Air Jordan XI Retro - White/Concord/Black - CONFIRMED - Holiday 2011

This thread reminds of the Casey Anthony trail, a lot of theories and accusations. But not one once of proof to back up all of the claims
i like how the new guy with 4 posts crys fake and ignores to post pics or any proof.
Originally Posted by Sneak King

Zyzz...Any new insight to Randy's operation? He actually shipping tomorrow-Thursday???

I think you mean SDS.  Zyzz has been posting info about SDS.
some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..
Originally Posted by Freeze

some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..

I wonder what stanards flight club is using to determine the authenticity of their sneakers. I have a feeling that they're not touching these early releases because like most of us, they aren't sure where these ppl are getting their early sneakers from and they don't want to take the chance.
Originally Posted by Freeze

some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..

that same guy posted on here a few pages ago. hes got 4 posts. no pics at all or proof.

take that how you want..
Originally Posted by Freeze

some guy is going at Jay on twitter. said he got fake jams. said flightclub confirmed it. now a handful of people want refunds.

...and the plot thickens..

If it involves flightclub, then it must be the same guy a couple pages back.  The same person thats posting the same story on the other forum too.  He created a twitter account too huh?  Going the extra distance.

Sad thing is, because of the nature of Jay's business, he could never come out with all the information necessary to prove that his shoes are legit.  That only gives ways to more speculations/accusations.
Originally Posted by Twinsnyc

Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

PLEASE READ: first and foremost SLAMDUNKSPACE IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!! They sell high quality REPLICAS! the public is ignorant, and these sites know this. to the untrained or even some trained eyes they may look real, but in reality they are not. for example, i had a pair of spacejams that were bought from SLAMDUNKSPACE. everything looked on point and everyone around me told me they were legit. however, when i took them to FLIGHTCLUB they told me right away that these were the highest quality fakes they had ever seen. they told me that the patent leather's shape was incorrect and that the box as well as carbon fiber paper was a shade lighter than authentic. they also said that the shoe itself was lighter. more often than not, people like myself, who purchase these sneakers can't not tell the difference between these replicas and reals.

then these people rave about these sites on fourms saying how "they got real sneakers from slamdunkspace and how legit the site is." To add to the problem, air randy and slamdunkspace create fake accounts on niketalk and sole collector to further legitimize their sites. these fake accounts make comments advertising their website and defending any claims that they aren't legit. you can tell these accounts are fake because if you look at their post history all posts are about the websites. nothing else. basically, what i'm trying to say is don't make the mistake i made. don't buy from these early sites and trick yourself into believing that they are real. when you spend 250-300 dollars into a sneaker that looks authentic you will convince yourself that they are 100 percent real or worst case scenario b-grade.. if you have bought a pair from these sites take them to FLIGHT CLUB and have them check for you! and don't be shocked when you hear what they tell you.
You are a 100% right, but like you said when some of these guy's spend $300 for fakes they are doing it to get them early because they think they are cool and they don't want to admit they paid $300 for fakes.  So sad what has become of  Jordan brand where the authentic' s are so bad that fakes are hard to tell the difference.

Dude, where the proof!?!? I would believe you and everyone else here if there was proof behind this.
 You guys are get this locked up
Originally Posted by cashm0neyand1

Originally Posted by Twinsnyc

Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

PLEASE READ: first and foremost SLAMDUNKSPACE IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!! They sell high quality REPLICAS! the public is ignorant, and these sites know this. to the untrained or even some trained eyes they may look real, but in reality they are not. for example, i had a pair of spacejams that were bought from SLAMDUNKSPACE. everything looked on point and everyone around me told me they were legit. however, when i took them to FLIGHTCLUB they told me right away that these were the highest quality fakes they had ever seen. they told me that the patent leather's shape was incorrect and that the box as well as carbon fiber paper was a shade lighter than authentic. they also said that the shoe itself was lighter. more often than not, people like myself, who purchase these sneakers can't not tell the difference between these replicas and reals.

then these people rave about these sites on fourms saying how "they got real sneakers from slamdunkspace and how legit the site is." To add to the problem, air randy and slamdunkspace create fake accounts on niketalk and sole collector to further legitimize their sites. these fake accounts make comments advertising their website and defending any claims that they aren't legit. you can tell these accounts are fake because if you look at their post history all posts are about the websites. nothing else. basically, what i'm trying to say is don't make the mistake i made. don't buy from these early sites and trick yourself into believing that they are real. when you spend 250-300 dollars into a sneaker that looks authentic you will convince yourself that they are 100 percent real or worst case scenario b-grade.. if you have bought a pair from these sites take them to FLIGHT CLUB and have them check for you! and don't be shocked when you hear what they tell you.
You are a 100% right, but like you said when some of these guy's spend $300 for fakes they are doing it to get them early because they think they are cool and they don't want to admit they paid $300 for fakes.  So sad what has become of  Jordan brand where the authentic' s are so bad that fakes are hard to tell the difference.

Dude, where the proof!?!? I would believe you and everyone else here if there was proof behind this.

Dudes a clown. Comin in here just to drop bombs. Like I said, this thread was good till ppl wanna come in and shoot heat. But whatever it is what it is. I'll wait for my pair and I'll know what's up. Been in too long not to be able to differentiate a fake from the real deal. I'll be the first to claim fake, if they are. But no one can claim anything till they come in.
I heard about of couple of years back flightclub sold a couple of fakes to people too and they got bashed for it.  flighclub NYC at that. 
Originally Posted by mdi2332

I heard about of couple of years back flightclub sold a couple of fakes to people too and they got bashed for it.  flighclub NYC at that. 


However, i am going to take the high road here and leave flightclub alone.

It is somehow an endearing figure to many sneakerheads here, it appears.  The shoe police.
Lol, does this happen with all the early releases? I think a lot of ppl are low key mad that some of us are getting the Concords early and they have to wait until December? The anticipation kills me too.
Originally Posted by ericjunior

Lol, does this happen with all the early releases? I think a lot of ppl are low key mad that some of us are getting the Concords early and they have to wait until December? The anticipation kills me too.

I didn't know ordering was reserved for a  select few. Kinda sad I didn't get an invite 
All of you *****ing about AR/SDS and the like, **!#. There is a separate thread for that. Nobody wants to read your whining and crying.
People have been flipping Air Randys shoes for years at Flight Club.....

Also randy and SDS both sell legit foams which are impossible to fake
Originally Posted by KOBEFTW

PLEASE READ: first and foremost SLAMDUNKSPACE IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!! They sell high quality REPLICAS! the public is ignorant, and these sites know this. to the untrained or even some trained eyes they may look real, but in reality they are not. for example, i had a pair of spacejams that were bought from SLAMDUNKSPACE. everything looked on point and everyone around me told me they were legit. however, when i took them to FLIGHTCLUB they told me right away that these were the highest quality fakes they had ever seen. they told me that the patent leather's shape was incorrect and that the box as well as carbon fiber paper was a shade lighter than authentic. they also said that the shoe itself was lighter. more often than not, people like myself, who purchase these sneakers can't not tell the difference between these replicas and reals.

then these people rave about these sites on fourms saying how "they got real sneakers from slamdunkspace and how legit the site is." To add to the problem, air randy and slamdunkspace create fake accounts on niketalk and sole collector to further legitimize their sites. these fake accounts make comments advertising their website and defending any claims that they aren't legit. you can tell these accounts are fake because if you look at their post history all posts are about the websites. nothing else. basically, what i'm trying to say is don't make the mistake i made. don't buy from these early sites and trick yourself into believing that they are real. when you spend 250-300 dollars into a sneaker that looks authentic you will convince yourself that they are 100 percent real or worst case scenario b-grade.. if you have bought a pair from these sites take them to FLIGHT CLUB and have them check for you! and don't be shocked when you hear what they tell you.
KOBEFTW, I'm still finding it very difficult to validate your claim. For someone who says that these sites create fake accounts on websites to legitimize their status, I also see it going the other way around and people creating accounts JUST TO SHOOT THEM DOWN. You gotta admit, your account comes to mind especially since you have less that 10 posts and most of them are bashing these guys. I'm not calling you a liar but please provide proof. Can you show us some tagged pics of the "pair" you bought from SDS? Can you provide a screenshot of the order you bought from SDS?

I said it before "Flight Club isn't the shoe police." Just because they work at a consignment shop, we're suppose to take their your word for it? The patent leather cut? Hell, we all know the patent leather cut is inconsistent on the XI's. This goes all the way back to the originals. Just cause one pair's cut is off a couple miliimeters, does not automatically qualify them as fake. The colors on the box and paper are a shade off? Again, I'd have to see pics myself to verify this, but unless it's totally obvious I still can't validate this claim. As far as the weight of the shoe. What are they basing this on? Did they break out a shoe scale and compare them to a supposedly "legit" shoe of the same make, model, color and size?

KOBEFTW, I'd like to think you're telling us the truth, but without solid proof, all we can do is sit back and wait. People's pairs should be arriving within the next week so I'm sure pics will surface. If after that, the consensus believes that the sites are selling fakes, then we'll deal with it....Otherwise you may have to change your SN to KOBEFTL.
This thread is getting ridiculous. it might as well be locked up. All theories, with no proof. Barely anything about Concords in the last 100 pages.
A bunch of newbs on here wondering why "nobody has questioned air-Randy until now" haven't been around here long enough to know, that for at least 6-7 years, air Randy's has been accused of selling really good variants and b-grades. As a matter of fact air-Randy used to post on here openly as air Randy and I'm sure he's using a different account now to spin things in favor of his site. Air randy may have sold/sell real kicks but he's definitely pawned off variants also. So you might get real shoes for $260-300?!!?!? If you're okay with a "might"-cool beans!

Looks like a lot of these hong kong sellers have their fake forum accounts and ******ed cronies saying good things about them-it's a sad day when NT information is as fake as the variants these guys are pawning off. U guys are wasting your money with these sites and I don't feel bad or sorry for you kids anymore because when someone tries to share knowledege with you, you get defensive like little girl and want to go home crying with your ball. Sad, that people who are only trying to help, get persecuted by those same people who need the help.SMFH
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