Anyone catching flack for not voting/being unenthused about voting?

Yeah...but then again, most of this flack comes from people who don't know what the Electoral College is, who can't name the 3 branches of government and their functions, who have no idea of how incestuous business and politics are with each other, and who don't know the Fed is a private how much do their criticisms really mean?

And most people who dont vote dont know what a swing state is and how organizing a community of thousands can effect the electoral college.

Im so tired of fake smart people saying "Your vote doesnt count" Obviously one vote out of a hundred million doesnt make much of a difference but when you spread this dumb **** to millions IT REALLY COUNTS. Because the gullible uninformed people are the ones who suffer because they will actually believe you.

Ever wonder why smart rich people are so enthused with voting & the electoral process but poor dumb people aren't?
Dang this went from catching flack for being unenthused about voting to a race issue.... Really?

It's 2012

To answer the question of the topic, yes. I doubt I will vote. Our last Republican presiden screwed us over, and our current Democrat president is screwing us over even further. In my opinion, we're screwed with either of the bull headed political parties. No other party even has a shot in the dark so IMO it dont even matter.

Just my $.02
Since I openly said I didn't plan on voting at a family function during the summer, I've been catching heat from my family. It got so bad, they told a friend of the family about hat I'd said and dude even called me up and laid on the whole "your constitutional right to vote... Not voting for one is technically a vote for the other". I could have debated, but I let it go. Now with time winding down, they've turned it up a notch. Today alone my grandmother's called me 6 times, no exaggeration, saying I should go vote early since I don't have anything to do On fridays. It's annoying as hell, especially coming from people who can't even pay attention to the debates, but watch every one of them. I asked a family member to explain the electoral college the other day. They couldn't do it, and claimed that I thought I was better than everyone else. Part of me wants to go vote unfavorably just to piss them off more. Part of me still couldn't care less about voting. Part of me wants to just lie and say I voted... But they legit requested that I bring back the "I am a Georgia voter" sticker as proof.

Anyone else been under pressure to vote from their family members or people you're close to?
Do you live in a swing state? 

EDIT: I didn't read the whole thing 
 missed the Georgia part
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local matters are the only thing I'd take seriously if I were to make my way out to the polls. That's an impact you can actually measure.

Aside from that your local representatives do work in Washington you know...

But when it comes to family, although most of them aren't as knowledgable as they should be,

What are you doing with your "knowledge" :rolleyes

It's only takes 20-30 minutes b.

Less than that if you vote absentee.

It's funny how a lot of people aren't gonna vote at all because of how the feel about the Presidential elections
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^^ I think Club is asian right? 

If you want to vote I would recommend it, coming from someone who does not have that right, trust me at least they want your vote.
i like you VA, i do.

but when I see the same exact people playing the same exact cards, im forced to bring it up.

race had little to do (if anything) with the topic, and then a picture SO extreme gets posted, i mean really?

Im not saying 'sweep it under the rug', nor did i say anybody makes me sick.

im saying stop bringing it up in every topic, on some "just incase you guys forgot, look how bad we had/have it!"
dude answered ops question the way EVERY BLACK MAN answers that question...we(todays youth) catch flack from the old heads, because people LITERALLY died for that right...
every black man? you shouldnt generalize, dont put them all in one group, right?

every black man would respond with such a crass picture and then say /yourthread? really?

edit: im hispanic, for those asking.
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I have been struggling with this lately. I feel like I should vote because so many died for me to have the right. However, I feel like to give Obama or Romney my vote would just be me voting for the lesser of two evils. I don't like Obama and I have a pure hatred for Romney (he looks and soumds like a used car salesman, and u can't trust a used car salesman). Those men couldn't care less about the general population or the improvement of our country. All that matters to all politicians, in my opinion, is a paycheck. So y give them my vote? And besides I live in Texas which we all know is a red state. So even if I did vote Obama it wouldn't matter. Our people in the electoral college r gonna vote Romney anyway.
Sharing my experience and asking if anyone else on a message board if they shared a similar experience equates to *****ing?
anything that questions or challenges what he thinks is trolling, thats how he childishly justifies it, like many of you enjoy doing.
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I have been struggling with this lately. I feel like I should vote because so many died for me to have the right. However, I feel like to give Obama or Romney my vote would just be me voting for the lesser of two evils. I don't like Obama and I have a pure hatred for Romney (he looks and soumds like a used car salesman, and u can't trust a used car salesman). Those men couldn't care less about the general population or the improvement of our country. All that matters to all politicians, in my opinion, is a paycheck. So y give them my vote? And besides I live in Texas which we all know is a red state. So even if I did vote Obama it wouldn't matter. Our people in the electoral college r gonna vote Romney anyway.

You do know there's plenty of other people running for President right? Utilize your vote don't disenfranchise yourself. You live in Texas where the GOP publicly tried to suppress African American and Hispanic votes. Do some research before election day and vote locally but for God sakes don't suppress your own right to vote.
I'm not enthusiastic about voting and I'm not thrilled by any of the candidates, but I'll be giving my vote to a third-party candidate come Tuesday just to send the message that I'm not content with the two-party system.
And most people who dont vote dont know what a swing state is and how organizing a community of thousands can effect the electoral college.
Im so tired of fake smart people saying "Your vote doesnt count" Obviously one vote out of a hundred million doesnt make much of a difference but when you spread this dumb **** to millions IT REALLY COUNTS. Because the gullible uninformed people are the ones who suffer because they will actually believe you.
Ever wonder why smart rich people are so enthused with voting & the electoral process but poor dumb people aren't?

Gullible, uninformed people also voted Bush in twice (well, 1.5x) and thanks to the misinformation of the government, thoroughly supported the war. Whatcha sayin', bruh? I know how the process works, and that's how I know it's broken. Swing states are fine and all, but when there's so little practical difference between the candidates, where are we swinging? From the puppet strings of big business, just like most politicians.

Besides, smart, rich people are so enthused because they want to maintain the illusion that everybody gets a say...keeps the torch and pitchfork mob happy. For the most part, dollars are votes these days...don't be convinced differently.
Race had nothing to do with the topic. Guy posted an atrocious picture and completely derailed the thread. And you all have nerve to chastise me?

Dude asked me what I've done with my "knowledge". Get real. I've broken down debates for my family, told them about fact checkers, encouraged them to look beyond race in the election and to focus on the issues that are important to them when it comes to casting their ballots. I'm not one of those people touting the "it's pointless to vote" horn. So miss me with that. Show me once where I said I wasn't voting because I thought there was no point.

Dudes coming at me on that "your people died for the right to vote". MY people died for a lot of things. Blacks died for the freedom of speech, yet I don't see you all protesting rap music that glorifies drug dealers who claim to have made a killing by distributing to the black community. I don't see you all in an uproar to stand against a govenement that would allow for ENVIORNMENTAL discrimination. You all walk around with your chests puffed out as if you're doing so much to aid the black plight... By posting pictures of a man being lynched because be supported a system that gave two ***** about him. Instead of seeking for the reformation of that same system, you all argue with me for not uplifting it. Again... Bravo.

"Fake smart" dudes come up with a counter argument, get on their soap box, and act like they're speaking from divinity. **** out of here.
Caught flack from mom last night so lucky they have a grace period to register and vote...

:rofl: Jimmie status = rustled.

Don't like opinions from others? Get a blog dawg.
I sort of feel this way but I want to exercise my right I guess? Going with moms here in a couple hours to submit my early ballot
:rofl: Jimmie status = rustled.
Don't like opinions from others? Get a blog dawg.

You're a clown, b.

You post a picture of a black man being lynched. Saying our people died for the right to vote. Our people also died for the right to stand together. Are you honoring their memory by laughing and telling me to go elsewhere? Black men who met their demise at the hands of other people who ridiculed them and their brothers roll over in their grave every time a person like you feels as if he has to combat and ridicule another black person, rather than engaging in actual discourse.

My jimmies are ruffled. But I feel sorry for you fam.
My $.02, if you don't research the candidate and read the propositions you're voting for, you shouldn't vote. We complain about our congress people & legislators not reading the bills before they vote for them yet we as citizens to the same thing. I would much rather have a lower voter turnout with a higher education factor on the issues than trying to get everyone and their mom to the polls so they can have bragging rights that they pulled the lever and got their sticker.
Show me once where I said I wasn't voting because I thought there was no point.

Here regarding the Presidential election even if you don't want to admit it.

I can respect that. In fact, local matters are the only thing I'd take seriously if I were to make my way out to the polls. That's an impact you can actually measure.

"Fake smart" dudes come up with a counter argument, get on their soap box, and act like they're speaking from divinity. **** out of here.
The irony.
I can understand where your coming from and feel why some beleive that voting is a waste of their time,espacially now with the way the economy,the shortage of decent paying jobs and the cost of living steadly rising.It feels like its setup for The common working poor man and woman to finish last no matter if they vote or not.Your going to get opinions,short and long on why you should vote,the importance of voting and the whole historicial battle that went on for you to be able to vote.But in my opinion,its up to you and you have that right to excersize your choice to do as you want,and to voice your opinion negetive or positive about anything you choose.Your opinion will be 1 out of millions that call America home;And to be frank with you the majority of the people of this nation are overly-opinionated,lazy,hypocrites but their let em vote.

:smokin:Im voting,just to see a black family in the WHITEHOUSE for another four years...., thats my primary reason(really health-care),that alone will piss some folks off but its something I can live with and after the Obama's leave we can go find Allen Keys,Jesse Jackson .sr,the homie louis why not,that lane is opening up since ol'Mitt stepped to run.
That hardly suggests that I find voting pointless. In fact my supporting any voting, whether on the national or local scale, suggests the contrary. Try again.
i feel you club...

i feel the same way for real man...

not going at YOU personally in any way, shape, form...

and your right, silly of me to say EVERY black man responds that bad, i was talkin wit emotion, thats

and i agree, tho the pic kept it was no diff than putty coming into a thread about delicious chicken and making it about God and gays...It had no place in THIS thread...

props to the mature nters that can disagree tactfully and respectfully...
My $.02, if you don't research the candidate and read the propositions you're voting for, you shouldn't vote. We complain about our congress people & legislators not reading the bills before they vote for them yet we as citizens to the same thing. I would much rather have a lower voter turnout with a higher education factor on the issues than trying to get everyone and their mom to the polls so they can have bragging rights that they pulled the lever and got their sticker.
my thoughts EXACTLY during obamas inaugural run at office...90% of my friends voted for him simply because he was black...didnt need to look any further than that...

dudes let puff daddy ads pressure them into voting....dudes were voting for the complete wrong reasons...
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