***All RED MEAT is bad for you, new study says.***

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Native Americans ate buffalo and they lived long

What they really mean to say is all farmed red meat is bad for you and eating a lot of read meat it bad because your liver has to work hard to get the toxins out of the bad farmed meat.
You see the food that is in the super markets today is far crappier that the stuff 40-50 years ago.

That's what happens when people want to cut corners to save money and make an extra buck.
Shout to all my fellow vegetarians

forreal tho, there's mad disinfo in here. especially most of you dudes that don't even bother to do any research on anything at all. you just accept eating flesh like everything is peace.

i would go further to say ALL MEAT period is bad for you. do the knowledge. the whole protein thing is somewhat of a myth. eating a ridiculous amount of protein is not good for you. again, do the research to this.

i'm not a vegetarian strictly for ethical purposes, although it's cool to think i'm saving cute animals...but only for the health reasons. the feeling you get without meat in your system is amazing.

eat to live.
This was not the greatest of studies. Grouping in the likes of pepperoni with what we consider to be traditional red meat is flawed. Not to mention, different researchers out of the same "illustrious" institution recently came to the conclusion that processed red meat may make a difference, but non-processed does not. Just because it's from Harvard doesn't mean you should believe it.
This is the most in-concise study I've ever seen. What the study fails to tell you is what other foods are subjects eating WITH their red meat. Are they eating meals high in processed carbohydrates along with their red meat?(bread, pasta, rice...) Are they drinking soda, beer, or highly sweetened tea or juice with their meals? Are they eating high glycemic index foods along with their meals? (foods that spike blood sugar leading to insulin spikes...white potatoes, beans, etc...)

I mean think about it. Usually when you go to a steak place, what's served as soon as you sit down before you even get your meal? Baskets of bread. What do many people tend to order with steak? Some type of potato whether french fries, mashed potatoes, or whatever else. Also beans, rice, and pasta are common side dishes when eating red meat. Fajitas = rice & beans, chips & salsa, cheese & tortillas. Am I lying?! 

People need to open their eyes and do research for themselves to find out what is TRULY making them unhealthy. We are a nation OBSESSED with low fat, high carbohydrate (whole grain) diets, yet we are one of the fattest, unhealthiest nations in the world. Something's not right ya'll.

Check out these sites for great info on nutrition and explanations on why certain foods make us fat and unhealthy. And believe me, red meat ain't one of em.

Whole 9 Life
Mark's Daily Apple

BTW: I own a CrossFit gym in the Houston Area and fight the nutrition battle with my clients on an almost daily basis. I try to present the information to them in an objective way and let them make decisions for themselves. The ones that tend to buy in to alot of the information that we give them have amazing results not just in aesthetics but in overall health as well. I'd also like to open some dialogue with vegetarians out there to understand why it is they've made the choice to exclude meat and animal products from their diets. No emotions attached, just objective discussions supported with facts.

- Preciate it.
I really dont eat red meat like that but when I do its maybe 1-2 times a month. Moderation is the keyword fellas you use that and we should be fine 
adding x amount of yrs to your health is all suggestive. you'll never really know how long you'll until you die. red meat, like many things in life, are ok in moderation. i take the study as just adding to the awareness to mind what you eat. eating clean, untreated/unprocessed food makes a big diff. for example, grass fed beef is better to consume than corn fed beef. the latter, however, is cheaper to sell.

in this day and age, its hard to avoid something that can have an adverse effect one one's health. its almost impossible. its all about mitigating risk, thats all.
its the corn fed cows that are the problem. the antibiotics and other crap the cows take in is disgusting. grass fed organic all the way
Read the whole thread, not planning on living that long anyways. Headed off to In n Out to cop a double double with animal fries. I'll probably smoke j before and a cigarette after. Shrug.......

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