And They wonder why Young Blacks distrust NYPD

Nako XL- I dont know how it is in NYC but here in DC ususally when people are just "hanging out" in a large group thats trouble...... I have recovered 5 guns off people just "hanging out" go figure!!!!!
Nako XL- I dont know how it is in NYC but here in DC ususally when people are just "hanging out" in a large group thats trouble...... I have recovered 5 guns off people just "hanging out" go figure!!!!!
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Is it racial profiling, if a cop harasses you in a predominately black hood?
No thats neighborhood profiling…
but why do cops harass me in central park too?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Is it racial profiling, if a cop harasses you in a predominately black hood?
No thats neighborhood profiling…
but why do cops harass me in central park too?
How can people say they would be cool with this?

If it happens to me one time, okay i'm cool with that

But I'm sure some people are getting frisked once or twice a month to keep us "safe"

85% Black & Latino? Cmon that bs.
How can people say they would be cool with this?

If it happens to me one time, okay i'm cool with that

But I'm sure some people are getting frisked once or twice a month to keep us "safe"

85% Black & Latino? Cmon that bs.
Lemme preface this by saying racial profiling definitely exists/and some cops do abuse their authority....with that being said.

I'm a 6ft4, intimidating looking (well atleast people should be intimidated
) dark skinned dude and I've never ever been harassed by the cops. Maybe they're scared.

I know people who complain about profling when they were definitely committing a crime.
 If the cops are ALWAYS harassing you, at some point you gotta start thinking it's YOU.

If you live in a neigborhood with high crime rates, police are bound to be more vigilant so if you look "suspicious" and one rolls up on you is that really profiling?

I'm saying all this cause one of my boys is a cop in a terrible neighborhood in brooklyn. Its a pretty dangerous job.
Lemme preface this by saying racial profiling definitely exists/and some cops do abuse their authority....with that being said.

I'm a 6ft4, intimidating looking (well atleast people should be intimidated
) dark skinned dude and I've never ever been harassed by the cops. Maybe they're scared.

I know people who complain about profling when they were definitely committing a crime.
 If the cops are ALWAYS harassing you, at some point you gotta start thinking it's YOU.

If you live in a neigborhood with high crime rates, police are bound to be more vigilant so if you look "suspicious" and one rolls up on you is that really profiling?

I'm saying all this cause one of my boys is a cop in a terrible neighborhood in brooklyn. Its a pretty dangerous job.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So realistically speaking, if some cop decides to plant drugs in my car, what can I do to fight that?

Buy a camera for your whip… as soon as the investigation begins start recording… this is your only way to be truely safe…
and when / if they shoot you for no reason, at least the’ll be evidence...

Which is a GREAT idea (no sarcasm)....but whats crazy out here in Maryland you can get sentenced something stupid (over 5 years) for recording a police officer 
.  Somebody got charged with that last year.  If I can find the article i'll post it.
We really have no rights against police officers, the things they get away with are absurd, which is why I avoid them like the plague.

never heard of that one.

and down here in the DMV, if cops chose to search people (young dudes) they would find soo many guns and knives, etc.

not saying every young guy down here is carrying protection, but alot of these youngin's are wreckless, alot of the murder's and violent reports down here are from young folks (D.C. area) fighting on buses, trains, putting other kids in the hospital, robberies, etc.

but I also see what people are saying about racial profiling and having one want's to be chilling enjoying their day to be stopped and searched while people are driving by being nosy as they can be.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So realistically speaking, if some cop decides to plant drugs in my car, what can I do to fight that?

Buy a camera for your whip… as soon as the investigation begins start recording… this is your only way to be truely safe…
and when / if they shoot you for no reason, at least the’ll be evidence...

Which is a GREAT idea (no sarcasm)....but whats crazy out here in Maryland you can get sentenced something stupid (over 5 years) for recording a police officer 
.  Somebody got charged with that last year.  If I can find the article i'll post it.
We really have no rights against police officers, the things they get away with are absurd, which is why I avoid them like the plague.

never heard of that one.

and down here in the DMV, if cops chose to search people (young dudes) they would find soo many guns and knives, etc.

not saying every young guy down here is carrying protection, but alot of these youngin's are wreckless, alot of the murder's and violent reports down here are from young folks (D.C. area) fighting on buses, trains, putting other kids in the hospital, robberies, etc.

but I also see what people are saying about racial profiling and having one want's to be chilling enjoying their day to be stopped and searched while people are driving by being nosy as they can be.
Everyone always plays the victim. Im sure if you spoke to a cop there would be a different side of the story. Everyone needs to stop crying and yelling harassment. Blame the real criminals who happen to look like you for the reason of the stop. Stop hanging on the corners "chilling", smoking, playing music, sitting on cars, wearing your pants so low people can see your boxers, etc. take responsibility for your actions bc you bring attention upon yourselves.
I know this doesnt apply to everyone, so sorry if you are trying to make something of yourself. But if you are a jobless, lazy piece of manure that spends more time in the streets, hanging out, not doing anything productive; then suck it up and make a positive change in your life and maybe you wont be "harassed".
Everyone always plays the victim. Im sure if you spoke to a cop there would be a different side of the story. Everyone needs to stop crying and yelling harassment. Blame the real criminals who happen to look like you for the reason of the stop. Stop hanging on the corners "chilling", smoking, playing music, sitting on cars, wearing your pants so low people can see your boxers, etc. take responsibility for your actions bc you bring attention upon yourselves.
I know this doesnt apply to everyone, so sorry if you are trying to make something of yourself. But if you are a jobless, lazy piece of manure that spends more time in the streets, hanging out, not doing anything productive; then suck it up and make a positive change in your life and maybe you wont be "harassed".
Originally Posted by prymone

Originally Posted by BTK

this has become perfectly legal since the days of Giuliani. This is his tactic, and for those complaining that they're profiling, get over it. Face facts, most of the violent and dryg related crimes in the city comes from blacks and latinos. If you're not doing anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about.

Spoiler [+]
I'm black if that matters
whether your doing something illegal or not
its still wastin 10 minutes of your time, humiliating you (not me i could care less im used to it), and basically saying oh he has drugs and a gun get him
its not right, out of the millions of times ive been stopped like that ive only been arrested twice, and ive been arrested 10+

Originally Posted by prymone

Originally Posted by BTK

this has become perfectly legal since the days of Giuliani. This is his tactic, and for those complaining that they're profiling, get over it. Face facts, most of the violent and dryg related crimes in the city comes from blacks and latinos. If you're not doing anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about.

Spoiler [+]
I'm black if that matters
whether your doing something illegal or not
its still wastin 10 minutes of your time, humiliating you (not me i could care less im used to it), and basically saying oh he has drugs and a gun get him
its not right, out of the millions of times ive been stopped like that ive only been arrested twice, and ive been arrested 10+

To be young black and hoodrich the police hate that %*%# period.
All those that agree with this stop and frisk are okay with it because it never happened to them before.

I got no problem with the blue and whites when they do it but the D's be on some whole other %*%#.
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