Anyone catching flack for not voting/being unenthused about voting?

Does anybody...ANYBODY who's says they're not voting realize that there's local government issues on the ballot also? I feel like this goes clean over every non-voters head.
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I just think that something as simple as voting, something people died for, shouldn't be wasted. If you watch Boardwalk Empire Season 1, it's a damn shame to see that women couldn't vote during that era. In terms of history, that's still fairly recent. Some of you probably still have great grandparents living that were alive during that era. You don't have to be ignorant and uninformed. You don't have to vote for a president. Watch Wolf Blitzer's show for an hour. Pick up a newspaper twice a week. Watch your local nightly news before you go to bed. You may find an issue you're passionate about.

But I bet for those that are uninformed, when or if the day comes that to legalize weed in their state or overall in the US shows up on the ballot, half of those people will rush out to vote. And that's a sad sight to see.
Does anybody...ANYBODY who's says they're not voting realize that there's local government issues on the ballot also? I feel like this goes clean over every non-voters head.
Here's a question for everyone... How well educated are you on your local representatives? Do you know who your state representative is? Do you know their voting record? What about city officials & water board?
Our generation has been given everything. We have no big causes so things like voting doesn't mean much. One day we won't be able to  because no one is going to do it. We were born into a world where "all" the fights have been faught so we spit in the face of those that fought those fights. Black people and women should vote everytime. I assume when we mature as a generation we will be different, but I def understand why older people don't respect younger peoples opinions. Why they call people in their 20's children.
My decision not to vote is based on the fact that I refuse to support an institution that I believe is corrupt, simply to save face in front of people.  I honestly could care less what others may think of me for not voting.  I advocate reform of the system, and I don't personally believe that voting for either of the candidates will help us to do so.  But I do have a plan in terms of how I can do my part to help the people make more informed decisions, and I'm executing that plan on a daily basis.  I just pray that one day, it'll be successful and that we can truly make improvements to better all of our lives...
My decision not to vote is based on the fact that I refuse to support an institution that I believe is corrupt, simply to save face in front of people.  I honestly could care less what others may think of me for not voting.  I advocate reform of the system, and I don't personally believe that voting for either of the candidates will help us to do so.  But I do have a plan in terms of how I can do my part to help the people make more informed decisions, and I'm executing that plan on a daily basis.  I just pray that one day, it'll be successful and that we can truly make improvements to better all of our lives...

If you pay taxes you're still supporting it and funding it.
I just think that something as simple as voting, something people died for, shouldn't be wasted. If you watch Boardwalk Empire Season 1, it's a damn shame to see that women couldn't vote during that era. In terms of history, that's still fairly recent. Some of you probably still have great grandparents living that were alive during that era. You don't have to be ignorant and uninformed. You don't have to vote for a president. Watch Wolf Blitzer's show for an hour. Pick up a newspaper twice a week. Watch your local nightly news before you go to bed. You may find an issue you're passionate about.
But I bet for those that are uninformed, when or if the day comes that to legalize weed in their state or overall in the US shows up on the ballot, half of those people will rush out to vote. And that's a sad sight to see.
but this falls on the principles of having a right to do something, but not being responsible/wise with what you have. Its almost llike speech. just cause you have a voice, doesngt neccesarily mean you need to use it if foolishness is spewing out of it.

For all that get on ppl for not voting, whats even worse is ppl voting just cause, and are ignorant, misinformed. And you have faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more ppl voting that are ignorant to the govt.,misinformed, misguided then those who are not and of those who arent voting at all.

So the argument of go voting, even in its principles of making changes/making things better still doesnt hold weight if majority of the people voting dont know the issues, dont know how/what to vote on and make ill advised/bad choices based on things unrelated to the issues/choices such as race/historically significance etc....
I just think that something as simple as voting, something people died for, shouldn't be wasted. If you watch Boardwalk Empire Season 1, it's a damn shame to see that women couldn't vote during that era. In terms of history, that's still fairly recent. Some of you probably still have great grandparents living that were alive during that era. You don't have to be ignorant and uninformed. You don't have to vote for a president. Watch Wolf Blitzer's show for an hour. Pick up a newspaper twice a week. Watch your local nightly news before you go to bed. You may find an issue you're passionate about.
But I bet for those that are uninformed, when or if the day comes that to legalize weed in their state or overall in the US shows up on the ballot, half of those people will rush out to vote. And that's a sad sight to see.

khadafi252 your probably going to ignore this but you do still owe me $50 from 4-5 years ago when we met up and you gave me a check that bounced... just saying :smh:
60 Minutes just ran a piece that describes my exact sentiment on our government. I refuse to vote for a bunch of idiots whose only purpose is to get themselves reelected. Don't think for a second that politicians give a damn about representing you.
If you pay taxes you're still supporting it and funding it.
which is even more of a reason to speak up/demand more.... ppl gripe/*****/complain etc.... over trival things and not getting what they paid for ie... at fast food joints/quality of shoes so on and so forth. yet will give a significant portion of their hard earned paycheck and not speak on complain, or question the ppl you give it to. It be like going into a restaurant gettin horrible food, bad service, and the food was misrepresented. And you said oh well i could speak out but i need food and i gotta eat anyhow so... oh well
which is even more of a reason to speak up/demand more.... ppl gripe/*****/complain etc.... over trival things and not getting what they paid for ie... at fast food joints/quality of shoes so on and so forth. yet will give a significant portion of their hard earned paycheck and not speak on complain, or question the ppl you give it to. It be like going into a restaurant gettin horrible food, bad service, and the food was misrepresented. And you said oh well i could speak out but i need food and i gotta eat anyhow so... oh well
Because it's just that easy to up and change the way the government works, right? You may be able to decide where you eat, but you don't truly get to elect who you want representing you. You're given a list of a few candidates, almost always only two of which even stand a chance at winning.

And God forbid you ever try to run for any office unless you have massive funds ready to finance your campaign.
Because it's just that easy to up and change the way the government works, right? You may be able to decide where you eat, but you don't truly get to elect who you want representing you. You're given a list of a few candidates, almost always only two of which even stand a chance at winning.
And God forbid you ever try to run for any office unless you have massive funds ready to finance your campaign.
i mean in this day and age it certainly isnt that hard.... if ppl can complain make differences with twitters,etc it can be done... Theres tons of ppl who rant/rave to themselves and on blogs/twits etc... if these voices were redirected to ppl of importance or ppl who can make changes it could very well work. I mean posting complaints on blogs with silly gifs/and youtube clips, and endless rants on social media amongst friends isnt working... whats the worst that could happen if these thoughts opinions etc were expressed and sent to the ppl who can advocate change, and who need to hear it.

the same effort used to ask taylor swift what shes doing/ or shoting out kanye, or giving props to durant on a good game, could be used to reach out to media/politicans/big corps etc... just saying
Not voting.

I refuse to vote in a system that allows the uneducated to vote. What's the point in voting when an educated voter who knows what each candidates agendas are has the same power as some shmuck who doesnt even know how to spell the candidates names?

Also, a 2 party system is inherently flawed, especially ours. It's very well possible that a candidate can win when they lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote (which is what matters). Also I wouldnt consider someone who wins 50.1% of the vote to be the best person to run a country. How can the people of that country get behind the winner when almost half of the voters were against them?
That's one of the reasons I don't vote.  Basically, the 2000 election proved how corrupt that **** is and it didn't just start there.  Gore won, we all know it.  I love the "my vote counts" people.  Go ahead and try to save the world while you're at it...
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The irony is that the sources of the information that most voters base their decision on are owned by the very same backers of the campaigns. Most of the press and media are controlled to alter your viewpoints.
Damn b. tell em to hop off your nuts. You gotta check
Them all. Don't let them get away with that shot just cause their fam. Family will be the first to disrespect
You cause they know u have to deal with them.
i mean in this day and age it certainly isnt that hard.... if ppl can complain make differences with twitters,etc it can be done... Theres tons of ppl who rant/rave to themselves and on blogs/twits etc... if these voices were redirected to ppl of importance or ppl who can make changes it could very well work. I mean posting complaints on blogs with silly gifs/and youtube clips, and endless rants on social media amongst friends isnt working... whats the worst that could happen if these thoughts opinions etc were expressed and sent to the ppl who can advocate change, and who need to hear it.

the same effort used to ask taylor swift what shes doing/ or shoting out kanye, or giving props to durant on a good game, could be used to reach out to media/politicans/big corps etc... just saying
:lol: How old are you? You're not making a difference unless you

1. Have money.
2. Have dirt on somebody that matters.

Nobody gives a damn about your stupid opinion expressed on Twitter. Have you ever actually written one of your representatives? I have numerous times. Canned answers, followed by a change of subject, followed by a thanks for your support and vote for me. Every single time.
 Have you ever actually written one of your representatives? I have numerous times. Canned answers, followed by a change of subject, followed by a thanks for your support and vote for me. Every single time.
He's right because I used to write the responses. All constituent mail addressed to your Congressman is handed to interns/Legislative Correspondents, typed on an arbitrary form letter, and autopenned. 

Still think people should vote doe, jus sayin.
How old are you? You're not making a difference unless you
1. Have money.
2. Have dirt on somebody that matters.
Nobody gives a damn about your stupid opinion expressed on Twitter. Have you ever actually written one of your representatives? I have numerous times. Canned answers, followed by a change of subject, followed by a thanks for your support and vote for me. Every single time.
yes i actually did, in one instance when i first joined the military... i was shorted some of my bonus enlistment. Other soldiers where as well. i wrote to the jag offices, my state reps. etc... went to offices etc... and it took a while but one... i did end up being recouped, two the story eventually got steam once other ppl started speaking out. And then with the news media, some head charge ppl where demoted/change of position. So yes it does work.

Well i can say it works for me. Another instance i remember in ga, a bunch of white ppl got together a banned walmarts from placing megastores/24 hour stores in their community, because they where killing the small buisnessman, and it so called would bring about certain unwanted elements which could potentially bring crime to there communities (aka more minorities) They wrote state reps etc... ppl of walmart, wsb news etc.... And sure enough years later still never have/and probably never will have a major conglomerant store like a walmart in their community.
yes i actually did, in one instance when i first joined the military... i was shorted some of my bonus enlistment. Other soldiers where as well. i wrote to the jag offices, my state reps. etc... went to offices etc... and it took a while but one... i did end up being recouped, two the story eventually got steam once other ppl started speaking out. And then with the news media, some head charge ppl where demoted/change of position. So yes it does work.
That's so specific and a much smaller scale. It's not applicable to the major issues at hand right now. Nobody in Washington cares about my opinion on the budget deficit or corporate tax.

But yes, I commend you on making a difference. I bet it felt good to be listened to. Unfortunately that's just not the norm.
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