***All RED MEAT is bad for you, new study says.***

Feb 20, 2004

Mon Mar 12 2012 4:28 PM

"Eating red meat — any amount and any type — appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death, according to a long-range study that examined the eating habits and health of more than 110,000 adults for more than 20 years.

For instance, adding just one 3-ounce serving of unprocessed red meat — picture a piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards — to one's daily diet was associated with a 13% greater chance of dying during the course of the study.

Even worse, adding an extra daily serving of processed red meat, such as a hot dog or two slices of bacon, was linked to a 20% higher risk of death during the study.

"Any red meat you eat contributes to the risk," said An Pan, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and lead author of the study, published online Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Crunching data from thousands of questionnaires that asked people how frequently they ate a variety of foods, the researchers also discovered that replacing red meat with other foods seemed to reduce mortality risk for study participants.

Eating a serving of nuts instead of beef or pork was associated with a 19% lower risk of dying during the study. The team said choosing poultry or whole grains as a substitute was linked with a 14% reduction in mortality risk; low-fat dairy or legumes, 10%; and fish, 7%.

Previous studies had associated red meat consumption with diabetes, heart disease and cancer, all of which can be fatal. Scientists aren't sure exactly what makes red meat so dangerous, but the suspects include the iron and saturated fat in beef, pork and lamb, the nitrates used to preserve them, and the chemicals created by high-temperature cooking.

The Harvard researchers hypothesized that eating red meat would also be linked to an overall risk of death from any cause, Pan said. And the results suggest they were right: Among the 37,698 men and 83,644 women who were tracked, as meat consumption increased, so did mortality risk.

In separate analyses of processed and unprocessed meats, the group found that both types appear to hasten death. Pan said that at the outset, he and his colleagues had thought it likely that only processed meat posed a health danger.

Carol Koprowski, a professor of preventive medicine at USC's Keck School of Medicine who wasn't involved in the research, cautioned that it can be hard to draw specific conclusions from a study like this because there can be a lot of error in the way diet information is recorded in food frequency questionnaires, which ask subjects to remember past meals in sometimes grueling detail.

But Pan said the bottom line was that there was no amount of red meat that's good for you.

"If you want to eat red meat, eat the unprocessed products, and reduce it to two or three servings a week," he said. "That would have a huge impact on public health."

A majority of people in the study reported that they ate an average of at least one serving of meat per day.

Pan said that he eats one or two servings of red meat per week, and that he doesn't eat bacon or other processed meats.

Cancer researcher Lawrence H. Kushi of the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland said that groups putting together dietary guidelines were likely to pay attention to the findings in the study.

"There's a pretty strong supposition that eating red meat is important — that it should be part of a healthful diet," said Kushi, who was not involved in the study. "These data basically demonstrate that the less you eat, the better."

UC San Francisco researcher and vegetarian diet advocate Dr. Dean Ornish said he gleaned a hopeful message from the study.

"Something as simple as a meatless Monday can help," he said. "Even small changes can make a difference."

Additionally, Ornish said, "What's good for you is also good for the planet."

In an editorial that accompanied the study, Ornish wrote that a plant-based diet could help cut annual healthcare costs from chronic diseases in the U.S., which exceed $1 trillion. Shrinking the livestock industry could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt the destruction of forests to create pastures, he wrote."

Fellow STEAK, BURGER and BACON enthusiasts ....... what's the verdict? will you continue eating red meat?
In 10 years they'll say veggies are bad and you should eat only red meat. They don't know what's good or bad for you in the long run beyond moderation.
This is new news?..........no hate.

I was told to and stopped eating red meat 10 years ago because of the health risks.  Right now I'm trying to stop eating chicken....but it's soooooo hard.
is there a study that shows that not eating red meat will add 10-20 years of extra life?

when i eat meat its mostly ground beef, sometimes fajitas...but i mostly eat chicken and fish
oh... another study about how things are bad for you 
they are pushing an agenda to reduce red meat consumption in order to use grazing land to grow more crops in preparation for the food shortage coming in a few years

just my inner conspiracy theorist talking
Originally Posted by quik1987

they are pushing an agenda to reduce red meat consumption in order to use grazing land to grow more crops in preparation for the food shortage coming in a few years

just my inner conspiracy theorist talking

Very good point .Monsanto has been filing lawsuits over farmers using seeds not licensed by them
Billions of dollars get pumped into these research programs....they gotta come up with some random find
Humans have been eating red meat for thousands of years 
It doesn't even matter if it's true, cause everything these days apparently causes early death 
You're gonna be dead one way or another,

My dad said that in the 80s, there was some study that said that rice causes cancer
if that were the case, Asians and Latinos would be dropping like flies
inb4 yolo.

Meh, everything seems to "lead" to some kind of premature death/cancer/etc etc these days.
wont change my eating habits.

im betting on the technological singularity occuring in our lifetime and then science/technology will solve all of these problems for us.

if it doesnt, ill die knowing that i ate a megaton of damn good steak, burgers, shortribs, etc... etc... etc...
I think it has less to do with eating meat itself & more to do with all the crap they pump into it.
Moderation is always the key though.
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