Air Jordan 12 “Wings” - April 2, 2016

I can agree with your opinion but others don't need to be scammed for 750$

Sold my wings to Sole supermancy and Was able to use the money to picked up 3 pairs of JB that I wanted ( 11 legends , breds and Georgetown). I don't. resell but had this opportunity; don't think or feel that I scammed them as they were willing to buy it. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Sold my wings to Sole supermancy and Was able to use the money to picked up 3 pairs of JB that I wanted ( 11 legends , breds and Georgetown). I don't. resell but had this opportunity; don't think or feel that I scammed them as they were willing to buy it. [emoji]129300[/emoji]

And I'm ok with that you got what you wanted shoe wise
Nothing wrong with it
Does the black upper come off easily? Like if you rub the leather as if you were cleaning a pair of glasses- would it come off? Or does it take alot of friction/scuff to show the wings?
Finally unboxed my wings.
Loved the vid, thanks, but I gotta just disagree on one thing - 12,000 pairs is limited for J's. We're not talking about some no name brand that made 12,000 pairs that no one wants, we're talking Js that it wanted internationally  - in US, China, Russia, Indonesia, Phillipines, and where I am, Australia. Like, everywhere. Even with the "general releases" there aren't enough to go around, so imo 12,000 pairs is extremely limited.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents, thanks again for making the vid, I enjoyed watching it.
Loved the vid, thanks, but I gotta just disagree on one thing - 12,000 pairs is limited for J's. We're not talking about some no name brand that made 12,000 pairs that no one wants, we're talking Js that it wanted internationally - in US, China, Russia, Indonesia, Phillipines, and where I am, Australia. Like, everywhere. Even with the "general releases" there aren't enough to go around, so imo 12,000 pairs is extremely limited.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents, thanks again for making the vid, I enjoyed watching it.
I personally think for anyone who copped for a collection these are going to gain more value everyday someone wears or unveil the wings.
Exactly, 1k is ridiculous? Wait until there's very few ds mine are locked up. I truly think value will skyrocket
Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.

Man you totally lost this arguement with the other dude Lol. What is worse? Reselling a pair of sneakers for 1k or selling a pair if fake of sneakers for 1k? If you have something that everyone wants you can price the product anyway you please. Its supply and demand..You cant get mad at someone for that and call it greed. If someone calls it greed they are just mad they cant get what they want and that is called being a baby. You cant always get what you want and its not that hard to say "screw it" and move on. Ther will always be better and nicer shoes that come out. I remember when everybody was crying about the fragments. Now everyone crying about these. There will be another better sneaker that comes out I promise there will be more sneakers and before you know all the little kids there that are obsessed with this fad will disappear and all that will be left will be the real sneaker people just like back in 2005. All this just started happening in 2011 and now its abs fav shoe is not a jordan it is the air max plus hyper those selling on ebay for 300 are you kidding? But o well
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niketock88 niketock88

first in flight first in flight
Won't consider it an argument but a good discussion.
No right or wrong just different perspective. Always good to hear from all sides with no judgement

Well you are pretty much saying there should not be any supply and demand, that everyone should get what they want. WE ALL WISH THAT. BUT That will never happen. my opinion and im not being mean or anything..there is no disscusion. i think almost everyone that has something of value will put a high price tag on it because it is of VALUE. If your case was true..valuable paintings and art.. Would not be of Its been happening for ages. Antiques. Cars. Baseball cards. Putting a high price on something that someone else doesnt have. Its way before sneakers. That is the way it goes. And dude ITS FUN. Sometimes people dont even put a price on something that is so valuable to them..My neighbor has a picture of Elvis and Muhammad Ali, autographed by both. Thats a PRIZED possesion and people come by his house every other day almost asking to buy but he wont sell it. This is cool stuff that is not common. To have someone all over the world want what you have. Christ people are even going nuts for organs from people bodies for transplants lol. Thats just the way it is my friend and i dont knock someone for trying to get as much as they can for their buck because its WORTH. Now for the sneakers and anything else like these Wings..we can buy what we want. If it means that much to us we can buy anything if it makes us feel good. But if someone is mad about the price( and it does suck) well we have to move on to the next thing or come back to it later...and man i totally understand where your coming from but i think im just past the point of trying to reason why people hike up the price. They have something of value( a wanted item) and price it accordingly!
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Well you are pretty much saying there should not be any supply and demand, that everyone should get what they want. WE ALL WISH THAT. BUT That will never happen. my opinion and im not being mean or anything..there is no disscusion. i think almost everyone that has something of value will put a high price tag on it because it is of VALUE. If your case was true..valuable paintings and art.. Would not be of Its been happening for ages. Antiques. Cars. Baseball cards. Putting a high price on something that someone else doesnt have. Its way before sneakers. That is the way it goes. And dude ITS FUN. Sometimes people dont even put a price on something that is so valuable to them..My neighbor has a picture of Elvis and Muhammad Ali, autographed by both. Thats a PRIZED possesion and people come by his house every other day almost asking to buy but he wont sell it. This is cool stuff that is not common. To have someone all over the world want what you have. Christ people are even going nuts for organs from people bodies for transplants lol. Thats just the way it is my friend and i dont knock someone for trying to get as much as they can for their buck because its WORTH. Now for the sneakers and anything else like these Wings..we can buy what we want. If it means that much to us we can buy anything if it makes us feel good. But if someone is mad about the price( and it does suck) well we have to move on to the next thing or come back to it later...and man i totally understand where your coming from but i think im just past the point of trying to reason why people hike up the price. They have something of value( a wanted item) and price it accordingly!

I actually said there is " supply and demand" and that's why resellers exist.

I used to own a 1st edition 1984 TMNT comic which I paid $4 for and sold it for $1.2k.

There were only 300 copies made in the overall size black and white version. At the same time they released a standard issue with the same content for $1.5. Still there were buyers due to the exclusivity, so I fully understand what you are staying.
I actually said there is " supply and demand" and that's why resellers exist.

I used to own a 1st edition 1984 TMNT comic which I paid $4 for and sold it for $1.2k.

There were only 300 copies made in the overall size black and white version. At the same time they released a standard issue with the same content for $1.5. Still there were buyers due to the exclusivity, so I fully understand what you are staying.
the all red bandana turtles!
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I actually said there is " supply and demand" and that's why resellers exist.

I used to own a 1st edition 1984 TMNT comic which I paid $4 for and sold it for $1.2k.

There were only 300 copies made in the overall size black and white version. At the same time they released a standard issue with the same content for $1.5. Still there were buyers due to the exclusivity, so I fully understand what you are staying.
nd sorry bro my argument was towards the other NTer (@First In Flight  you were discussing with..we pretty much stand on the same side of things.. sorry
nd sorry bro my argument was towards the other NTer (@First In Flight
 you were discussing with..we pretty much stand on the same side of things.. sorry
I never said supply and demand shouldn't exist and I never said everybody should get what they want. I would really encourage you to go back and read my last post I made regarding this subject. I really think you have missed the point big time.
So your telling me that the guy who sells the shoe that costs $200 for 1k because of "demand" is better than the guy who sells a fake shoe?
you think a person reselling an authentic shoe is worse someone selling fakes? come on least you know what you getting with the authentics.
Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.
i don't think you like supply and demand very much..seems like here^..its "greed" you say..if you really like a shoe, did not win a raffle and have to pay retail..its the buyers fault for letting material things control their mind...esp on the after market. .if you want it and neeeed it so bad..(no one really needs any of these things to begin with.)your only feeding into the resellers even more. its like a never ending cycle. If someone can get 10 pairs and finds a way to hustle everyone then good for them because its not easy ahold of 12 pairs of limited shoes..a shoe is only as much as someone is willing to pay for if their willing to pay then they are the problem to begin with
Not everyone thinks like that. You only buy 10 pairs to resell not to "give em away for free". But if someone happens to be fortunate enough to come across a few, ppl like myself and others are always willing to look out for others. I guess it's the whole selfless service each's own though.
is this not another form of "greed" in which you are arguing against?(unless the shoe is sitting online/in store there for the taking )why should you be able to get multiple pairs just to help friends..even if it is for that case you should help everyone get a pair because while you were looking out for your took someone elses pair at the store/online whom was just as deserving...its like waiting in line for the new playstation/xbox/sneaker. While you are camping out, someone cuts you in line,, and the guy infront of him says "ohh its okay man hes with me he was just late because he was geting me a coffee"...OHHHH nice goo rright ahead and cut me. holding spots is just as bad. and dont even tell me if you had multiple pairs you would give them to random people you saint. lol
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You should re-read. I never said the person selling fakes is better than the person reselling for 1k. You've taken what I wrote too far out of context by your response. I have no problems with supply and demand. Not really sure we're you have gotten that from. Your.....
You know what, it's all good. I just read the last quote you made from me and that was in relation to something and someone else. Clearly your taking my words and completely construing them to fit your agenda. I'll leave it at this so there is no misinterpretation: if I buy myself 2-3 pairs of a shoe and come on a forum like this and see someone that wanted one not eat, imma look out for them, not play on their emotions and gouge them for their wallet because I know they really want them. Everyone might not think the same as me and that's cool. We are different people. People who buy up shoes with the sole purpose to turn around and sell them for more money, I can never be cool with that. Period. People who sell fakes, I can never be cool with that. Period.
Edit: so after fully reading your last attempt I thought I would shoot holes in your weird logic.
Show me where I said I would give to my friends? That burns your weird friend cut in line thing you tried. Where did I say I would randomly give out shoes I bought? And there goes that whole paragraph. Reading and its comprehension is invaluable.
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Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.
You can read this and honestly say you dont have a problem. Sounds like you hate supply and demand to me. Some people make a linving by reselling. They wouldnt make a living giving away shoes or helping a homie. Plus, its just going with what the game is giving you. Shoes are hot right now. Might as well make some money.
"Buying a shoe for retail and selling for 5xs the price isnt right" why isnt it right?
Why isnt it right?? Who cares. The shoe is valuable and this is what the shoe thing has come down we must deal with it.

So your telling me that the guy who sells the shoe that costs $200 for 1k because of "demand" is better than the guy who sells a fake shoe?
"I never said the guy selling fakes was worse than the guy reselling" well i dont get what you are saying i guess. Who is worse? The guy selling the fakes or the guy selling the authentics for a high price? To me the guy selling the authentic sneakers is just trying to make money while the guy with the fakes is trying to scam you while making money. Sounds alot worse to me .If you have a pair of authentic kicks and put them up for 5k and someone buys them thats great. You cant say "its not right" no one is playing with anyones emotions here if someone is not grown enough to walk away then they have a problem.

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