Anddd it begins... Jordan 2012 Release fights and aftermath

So.. I just read this entire thread. What's up with the new jacks thinking that rep count actually means anything? Did I miss something? Oh, and it's quite obvious that that person and some others are either the same person or his homeboys trying to make him look good and "win". 
Future ain't here to defend himself so dudes going in on him :lol: Future was cool in the political/social debates butI can't speak for his posting habits in other places

Future did come off as a intelligent, well read person, The problem was that he didn't know when to stop. He would win the argument but continue to go in on the same dudes for pages and most of the thread he was active in just turned into circlejerks after a while.

People hate Future because he would point out dudes flawed logic, biases and ignorance. Especially NT christian and dudes that where anti gay marriage. He was your classic Obermann/Maher type liberal, you know the type of liberal at even some liberals kinda dislike.

But I can see why people could find him annoying because he posted so much and seemed like he was always looking for beef.
I would hardly call that "going in on him" and "dudes" had no problem doing that when he was here to defend himself.
 future had a lot of interesting things to say. 
Cause a N wear kufi it dont mean that hes bright,

cause you dont understand him it dont mean that hes nice,

just means you dont understand all the BS that he writes.

'I've seen Hoop Dreams deflate like a true fiend's weight'
What else can I say about dude, Truth Gets Bizzay

Hov lyrics can be applied to any situation  <>
Future ain't here to defend himself so dudes going in on him
Future was cool in the political/social debates butI can't speak for his posting habits in other places

Future did come off as a intelligent, well read person, The problem was that he didn't know when to stop. He would win the argument but continue to go in on the same dudes for pages and most of the thread he was active in just turned into circlejerks after a while.

People hate Future because he would point out dudes flawed logic, biases and ignorance. Especially NT christian and dudes that where anti gay marriage. He was your classic Obermann/Maher type liberal, you know the type of liberal at even some liberals kinda dislike.

But I can see why people could find him annoying because he posted so much and seemed like he was always looking for beef.
People hated Optimus x Dame Theory x sillyputty x FutureMD because every iteration of his e-persona was annoying as ****.  Even if you agreed with some of his viewpoints (which I actually did a lot), buddy was/is still the stereotypical pestering, internet know-it-all.  That **** just isn't sweet and wears thin after awhile.  And I say "is" because he'll be back.  Dude just can't stay away.    
buddy was/is still the stereotypical pestering, internet know-it-all.  That **** just isn't sweet and wears thin after awhile.    

But yet ninjahood does exactly the same thing and he barley gets any flack for it. Dude is just as annoying when it comes to political threads.

He's an architect one day, a financial advisor the next, an electrical engineer, a scholar, automotive expert, and a doctor.
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i feel like alot you guys hated silly because you couldn't out debate him
i thought he was kind of annoying but y'all just end up banning dudes of the opposite view point and call them trolls.
i do agree that most were trolls like truth but some actually brought something to this board whether it came off in a bad way or not
buddy was/is still the stereotypical pestering, internet know-it-all.  That **** just isn't sweet and wears thin after awhile.    
But yet ninjahood does exactly the same thing and he barley gets any flack for it. Dude is just as annoying when it comes to political threads.
Oh, I agree.  At least putty brought actual intelligence to the table with some of his posts.  Ninja basically just throws out his mostly uneducated opinion as fact and then debates anyone who disagrees (remember the whole clean coal fiasco?).  And everything he has (see: Sidekick) is the best.   
Putty would post powerpoint presentations with charts, political cartoons, graphs, etc

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Another epic digression in here! HA!

I think it depends on your own experiences with dude.

I am not really religious. So I don't feel the need to troll threads about something I don't believe in. And I don't view atheistic fanaticism to be any "better" than religious fanaticism. Ultimately, they are the same.

Gay marriage....I'm not gay. Nor am I homophobic. I believe homosexuals should be allowed to get married. I don't need to troll threads on the subject. I'm comfortable in my own personal beliefs on it.

I like sneakers and music. So that's where I stay on here. I don't come here to attempt to flex some kind of intellectual superiority over complete strangers. Even his SN.....come on son.....

And like Trife said....I'm not about to have someone talk to me about marriage....who isn't married.

Not about to have someone talk to me about relationships when they're on here posting 100 times a day. What could that person tell me about interpersonal human interaction?

So while he may have been well educated and capable of discussing science, medicine etc. (and even then, alot of that was him posting OTHER PEOPLES perspectives/beliefs via videos, articles, pie charts, pyramids etc), the same could not be said for his views on all other subjects.

There are some thing in life a textbook will and cannot teach you. It was those social issues where he was just as vocal, but far less informed.

He was a bit of a social misfit. Even his history on here would attest to that.
Back to the topic of the thread....

Sleep outside for days for a pair of J's

Sleep outside forever cuz you got sprayed

- The Game, Holy Water
buddy was/is still the stereotypical pestering, internet know-it-all.  That **** just isn't sweet and wears thin after awhile.    

But yet ninjahood does exactly the same thing and he barley gets any flack for it. Dude is just as annoying when it comes to political threads.

He's an architect one day, a financial advisor the next, an electrical engineer, a scholar, automotive expert, and a doctor.

What you talking about brah, Ninjahood been aired out like 6-8 times this year. :lol:
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