Air Jordan XI Retro - White/Concord/Black - CONFIRMED - Holiday 2011

Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by Freeze

some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..

If it involves flightclub, then it must be the same guy a couple pages back.  The same person thats posting the same story on the other forum too.  He created a twitter account too huh?  Going the extra distance.

Sad thing is, because of the nature of Jay's business, he could never come out with all the information necessary to prove that his shoes are legit.  That only gives ways to more speculations/accusations.
damn this thread got really out of hand for a little bit. first and foremost, I AM NOT that dude on twitter who went at it with jay.  whoever made that twitter account simply used my incident at flightclub in order to try to get a refund, posing as me. SMDH.  i am simply unsatisfied customer that wants to protect others from making the same mistake i made. anyways, i have read every single reply and comment that has been said and a lot of you guys are asking for pictures of the shoes. i can still post up tagged pics if you guys want. but like eddo1005 stated, due to the nature of jay's business pictures will NOT solve the issue.  you guys can flame me all you want, but the truth of the matter is that A+++ grade replicas look almost identical to authentics. these small differences between fake and replica can not necessarily be seen by pictures. the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.  now, i understand that flightclub is not the "shoe police" but they are the most knowledgeable shoe experts that i may have access to.  
the sad part of this is whole thing is that when you guys start receiving your concords or whatever else from sds, you will believe that they are real and then flood the message boards with pictures of your "authentic" concords and say how KOBEFTW is an effing liar or how i am air randy or something of that sort. just because your friends, family, footlocker employees, etc. tell you they are real and look authentic take it with a grain of salt. A++++ replica = A++++ replica. meaning that unless you have a very thorough knowledge of Jordan 11's and how they are factory replicated, you will be fooled.  after all this controversy i wouldn't be surprised if slamdunkspace or other early sites decide to throw in a few real pairs to some customers in order to defend against claims against them.  

i shall leave you with this: http://forum.bodybuilding...owthread.php?t=136285341

I am tired. Zyzz


Why did it take you 2 days to come back and tell everyone your side of the story ?
Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Originally Posted by Freeze

some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..

If it involves flightclub, then it must be the same guy a couple pages back.  The same person thats posting the same story on the other forum too.  He created a twitter account too huh?  Going the extra distance.

Sad thing is, because of the nature of Jay's business, he could never come out with all the information necessary to prove that his shoes are legit.  That only gives ways to more speculations/accusations.
damn this thread got really out of hand for a little bit. first and foremost, I AM NOT that dude on twitter who went at it with jay.  whoever made that twitter account simply used my incident at flightclub in order to try to get a refund, posing as me. SMDH.  i am simply unsatisfied customer that wants to protect others from making the same mistake i made. anyways, i have read every single reply and comment that has been said and a lot of you guys are asking for pictures of the shoes. i can still post up tagged pics if you guys want. but like eddo1005 stated, due to the nature of jay's business pictures will NOT solve the issue.  you guys can flame me all you want, but the truth of the matter is that A+++ grade replicas look almost identical to authentics. these small differences between fake and replica can not necessarily be seen by pictures. the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.  now, i understand that flightclub is not the "shoe police" but they are the most knowledgeable shoe experts that i may have access to.  
the sad part of this is whole thing is that when you guys start receiving your concords or whatever else from sds, you will believe that they are real and then flood the message boards with pictures of your "authentic" concords and say how KOBEFTW is an effing liar or how i am air randy or something of that sort. just because your friends, family, footlocker employees, etc. tell you they are real and look authentic take it with a grain of salt. A++++ replica = A++++ replica. meaning that unless you have a very thorough knowledge of Jordan 11's and how they are factory replicated, you will be fooled.  after all this controversy i wouldn't be surprised if slamdunkspace or other early sites decide to throw in a few real pairs to some customers in order to defend against claims against them.  

i shall leave you with this: http://forum.bodybuilding...owthread.php?t=136285341

I am tired. Zyzz


Do yourself a favor and post some pics of your actual shoes.
Originally Posted by koncrete kickz

Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

Originally Posted by eddo1005

If it involves flightclub, then it must be the same guy a couple pages back.  The same person thats posting the same story on the other forum too.  He created a twitter account too huh?  Going the extra distance.

Sad thing is, because of the nature of Jay's business, he could never come out with all the information necessary to prove that his shoes are legit.  That only gives ways to more speculations/accusations.
damn this thread got really out of hand for a little bit. first and foremost, I AM NOT that dude on twitter who went at it with jay.  whoever made that twitter account simply used my incident at flightclub in order to try to get a refund, posing as me. SMDH.  i am simply unsatisfied customer that wants to protect others from making the same mistake i made. anyways, i have read every single reply and comment that has been said and a lot of you guys are asking for pictures of the shoes. i can still post up tagged pics if you guys want. but like eddo1005 stated, due to the nature of jay's business pictures will NOT solve the issue.  you guys can flame me all you want, but the truth of the matter is that A+++ grade replicas look almost identical to authentics. these small differences between fake and replica can not necessarily be seen by pictures. the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.  now, i understand that flightclub is not the "shoe police" but they are the most knowledgeable shoe experts that i may have access to.  
the sad part of this is whole thing is that when you guys start receiving your concords or whatever else from sds, you will believe that they are real and then flood the message boards with pictures of your "authentic" concords and say how KOBEFTW is an effing liar or how i am air randy or something of that sort. just because your friends, family, footlocker employees, etc. tell you they are real and look authentic take it with a grain of salt. A++++ replica = A++++ replica. meaning that unless you have a very thorough knowledge of Jordan 11's and how they are factory replicated, you will be fooled.  after all this controversy i wouldn't be surprised if slamdunkspace or other early sites decide to throw in a few real pairs to some customers in order to defend against claims against them.  

i shall leave you with this: http://forum.bodybuilding...owthread.php?t=136285341

I am tired. Zyzz


Why did it take you 2 days to come back and tell everyone your side of the story ?

Wait this dude maybe on to something with ZYZZ. That bodybuilding forum is saying their  Dabadestalbo69 and our Zyzz are the same dude. Their is a picture also of the dude on that forum. ZYZZ just died and was into bodybuilding. THis is getting crazy.
Originally Posted by BigPUNoy

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Jay is working like crazy I bet.
He has to put all the boxes together.
Put paper in boxes
Tie, lace and insert shoe trees
Then fill out customs forms.
Wow, someone actually understands what shipping actually involves! Not just as simple as getting the shoes and boom they go out. Also multiply everything you said by what...200, 300, 400?

I don't see how people are complaining when it can seem like a chore for one of our own people from this board or ebay to ship out one damn pair of shoes in a timely manner.


This a great point but it's not a good way to run a business. I mean he's done this long enough that he should of been prepared. I sold some shoes on eBay after I moved and didn't have the retro card but new it was in another box. I sold the shoes before finding it and even told the buyer I would try and have it by end of auction. Shipment was delayed by only a couple days but dude was pissed. He didn't leave neg feedback cause he was very impressed with the condition of the shoe. I owned the mistake and he respected that. I think these dealers get too damn greedy for their own good that their character/integrity was questioned. If the can't handle the heat, hire more help, get these boxes ready to ship in a timely and efficient manner. No excuse to have people upset and confused with all this shipping and even the quality still in question. I mean I've never bought from these guys but Damn! NT in a frenzy over all this crap, and with the money y'all throwing down there should be better service period.
Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.


one of two things will happen:

A. on the off chance that every single cat on here who's bought shoes from them just isn't "thoroughly knowledgeable" enough about authentic shoes (which i just don't believe, i mean, how do you explain the dude who bought cool greys eary from one of these sites and then cool greys straight from footlocker and they were IDENTICAL?), and someone at flightclub is, you'll blow the roof off this whole operation and expose them for the grade A fake/replica companies they are.


B. you and whoever at flightclub will look like idiots and be wrong.

either way you'd be doing a service to the sneaker community so PLEASE make this happen.
 at you really think shipping would delay the estimated shipping date by a couple of days, let's just say the doctors are busy at work doing alternations. 
Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

damn this thread got really out of hand for a little bit. first and foremost, I AM NOT that dude on twitter who went at it with jay.  whoever made that twitter account simply used my incident at flightclub in order to try to get a refund, posing as me. SMDH.  i am simply unsatisfied customer that wants to protect others from making the same mistake i made. anyways, i have read every single reply and comment that has been said and a lot of you guys are asking for pictures of the shoes. i can still post up tagged pics if you guys want. but like eddo1005 stated, due to the nature of jay's business pictures will NOT solve the issue.  you guys can flame me all you want, but the truth of the matter is that A+++ grade replicas look almost identical to authentics. these small differences between fake and replica can not necessarily be seen by pictures. the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.  now, i understand that flightclub is not the "shoe police" but they are the most knowledgeable shoe experts that i may have access to.  
the sad part of this is whole thing is that when you guys start receiving your concords or whatever else from sds, you will believe that they are real and then flood the message boards with pictures of your "authentic" concords and say how KOBEFTW is an effing liar or how i am air randy or something of that sort. just because your friends, family, footlocker employees, etc. tell you they are real and look authentic take it with a grain of salt. A++++ replica = A++++ replica. meaning that unless you have a very thorough knowledge of Jordan 11's and how they are factory replicated, you will be fooled.  after all this controversy i wouldn't be surprised if slamdunkspace or other early sites decide to throw in a few real pairs to some customers in order to defend against claims against them.  
After all that, you're STILL basing your decision on what Flight Club says.
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

the only way i could think of proving this is by taking the shoes back to flightclub and shooting a video having them show the small differences.


one of two things will happen:

A. on the off chance that every single cat on here who's bought shoes from them just isn't "thoroughly knowledgeable" enough about authentic shoes (which i just don't believe, i mean, how do you explain the dude who bought cool greys eary from one of these sites and then cool greys straight from footlocker and they were IDENTICAL?), and someone at flightclub is, you'll blow the roof off this whole operation and expose them for the grade A fake/replica companies they are.


B. you and whoever at flightclub will look like idiots and be wrong.

either way you'd be doing a service to the sneaker community so PLEASE make this happen.
i'll do my best. however, ijapino's point is well taken. whatever they say YOU will have to make the ultimate decision. me, flightclub, michael jordan himself, or anyone else's opinion can only do so much. in the end its up to you.
How do we know he purchased those fake kicks from SDS or AR?

Also you can go to flightclub on Broadway NY and speak to the manager there -- his name is Dawin and if you give him your name i can confirm whatever he told you is true when i ask him. But then again you can just take any pair of kicks to flightclub doesn't really mean you purchased it from AR or SDS.

I say just wait until people start getting their hands on the kicks, they sold over 1,000 concords and im sure out of those 1000 people a ton are going to high end sneaker shops for resale and im sure there are some people that can confirm or deny the authenticity of the sneakers.

All this talk right now is worthless.
Still no proof. 

Unless you have something other than flightclub sales people to substantiate your elaborate claim that these concords are A++++ replicas, i will be viewing you the same as i view any other unsatisfied customer throwing a tirade on NT.

And quite frankly, even though i doubt your pictures will do much to help you prove your claims, it would be best for you to actually post some actual pictures of the pair you are complaing about.  Better yet, please do a side by side comparison with a FL/NDC/Eastbay/Finishline bought pair. 

Or dont do like anything other than throw out false accusations like you have been doing.

Choice is yours.

EDIT: Btw, i dont understand the point of posting zyzz's alias on that bodybuilding forum........zyzz has been promoting SDS on here for a while now, why is it even surprising that he's doing the same on that forum as well...?
Originally Posted by moelest

Originally Posted by air force baller

to me, older shoes value doesnt get affected 
someone offered me $1000 for my DS OG concords, i didnt take the deal, cause its got to be the shoes. lol

my pair is prolly one of the cleanest pair and sole still icey, in person.

somebody offered u a grand for

i wish i had one like that man..still in the hunt for one. but in the meantime im still happy with what i have..

didnt cop any from the pre-sellers, better wait on RD..but well, thats just me though

CLEAN.....great pickup...
yo this thread isn't even serious anymore! at first when all these fake/authentic claims started, i was like 
. now i come into this thread smiling because i know what i'm about to read is going to be ridiculous 
. i can't wait to see what happens when people start receiving their pairs and post pics of em here. 
Originally Posted by kobejames21

Originally Posted by moelest

Originally Posted by air force baller

to me, older shoes value doesnt get affected 
someone offered me $1000 for my DS OG concords, i didnt take the deal, cause its got to be the shoes. lol

my pair is prolly one of the cleanest pair and sole still icey, in person.

somebody offered u a grand for

i wish i had one like that man..still in the hunt for one. but in the meantime im still happy with what i have..

didnt cop any from the pre-sellers, better wait on RD..but well, thats just me though

CLEAN.....great pickup...

 how did you keep it like that man?
so this story about slamdunkspace beeing a website that sells fake is true??
i seen a story at iss similar to the story that is being told here.
Originally Posted by Juaninzze

How do we know he purchased those fake kicks from SDS or AR?

Also you can go to flightclub on Broadway NY and speak to the manager there -- his name is Dawin and if you give him your name i can confirm whatever he told you is true when i ask him. But then again you can just take any pair of kicks to flightclub doesn't really mean you purchased it from AR or SDS.

I say just wait until people start getting their hands on the kicks, they sold over 1,000 concords and im sure out of those 1000 people a ton are going to high end sneaker shops for resale and im sure there are some people that can confirm or deny the authenticity of the sneakers.

All this talk right now is worthless.
what did he say about your sneakers 
i'm lost in the whole thread 

and what are you guys complaining about 

can someone sum up whats going on ?
Originally Posted by air force baller

so this story about slamdunkspace beeing a website that sells fake is true??
i seen a story at iss similar to the story that is being told here.
what da....

how did you come to that conclusion?

there's a dude on ISS with the same exact story, that flightclub called his pair of space jam's from SDS fake, said they could tell b4 he took them out of the box.

he's yet to provide his own, tagged pictures. but he says his buddy's got pairs and they're fake too. here's pix of his buddy's pair (allegedly, and he's saying these are fake, hard to tell, but grade A replica's, but some how flight club could tell):

i've contacted the owner of that flickr account, linked him to the ISS thread, and asked him if this story is true. hopefully he'll get back to me.

i compared his box tag pic to a legit pair on ebay (cuz i don't own them myself) and they look the same to me (aside from the suggest price tag not being there):

legit ebay pair:


his buddy's:


if someone out there reading this got a pair of these latest space jams from SDS can you please provide tagged pix to be compared with someone's who's pair was bought in 2009 directly from nike/footlocker/etc?
i think we should not making any assumption before someone who buys from SDS got their pair in hand...
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

there's a dude on ISS with the same exact story, that flightclub called his pair of space jam's from SDS fake, said they could tell b4 he took them out of the box.

he's yet to provide his own, tagged pictures. but he says his buddy's got pairs and they're fake too. here's pix of his buddy's pair (allegedly, and he's saying these are fake, hard to tell, but grade A replica's, but some how flight club could tell):

i've contacted the owner of that flickr account, linked him to the ISS thread, and asked him if this story is true. hopefully he'll get back to me.

i compared his box tag pic to a legit pair on ebay (cuz i don't own them myself) and they look the same to me (aside from the suggest price tag not being there):

legit ebay pair:


his buddy's:


if someone out there reading this got a pair of these latest space jams from SDS can you please provide tagged pix to be compared with someone's who's pair was bought in 2009 directly from nike/footlocker/etc?

yep buddys are fake that tag is a dead giveaway.
1. Size not centered in its box.
2. Black ink has fading
3. Bar Code is wrong (I have 2 12's from finishline my number on both reads  8 23229 52658 4 14)
wow, ok, and what about the rest of his pix?

i wonder if this is really his buddy, and i wonder if anyone else on here who got space jams a couple weeks ago from SDS will post pix like these.
What people don't understand is that the shoes are this good of quality you need to look inside the shoe. Bootleggers make the outside look legit as possible and skimp on the inside.
man, if it turns out SDS is selling replica's this is gonna be SO CRAZY.

i just read thru some stuff on ISS and so many people have also spoken up saying they got legit pairs of various J's from SDS.

if it turns out they're all fakes and they're just so good it's almost impossible to tell, i dunno man... that's just crazy to me.

i mean, we had a guy in here who compared his SDS pair of cool grey 11's to his footlocker pair and they were perfect.

i'm lost right now.
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