APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 9th 2024 10a.m. PT. | iPhone 16

Team nekkid or with a case?

  • Team nekkid

    Votes: 119 25.9%
  • Case

    Votes: 283 61.7%
  • Nekkid with occasional case

    Votes: 57 12.4%

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Honestly, we should have 128gb and 256gb storage on phones by now.
But if they keep the phones smaller...and offer you cloud space at a fee...

And we are paying PC it should have some what similar capability
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Honestly, we should have 128gb and 256gb storage on phones by now.
why its a phone not a tablet or a mini pc.... or laptop... cats trying to replace cpus and tablets and use cellphones like full fledged pc's now. A cellphone wasnt meant to be a replacement for tablets/laptops etc. 

it is now tho

times are changing, phones are gonna be just as powerful as desktop computers hardware wise
Honestly, we should have 128gb and 256gb storage on phones by now.
why its a phone not a tablet or a mini pc.... or laptop... cats trying to replace cpus and tablets and use cellphones like full fledged pc's now. A cellphone wasnt meant to be a replacement for tablets/laptops etc. 

How many people do you know walking around with their iPad playing music? How many people do you see recording videos? Taking pictures?

I have an iPhone, iPad, and Macbook, and the phone is whats on me most, its what I play my music through at the gym, in the car, at home through speakers, etc etc.

They're making these 8 inch phones nowadays, calling them "phablets" giving you the idea that a phone can be your all in one mobile media solution, but won't give you more space on it?

I have a ton of music, I take a lot of photo's and videos. 16-32gb isn't enough. I have more than 64gb of music alone... What should I do? Buy an iPod on the side?

No, my phone should have enough storage for everything. My iPad was purchased for watching videos, surfing the web, and playing games on trips. My computer is for working and handling business that neither one of my mobile devices can handle.

They're trying to put PC leveled displays and processors in a phone, attempting to have console/low end pc leveled graphics into phones and 64bit OS', but we can't have larger storage?

When you open the phone out of the box, you don't even get a full 16gb.
The storage concerns are directed towards Apple right? Most phones still allow the use of an additional SD card and are compatible with ones up to 128GB.
The storage concerns are directed towards Apple right? Most phones still allow the use of an additional SD card and are compatible with ones up to 128GB.

Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with Apple.

I love the OS', the hardware design, etc. But things like storage irritate the crap out of me.

One thing that I do wish they would do is allow buyers to upgrade storage.
why would they do away with 32gb? if anything 32GB should be the standard now and eliminate the 16GB

you shouldnt be paying $700 for such small memory especially with how the phones are used these days.

Yeah I agree with 32 needing to be the standard.

But by eliminating the 16 GB version, they potentially curb sales.  Fact is most people buy the "entry level" model.  You make the entry level model 32 GB and have it cost more than the entry level version that people are used to, and sales could dip.

By keeping the version folks buy most (16 GB), they don't risk those sales.  And by eliminating the 32, they effectively force people to who want/need more storage to upgrade to the 64 GB.  People aren't going to downgrade from 32 to 16....they'll move on up to 64.  And in the end, Apple wins by making more money.  

All this said, if they'd just have realistic prices in regards to storage capacity, none of this would be an issue.  
16gb in 2014 is embarrassing, I have a usb flash drive that is on my key chain that has more memory than my iPhone 5... :smh:

They really should make 32gb standard for the $199 upgrade price its not really asking a lot...
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Does anyone know how to delete "saved text messages" it's taking up like 9GB worth of space and theres no damn way to delete it at all. So annoying smh
"They really should make 32gb standard for the $199 upgrade price its not really asking a lot..."

the carriers and stores moreso set the contract prices
why would they do away with 32gb? if anything 32GB should be the standard now and eliminate the 16GB

you shouldnt be paying $700 for such small memory especially with how the phones are used these days.

apple :smh:

Yeah I agree with 32 needing to be the standard.

But by eliminating the 16 GB version, they potentially curb sales.  Fact is most people buy the "entry level" model.  You make the entry level model 32 GB and have it cost more than the entry level version that people are used to, and sales could dip.

By keeping the version folks buy most (16 GB), they don't risk those sales.  And by eliminating the 32, they effectively force people to who want/need more storage to upgrade to the 64 GB.  People aren't going to downgrade from 32 to 16....they'll move on up to 64.  And in the end, Apple wins by making more money.  

All this said, if they'd just have realistic prices in regards to storage capacity, none of this would be an issue.  :smh:

Nah man, 32gb be the standard lowest bg at same price as what the 16gb is.

They could do it easily and should
How many people do you know walking around with their iPad playing music? How many people do you see recording videos? Taking pictures?

I have an iPhone, iPad, and Macbook, and the phone is whats on me most, its what I play my music through at the gym, in the car, at home through speakers, etc etc.

They're making these 8 inch phones nowadays, calling them "phablets" giving you the idea that a phone can be your all in one mobile media solution, but won't give you more space on it?

I have a ton of music, I take a lot of photo's and videos. 16-32gb isn't enough. I have more than 64gb of music alone... What should I do? Buy an iPod on the side?

No, my phone should have enough storage for everything. My iPad was purchased for watching videos, surfing the web, and playing games on trips. My computer is for working and handling business that neither one of my mobile devices can handle.

They're trying to put PC leveled displays and processors in a phone, attempting to have console/low end pc leveled graphics into phones and 64bit OS', but we can't have larger storage?

When you open the phone out of the box, you don't even get a full 16gb.
theres this thing called cloud..... theres music apps that store on the go and in sec... give you access to every piece of music known to man.... far more then you could ever store. As far as videos/photos.. what you plan on storing every picture you ever take own forever on some sort of phone? At some point when you get a new phone, what you just gonna transfer all those older pics to the new phone and continue the cycle never to save store any pics/videos on a hard drive or cloud ever?

At that rate we might as well have tb phones if ppl are gonna keep every single photo/video/email/text message they have ever received on one single phone.

I have kids etc.. love em but i dont need every photo/video they have every did for the rest of their lives for the rest of my life all on a single device. 

Thats the real issue cats need space cause they got text messages they wanna keep for some odd reason from 2004 and mess and pictures from jr high to know and now they damn near 30 and what not. And iuno why ppl are afraid to use cloud storage and or/back up txt/videos/pictures etc. Whats wrong with streaming music? Im pretty sure between spotify, itunes radio, rhaspody, grooveshark, pandora etc... They will have any song you want to hear, and will have a much more robust music library then 99.9% of ppl have in any format from vinyl to tape to cd.

I can understand for ppl who stay in tumbleweed towns... where getting wifi/data signals is about as common as seeing pay phones. Or keeping a few things close by, on the phone for those times you maybe in spotty area... But if your somewhere to which you go several days often without wifi or a signal to which you have know other way to access things but directly on your phone i get it.

But its no need to add huge amounts of data for most ppl and drive up prices for everyone because folks basically being technology hoarders.... and want to have a physical copy of every text/sms/pic/video and song they ever heard/seen forever. Just cause iuno they fear cloud storage, refuse to use hard drives and/or just wont use tv/movie/music instant access apps. 
16gb in 2014 is embarrassing, I have a usb flash drive that is on my key chain that has more memory than my iPhone 5... :smh:

They really should make 32gb standard for the $199 upgrade price its not really asking a lot...

This thinking is why they won't get rid of the 16GB. People think because of their phone habits that it applies to everyone. Some people actually just use the phone for calls, texts, and pics here and there. Need more than 16GB then use FREE alternative services like Dropbox. I just recently moved from 16GB to 64GB and it's overkill for me even.
This thinking is why they won't get rid of the 16GB. People think because of their phone habits that it applies to everyone. Some people actually just use the phone for calls, texts, and pics here and there. Need more than 16GB then use FREE alternative services like Dropbox. I just recently moved from 16GB to 64GB and it's overkill for me even.
exactly my point... it would alienate most ppl as i was saying everyone doesnt want or need to have saved on their phone every text/sms/pic/video/movie they have ever seen, taken, viewed or listen to in the course of their entire lives. 

This reminds me of like when ppl want a multi cd changer for their car cause they dont want to for whatever reason use ipod/mp3 player deck...On some man stupid cars with ipod players... and only a slot for one cd, you need to be able to put like 12 disc in there lol.... 
Just trying to gauge ability to upgrade my line with a 6. Will I be able to do so without waiting a month? As far as availability. I've always just waited until christmas, but I'll be upgrading asap this time around.
This thinking is why they won't get rid of the 16GB. People think because of their phone habits that it applies to everyone. Some people actually just use the phone for calls, texts, and pics here and there. Need more than 16GB then use FREE alternative services like Dropbox. I just recently moved from 16GB to 64GB and it's overkill for me even.
exactly my point... it would alienate most ppl as i was saying everyone doesnt want or need to have saved on their phone every text/sms/pic/video/movie they have ever seen, taken, viewed or listen to in the course of their entire lives. 

This reminds me of like when ppl want a multi cd changer for their car cause they dont want to for whatever reason use ipod/mp3 player deck...On some man stupid cars with ipod players... and only a slot for one cd, you need to be able to put like 12 disc in there lol.... 

Y'all contradict yourselves.

"People think because of their phone habits that it applies to everyone. "

Oh, so that's not how you're acting right now?

What's so crazy about wanting the standard of storage space on these phones to be higher while maintaining the same prices?

We just sat here and discussed how flash storage is dirt cheap nowadays and you proceed to defend how we should continue overpaying for such little space.

If the 64gb was reduced to $199 128gb was $299 and 256gb was $399, we could both have what we want.

These phones already cost more than cheap laptops without the contract prices. And even then, those cheap $400 laptops have more than 16-64 gb of storage.

I don't understand what's so complicated about this?
its not that, this day and age. 16gb is nothing and price wise to them, it costs them NOTHING

why not for once change and give customers a better deal which wont hurt them at all?

if they add a 128gb then i dont see an issue in making 32gb the standard lowest memory.

but apple is exactly where its at because of charging people ridiculous prices for their products so they are gonna do what they want and no matter how much everyone complains guess what? we are still gonna buy what ever they push
Y'all contradict yourselves.

"People think because of their phone habits that it applies to everyone. "

Oh, so that's not how you're acting right now?

What's so crazy about wanting the standard of storage space on these phones to be higher while maintaining the same prices?

We just sat here and discussed how flash storage is dirt cheap nowadays and you proceed to defend how we should continue overpaying for such little space.

If the 64gb was reduced to $199 128gb was $299 and 256gb was $399, we could both have what we want.

These phones already cost more than cheap laptops without the contract prices. And even then, those cheap $400 laptops have more than 16-64 gb of storage.

I don't understand what's so complicated about this?
because its backwards business and isnt going to happen thats whats wrong with it.... hell and i find it very ironic on a site call niketalk where comparable wages the shoes and labor is cheaper then the old days originals... yet the product is inferior and they charge sometimes twice as much as the originals.

If the 4.7 32gb is going for roughly 600 bucks... the 64 for 700 and the 5.5 same storage is going for a hundred dollars more..... imagine what a 128 or 256gb storage phone would be?

why should ppl be forced to pay damn near a grand... well the 5.5 will be close to that (no contract) so in theory over a grand for a cellphone all because ppl for some odd reason dont want to use cloud storage, music/tv/music apps... and or back up their stuff on a pc/external hard drive etc?

Plus cloud etc is pretty much the future, hell the now. Its call a smartphone to virtually not use some of the main features of a "smartphone" is well kinda in itself backwards.

And ppl will say well androids etc... use it everyone else use it... and thats because its a gimmick to cover up having inferior products. It simply doesnt make sense. 

Yea in theory and make believe world what your saying is true... but even then they could make the phones even cheaper still by still not adding the additional storage. Either way you slice it a phone with more physical memory/storage will cost more then a phone without one.

Again just like my analogy with a car... yea cds are cheap, but still adding a cd changer to a car would cost more then not adding one,especially when the current trend is mp3/ipod mode.

By your standards they might as well analog, sv cables along with rca cables connections to a tv...hell its cheap and there are still ppl who use vhs etc... 

Yes your right memory is cheap etc... but it still cost money no matter how cheap it is. Thus will add to the price. Why should there be a higher price cause you dont wanna use pandora or spotify or something. Why should ALL consumers pay more for a phone (no matter how minimum the increase is) because you just refuse to use things like moviebox or xfinity or hulu etc.?

We all shouldnt have to be forced with no options just because some ppl want to store every piece of means of communication/media etc they will ever own/collect in life on a cellphone.

If anything i could see the option to add storage. But not just be a standard. EVERYONE shouldnt be forced  to pay for something that EVERYONE wont use, especially when there is a much more efficient better alternatives that is cheaper and more productive that EVERYONE can use. 
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