Air Jordan 12 “Wings” - April 2, 2016

Not sure if your refering to me from the lack of a quote but if so...a little food for thought. A resellers sole(pun and all) purpose is to buy a wanted shoe and sell it for more than retail I order to turn a profit. Would you not call that getting over on someone?

In this world I agree but at least most of the resellers are selling the authentic version
Which resellers suck I admit but to each there own
But it's the pos people who buy fakes.l and put them in real boxes and scam that piss me off
In this world I agree but at least most of the resellers are selling the authentic version
Which resellers suck I admit but to each there own
But it's the pos people who buy fakes.l and put them in real boxes and scam that piss me off
I have bought from resellers and dislike them but resellers putting out fakes (aka scammers) are a far worse breed. ​
I was mainly focused on the part he wrote about anyone getting over on someone else. i agree that people who are willing to spend that much over for a pair of shoes is their "problem" but at the end of the day if people didn't have the mentality of buying shoes to flip for more, everyone eats. but to each's own.

Some people really cherish certain shoes and if they can't win them in a raffle or miss out they pay above the price
I did this for the db13s I really wanted the shoe I missed and had to pay double was I mad about it not really I know the game and how people roll
But if you really want something your going to buy it
But people nowadays know this and try to scam buyers out of there hard earned cash flow
It isn't right
I have bought from resellers and dislike them but resellers putting out fakes (aka scammers) are a far worse breed. ​

I can gaurentee you this
If I ever purchased a shoe from a reseller and it was proven he had sent me a foofoo
I would play it cool like thanks man I love them etc
Then I would take me a trip to that mailing address and handle business
I can gaurentee you this
If I ever purchased a shoe from a reseller and it was proven he had sent me a foofoo
I would play it cool like thanks man I love them etc
Then I would take me a trip to that mailing address and handle business
If the reseller was close by, haha maybe then. Otherwise, I just file a paypal dispute and ship it back. If they aren't stupid, they just accept it back. Now, if it was an ebay seller, I'd try and get them banned.
The dude has not responded to my message in a couple days, looks like I will have to take it to ebay and see what's gonna happen, this is straight BS.
Some people really cherish certain shoes and if they can't win them in a raffle or miss out they pay above the price
I did this for the db13s I really wanted the shoe I missed and had to pay double was I mad about it not really I know the game and how people roll
But if you really want something your going to buy it
But people nowadays know this and try to scam buyers out of there hard earned cash flow
It isn't right
I quoted problem as to say I know that they really want it and will pay for it. But I can agree. As much as I wanted a few shoes (kobe ftb xi, wings, etc) there's no way I would pay the price to "play the game". I just think to play off of someone's emotions is wrong. Period. And that's what resellers do. But there are genuine people who do happen to get a few pairs and look out for others. Rare, but it happens. I think we are on the same page though
Reseller exist because of demand.
Value is to the eye of the beholder. Some are wiling to pay reseller price and some are not. Some willing to pay $220 retail and some are not. If you like it and can afford it buy it. If your don't think is worth it move on. There's no right or wrong . Except the guy selling fakes as authentics.
Reseller exist because of demand.
Value is to the eye of the beholder. Some are wiling to pay reseller price and some are not. Some willing to pay $220 retail and some are not. If you like it and can afford it buy it. If your don't think is worth it move on. There's no right or wrong . Except the guy selling fakes as authentics.

Those people need to get a old fashion stone cold Steve Austin a s s whooping
Reseller exist because of demand.
Value is to the eye of the beholder. Some are wiling to pay reseller price and some are not. Some willing to pay $220 retail and some are not. If you like it and can afford it buy it. If your don't think is worth it move on. There's no right or wrong . Except the guy selling fakes as authentics.
So your telling me that the guy who sells the shoe that costs $200 for 1k because of "demand" is better than the guy who sells a fake shoe?
So your telling me that the guy who sells the shoe that costs $200 for 1k because of "demand" is better than the guy who sells a fake shoe?

Well yes; he can sets his price as high as he wants. If it sells (demand) and if it sits (no demand) then will need to adjust . JB does the samething by increasing retail price every year while not improving overall quality ( check Jordan 11 72-10 post). People still line up buying them. See what happens when everyone stops buying JB at $200+. Will JB drop the price? For damn sure.

Selling fake shoes as real is a no no.
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Well yes; he can sets his price as high as he wants. If it sells (demand) and if it sits (no demand) then will need to adjust . JB does the samething by increasing retail price every year while not improving overall quality ( check Jordan 11 72-10 post). People still line up buying them. See what happens when everyone stops buying JB at $200+. Will JB drop the price? For damn sure.

Selling fake shoes as real is a no no.
Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.
Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.

To be clear; I'm only stating the fact. Is it right to sell 5x more than retail "NO". Will I buy 5x more hell no.

I'm only saying "resellers " are due to demand. Fight club , sole supremacy and other similar stores are buying /selling JB way above retail.
Some of the points you made were highly debatable. This is not about supply and's simply about greed. While you are right resellers would adjust their prices accordingly, they are still playing off the emotions of those who couldn't get them(possibly because the reseller bought the stock). But even though those prices are adjusted, they are still buying up pairs and over charging. Of course selling fakes is not right and to me reselling a shoe for 5x it's retail isn't either. Im assuming you feel that people who buy up all the Elmo's or barbies for Christmas just to turn around and sell them to mommy and daddy for 10x retail is ok as well? I was about to sit here and go really indepth about this issue but ultimately it just boils down to morality. Some people will think it's ok and some won't.

Well, nobody NEEDS to buy a certain pair of sneakers or an Elmo. We're not talking about bread, meat, vegetables or water here. These (sneakers, toys, etc.) are really just luxuries. So if they're limited, and someone buys one or two pairs to flip, I don't see them being the devil incarnate. Now if one dude goes store-to-store in a city greasing the palms of all the managers and backdooring FSRs, well, that's a bit different. That's market manipulation. But random dudes speculating on one or two pairs isn't much to get up-in-arms over, especially on something with a defined limited production run (like 12k).
To certain people it is but that gives no reason to take advantage of the system

Never said it was fair or I agreed, but looking at the current market price people are paying between $750-$1k for this shoe. Is it worth it to me no.
Never said it was fair or I agreed, but looking at the current market price people are paying between $750-$1k for this shoe. Is it worth it to me no.

I can agree with your opinion but others don't need to be scammed for 750$
bruh. you should give up on life if you buy this shoe for $1K. 
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