***All RED MEAT is bad for you, new study says.***

Originally Posted by AEA18


at everyone saying moderation is ok, did you guys read the first few sentences of the article?

Reading this while eating a sausage and pepperoni pizza..
Originally Posted by Kramer

They say this about everything, apparently now milk is bad for you too. My grandparents be eatin steak and theyre in their 80s I think Im good
you're aware that lactase persistence was never an original trait right?

Originally Posted by krazyg

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Study is bad science. Some of the participants smoked, drank alcohol, were overweight, or had family history of disease.

This. Plus they didn't take into account of other foods they ate. Burgers & processed meat (Hotdogs/Bacon)= Red Meat. Lean steak is nowhere as unhealthy. Pretty bad study if you ask me.
You're saying the lead author from Harvard along with 7 other doctors, that went through the brutal peer review process of the archives of internal medicine wrote a "pretty bad study"
You don't think they accounted for variance and didn't generate a base-line?  If you actually read the research, it's all defined within the article.

you dudes talking out your %@% slay me
Originally Posted by bjamez20

at everyone saying moderation is ok, did you guys read the first few sentences of the article?

Reading this while eating a sausage and pepperoni pizza..

Does pork even count as red meat?
MY bet is this study was done on Americans, not worldwide.

Read this if you care

- Red meat comes from cows

- Cows have an organ that humans do not, called a rumen.  This organ allows them to eat grass and turn it into protein.  Humans do not have rumens, that is why we cannot eat grass and we turn to meat (among other food products) for sources of protein.  

- The industrial food chain (where between 90-99% of meat in supermarkets comes from) does not give cows a grass diet.  Instead, they feed them Type II corn.  This corn is not even edible by humans.  It is a hybrid plant that has been genetically modified to grow faster and larger in smaller spaces.  Industrial growers use nitrogen, fertilizers, and pesticides to grow as much as possible because the government subsidizes the product and the more you grow = more $. 

- The corn fed to cows only gives them carbohydrates (aka- energy), but no protein.  In order to for the cows to receive their protein, the slaughterhouses take the liquid lard/fat from previously slaughtered cows and mix it with the corn.  So the cows are now eating their relatives.

- Since none of this coincides with a natural diet of a cow and they are confined to small spaces covered in manure (also unable to free range and receive the necessary exercise)  they develop diseases rapidly.  To counteract these diseases (that could rapidly kill the profit of the food industry), the cows are injected with antibiotics and medications to fight the bacterias.  These medications also aid the cows to grow larger, much faster.  

- All of this contributes to the unhealthiness of the meat and why we have seen a rapid rise in cardiovascular disease (#1 murderer in America). If you look back before the industrial food system took off (before WWII), don't quote me, but cardiovascular disease was not even in the top 10-20 causes of death.  BY THE WAY, there are a few reasons the industrial food industry took off after WWII- one of them is that the USA had a too much of the chemical nitrogen, that is used for chemical warfare or bombs.  This chemical is used to spray depleted soil to aid the growth of crops, such as corn (nitrogen is one of the 3 main compounds in plants- with phosphate and potassium as the other 2.)

- Try fitting all of THAT onto your package of steak

I can keep going into more detail, but I'm sure most of you stopped reading after the first couple paragraphs, if at all. 

America is one of the only countries with a system remotely like this.  Mainly because of the corn subsidies.  Places like Europe and South America would never touch American meat. Just go to any supermarket in France, Spain, Argentina (best meat in the world), etc. 

By the way, I eat steak, beef, chicken, etc.  No vegetarian here. Just try my best to stay away from American meat (most unhealthy in the entire world).
Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by bjamez20

at everyone saying moderation is ok, did you guys read the first few sentences of the article?

Reading this while eating a sausage and pepperoni pizza..

Does pork even count as red meat?


people are living to their 80s and 90s these days and i doubt theyre all vegetarians
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

I can keep going into more detail, but I'm sure most of you stopped reading after the first couple paragraphs, if at all. 
Please do 

Well another reason it's so unhealthy on top of all of what I already said is this:

- since the corn and cows are growing so fast and unnaturally, they're not recieving the proper time to slowly build up the natural sugars and vitamins that are vital to healthy meat.  It's like when you give steroids to a human, you mess with their natural cycles and you get abnormalities (pimples, third nipples, jaw lines, etc). In plants it's harder to distinguish the physical alterations, but chemically they are completely different and unnatural. 

- An example: Every single cow raised in Argentina is grass fed and free range.  That means they live a natural life, as if they have never been domesticated.  They walk and eat grass all day like cows should be doing.  In America, this is very rare. Very few small-scale farmers practice the correct methods.  Even the "organic" meat that you buy in the stores can be very misleading, because the word "organic" is now being used as a marketing tool rather than a real description.  There is a board of evaluators that determined what it takes for a product to be "organic."  More and more each year they are adding exceptions to the list, which makes it easier and easier for industrial farms to get around it and label their products as "organic." The same goes with free range.  The meat might be labeled as free range but because now, if your cows lived 25% of their life free ranging, you can label them as free range.  

-  Cows are also fed soy beans, another US federal govt subsidized commodity.  It gives them protein but is still far from a natural diet of a heifer. 

- The soy beans and corn are being grown in huge industrial farms in states like Iowa and Nebraska. The US govt gives subsidies to them as I mentioned before, but NO LIMIT on how much they can grow.  They are literally told to grow as much as they possibly can and they will be paid by the bushel, the same price, no matter if they produce 1 or 1 million bushels.  They do this so they can control commodity prices around the world (corn grown in the US is not a crop, it is a commodity- BIG difference).  USA and Brazil are the two biggest producers of corn and soy in the world, because they have the land and the resources to do so.  So because the farmers want to earn more money, they have to figure out ways to grow as much corn/soy per acre as possible.  Unfortunately, you cannot plant crops naturally in the same soil every year because the soil becomes depleted from the previous harvest (I think naturally without chemicals the most you can do is a year or 2 of harvest, then leave the soil alone or plant a different crop that doesn't take the same exact nutrients from the soil.)  So to get around this problem of soil depletion, they use nitrogen and other fertilizers.  This allows for the crops to grow faster in smaller places, but at the same time depleting the soil even faster (think of it as trying to quench your thirst with salt water). They continue this process because the only way to keep growing corn/soy is to add more and more nitrogen.

- So at the end of the day, the US govt buys all of this corn from the industrial growers and has WAY too much to sell to the rest of the world (aka China).  Since this corn isn't edible by humans, where does it go? Ding ding ding.  To the cows.   
Originally Posted by AckDaQuick

heirjordan, where do u get your meats from then??
well I am in Argentina right now so I have no problem buying it wherever I go.
But when I am in the USA, I try to buy from local farmers markets that raise their cows in the area and are only free range/grass fed.
Originally Posted by wcghost


Mon Mar 12 2012 4:28 PM

"Eating red meat — any amount and any type — appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death, according to a long-range study that examined the eating habits and health of more than 110,000 adults for more than 20 years.

For instance, adding just one 3-ounce serving of unprocessed red meat — picture a piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards — to one's daily diet was associated with a 13% greater chance of dying during the course of the study.
I stopped right there...I dont know rich people that eat steak every day
heirjordan is 100%.  gov't subsidizing food is why it is all so unhealthy.  it's not only beef either.  
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

i don't remember the last time i ate red meat.  i know it's bad for you and i don't like the way it makes my stomach feel.  i eat maybe 6 oz every 2 weeks.
Therefore you remember the last time you ate red meat.


on my way to In n Out right now.

^   what kind of fake 3x2 is that?

ive eaten hundreds (if not thousands)of in n out burgers in my lifetime but I have never encountered one with perfect slices of unmelted cheese like that.  in fact, its perfect to the point of it being unperfect.  one of the signature moments of eating an in n out burger is after you finish your burger and you contemplate chewing the melted cheese that came off on the napkins that were touching the burger.
i always eat that cheese its like a finishing touch. and when the wrapper fills with the sauce best believe i slurp that out too 
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