***All RED MEAT is bad for you, new study says.***

According to new studies, everything is bad for you. I thought we all went over this the last time a thread was made for some stupid thing that would kill you.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by Kramer

They say this about everything, apparently now milk is bad for you too. My grandparents be eatin steak and theyre in their 80s I think Im good
you're aware that lactase persistence was never an original trait right?

who cares what was or wasn't an "original" trait. walking upright... breathing oxygen... oversized penieses... none of those were original. we evolve.
as for the main topic -- pretty much everything we do in life adds risk. but we're not on this earth to see who can live the longest. we have other goals. that said, it's still important to understand these health risks. for example, establishing the link between smoking and cancer was a huge stride. but we're not living a sterile existence. for each thing we give up in the name of health, we potentially lose something that makes us happy. to ignore that is to be ignorant to the whole purpose of life.
Glad I dont eat red meat and I didnt read 
$330,000 Burger Made Of Test Tube Meat, Expected In October
Burger aficionados will be able to sink their teeth into a $330,000 burger by October, if researchers have their way. The burger biter will have to have a strong stomach, however, for what's likely to be the world's most expensive burger will have meat from a petri dish.
The burger will come from a $330,000 project headed by Mark Post, physiology chairman at Maastricht University in the Netherlands in an experiment to transform stem cells from cows into thin strips of meat tissue. The tissue will become mashed up into a hamburger, the first of which could be available by October, Post told reporters in February.

The potential test-tube burger isn't just a case of gastronomic Frankenstein - researchers said the efforts could curtail environmentally-destructive farm factories that generate dangerous amounts of pollution.

"Animal farming is by far the biggest ongoing environmental catastrophe," Patrick Brown, a biochemical engineer at Stanford University School of Medicine, told the L.A. Times.

Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.

Researchers are striving to find meat alternatives since meat consumption is expected to double by 2050, according to reports.

"We can do more good by taking on the simple task of figuring out how to convert cheap, abundant sustainable plant materials into nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods that people deliberately choose to eat based on taste and value," Brown said, "[Rather] than by coming up with imagining sustainable, renewable energy sources or a car that can run for a thousand miles per gallon."

No word yet on who will cook the patty or where it will be served.Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.


fixing problems by creating new ones = the human solution
WOW, I was not expecting this thread to blow up..... interesting insights, solid points and good opinions from a lot of you.

Personally, I've simply reduced red meat consumption to about 1-2x a week and mainly eat chicken breast, turkey and wild salmon. It has definitely helped with weight loss.

Anyways, just this past Sunday, I threw down for my older bro's bday!!!  #YOLO


BONUS: a 21 day dry-aged prime rib rack I made last Thanksgiving:

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

$330,000 Burger Made Of Test Tube Meat, Expected In October
Burger aficionados will be able to sink their teeth into a $330,000 burger by October, if researchers have their way. The burger biter will have to have a strong stomach, however, for what's likely to be the world's most expensive burger will have meat from a petri dish.
The burger will come from a $330,000 project headed by Mark Post, physiology chairman at Maastricht University in the Netherlands in an experiment to transform stem cells from cows into thin strips of meat tissue. The tissue will become mashed up into a hamburger, the first of which could be available by October, Post told reporters in February.

The potential test-tube burger isn't just a case of gastronomic Frankenstein - researchers said the efforts could curtail environmentally-destructive farm factories that generate dangerous amounts of pollution.

"Animal farming is by far the biggest ongoing environmental catastrophe," Patrick Brown, a biochemical engineer at Stanford University School of Medicine, told the L.A. Times.

Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.

Researchers are striving to find meat alternatives since meat consumption is expected to double by 2050, according to reports.

"We can do more good by taking on the simple task of figuring out how to convert cheap, abundant sustainable plant materials into nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods that people deliberately choose to eat based on taste and value," Brown said, "[Rather] than by coming up with imagining sustainable, renewable energy sources or a car that can run for a thousand miles per gallon."

No word yet on who will cook the patty or where it will be served.Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.


fixing problems by creating new ones = the human solution

who said it was a problem and who said it wasnt the solution?
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

$330,000 Burger Made Of Test Tube Meat, Expected In October
Burger aficionados will be able to sink their teeth into a $330,000 burger by October, if researchers have their way. The burger biter will have to have a strong stomach, however, for what's likely to be the world's most expensive burger will have meat from a petri dish.
The burger will come from a $330,000 project headed by Mark Post, physiology chairman at Maastricht University in the Netherlands in an experiment to transform stem cells from cows into thin strips of meat tissue. The tissue will become mashed up into a hamburger, the first of which could be available by October, Post told reporters in February.

The potential test-tube burger isn't just a case of gastronomic Frankenstein - researchers said the efforts could curtail environmentally-destructive farm factories that generate dangerous amounts of pollution.

(PROBLEM)"Animal farming is by far the biggest ongoing environmental catastrophe," Patrick Brown, a biochemical engineer at Stanford University School of Medicine, told the L.A. Times.

Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.

(SOLUTION)Researchers are striving to find meat alternatives since meat consumption is expected to double by 2050, according to reports.

"We can do more good by taking on the simple task of figuring out how to convert cheap, abundant sustainable plant materials into nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods that people deliberately choose to eat based on taste and value," Brown said, "[Rather] than by coming up with imagining sustainable, renewable energy sources or a car that can run for a thousand miles per gallon."

No word yet on who will cook the patty or where it will be served.Brown is working on his own meat-replacement, which is expected to hit store shelves by the end of 2012.

"We have a class of products that totally rocks, and cannot be distinguished from the animal-based product it replaces, even by hardcore foodies," Brown told Innovation News Daily.


fixing problems by creating new ones = the human solution

who said it was a problem and who said it wasnt the solution?
First of all, I don't think you understood what I meant so I highlighted it for you in the article.
You don't see us all eating meat made in a lab as a problem? To each man his own, but I'm never touching that with a 10 foot pole.  

Why can't they just let cows graze like they should? And before anyone says "there's not enough land" or "there's too many people to feed" I can tell you that is false.
 Just reading some of the attitudes in here about something as common sense as red meat = unhealthy... I can understand why Americans in general are unhealthy and/or overweight/obese.  
Hell I like a medium well rib eye or an In-Out double double just like everyone else but I only eat meals like that maybe once a month if that.  Red meat will never be part of my daily diet.  
Can't believe some people eat that much red meat, holy #%@! no wonder this nation is so obese.
i gave up pork and beef completely about a month ago just cuz...can't front i'm craving a bacon cheeseburger something serious...

where can one find out about local farmers markets?

i knew where one was at school but now that i'm back home i don't even know where a farm is around here...
I dont give a +++%. Pass me that meat. Too tasty


but on the real, all of you talking about "yolo, gonna die anyway *inhales sausage* 
" (paraphrasing) think a little harder. it's not really about living til your 100, it's about being healthy while you're here. swallow all the meat you want but don't go crying to a vegan when you have serious health issues in your 30s and you can't enjoy yourself. the food and drug administration work together so what does that tell you? they're gonna give you their beef and then turn around and give you the drugs you need from eating their food. the perfect crime 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Can't believe some people eat that much red meat, holy #%@! no wonder this nation is so obese.

obese from eating red meat? i eat a lot and i mean a lot and not even close to obese. people chose to live the way they do, you can eat as much as you want but if you dont exercise well then your an idiot and setting yourself up for an early death.
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