it's a Pagan holiday, but let me show you how it's religious."

You're using an example of religious takeover in your attempt to contend that religions don't take over?
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You're using an example of religious takeover in your attempt to contend that religions don't take over?
Religious takeover? My point, is merely that these are AMERICAN holidays, disguised as christian. I have devout friends (Muslim, Buddhist ) ect.... That follow these holidays for sake of their kids, despite being very religious and not celebrating the religious aspect of these certain holidays. Heck, even christians will tell you how pissed they are that these holidays don't necessarily carry a christian connotation anymore. Don't take holidays so personally, ****, presidents were giving out holiday months to pacify minorities. 

I guess my gripe is with Athiest's who claim their lives are so tough because of all the christianity surrounding them. Welcome to America, it's been this way for a while, and although I myself am not religious, and come from a very religious family- I don't find it at all difficult to live life in this country due to my lack of monotheism. So when dramatic words like "imposed", and "takeover" are being used....I tend to do the 
. Especially when there are millions of minorities in this country who actually DO have their rights imposed.
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So "miracles" are proof of gods existence, ok fine, lets go with that. Good things happen = a miracle. Well let's look at the other side. Let's take a child born 4 months early already addicted to hard drugs, has a mother that doesn't want him, has a father who doesn't know he even exists, then the child dies 2 weeks later..... Where's God in all that?

My thing about "everyday is a miracle" is that it Implies that YOU have somehow earned that miracle while other don't. By virtue you are claiming superiority over others. I can't buy that. If these everyday "miracles" is proof that God exists, I present everyday innocent deaths BEYOND the control of individuals as proof he does not
[quote name="Freeze"]You guys give yourselves too much credit for not believing, like it's some big feat.
It's not a feat as in 'accomplishment', but it's extremely difficult and risky.

Don't think so?

Wear a shirt that says 'PROUD ATHEIST' out in public twice a week for a month, and I'll wear one that says 'PROUD CHRISTIAN', and we'll talk about who had the more difficult month.[/quote]I honestly can't imagine living in a society where people would be scared to be atheist. Grew up in different cultures I guess
[quote name="BlackIntellect"][QUOTE name="DarthSka"]Do your research.

Easter absolutely does NOT have Christian origins.

I used the phrase 'take over' intentionally.

If it's a Christian holiday, pray tell: what does an egg have to do with the rumored crucifixion and resurrection?
Research? I've read the Bible[/quote]View media item 668428[/quote]
BlackIntell, when dealing with atheist, you shouldn't base your arguments off of something they don't see as credible.
Thats rule no one. If they thought it was a valid source, you wouldnt be having the conversation.

And Darth is right. Easter and Christmas are pagan holidays.
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Religion is an issue that plagues the black community. All that praying and hoping instead of taking action :smh:
But Jews are religious and they flourish. They are united and disciplined. Their beliefs are why.

Some of the things that unite the black community are what continues to hinder them.
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I honestly could care less what other people believe. I'm not religious at all, however, members of my family and some friends are. And I think that if it helps make some people better people and happy - then that's great.
But Jews are religious and they flourish. They are united and disciplined. Their beliefs are why.

Some of the things that unite the black community are what continues to hinder them.

A lot of Jews I know are barely religious, especially the yuppy Rich ones. They are mostly religious by "culture".
yea, your always gonna have your bastards of the group. Hell,even they flourishing, word to Hollywood.
But I was talking about practicing Jews like. Their focus is on preserving their tradition and heritage by empowering other
Jews ( keeping money within as much as possible), and pouring into their children (family focus).

The contrast with the black comm is :smh:
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