and we're done

Have these people been to Manhattan??? There is no place for the Garden to move.... Do they want it to go to NJ or something???

It would seriously be a slap in the face if they moved to NJ. With the Nets being in Brooklyn, you can't leave the city.

werent they thinking about moving behind the post office?

The FIT Dorms are all there. If memory serves me correctly, all that's there are the FIT dorms, some diners, B&H and parking lots :lol:

I hate that they're forced to move, but excited at the prospect of Dolan being forced to build a new Garden right now.

You know he's going to try to one-up the Russian.:lol:

This is the only thing that's exciting about the move. The new Garden would be DOPE! I'm a little disappointed that they went through all those renovations though. Such a waste of money. This only means ticket prices will go up even more.

I would faint if they move to Harlem

Highly doubt they move to Harlem. They have to keep the Garden on or near a transit hub.

move that **** next to javitz or something

ain't no one trying to go to harlem for a game

This makes the most sense. That's where they were going to build the Jets new stadium when they were going through all those proposals. I think it's called the West Side Railyards or something. Does anyone know if that area is still open to build on?

Look at all this space!!!


P.S. What the Hell is Ninjahood talking about?
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It would seriously be a slap in the face if they moved to NJ. With the Nets being in Brooklyn, you can't leave the city.
The FIT Dorms are all there. If memory serves me correctly, all that's there are the FIT dorms, some diners, B&H and parking lots

This is the only thing that's exciting about the move. The new Garden would be DOPE! I'm a little disappointed that they went through all those renovations though. Such a waste of money. This only means ticket prices will go up even more.
Highly doubt they move to Harlem. They have to keep the Garden on or near a transit hub.
This makes the most sense. That's where they were going to build the Jets new stadium when they were going through all those proposals. I think it's called the West Side Railyards or something. Does anyone know if that area is still open to build on?

Look at all this space!!!

P.S. What the Hell is Ninjahood talking about?
They knocked down one of the greatest buildings in New York to build the original MSG.
The majority of that space is now a part of the hudson yards development which will be adding millions of square feet of office space and residential buildings to the area. The buildings being built are world class. Ninja posted a picture of the old penn station which was demolished and he is right about it being a tragedy. If the garden is moved the station can be redeveloped. Check out for renders of what could go there and the aforementioned hudson yards. The proposals for penn station are mind blowing.
We better sign Jeremy Tyler and Toure Murray and leave one roster spot open . Both of them are young and have potential especially Tyler
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Near the Javitz Center would be smart. And since they are extending the 7 line out towards there you have your major transit hub.
if there is a closer train station there (which it sounds like there will be) i am ok with moving it near the javits center. as of now, its a troop from the nearest train station.
Why can't they renovate penn with the garden on top of it?? The garden renovated with penn being underneath it...
The Garden has already existed in four different locations, its not a landmark. Ninjahood is actually right, plus the current Penn Station is an abomination, I've seen bums taking dumps in the middle of the amtrak corridor before :smh:

No reason for a major metropolis like New York not to have a better train outpost than what we have right now.

Let Dolan's cheap *** figure out what to do...he has enough money, he'll figure it out I'm sure.
The Garden has already existed in four different locations, its not a landmark. Ninjahood is actually right, plus the current Penn Station is an abomination, I've seen bums taking dumps in the middle of the amtrak corridor before :smh:

No reason for a major metropolis like New York not to have a better train outpost than what we have right now.

Let Dolan's cheap *** figure out what to do...he has enough money, he'll figure it out I'm sure.

our subway system is filthy compared to the others around the world :smh:
Why can't they renovate penn with the garden on top of it?? The garden renovated with penn being underneath it...
Huh?  That's what they have now.  That's why Penn is so crappy.
I'm not sure why you don't understand... Just fix it up with the garden still on top of it... The garden just spent almost a billion dollars to renovate with penn still underneath it.... I don't understand why penn can't be fixed up and the garden still be on top of it....
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