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Does anyone else have shipping confirm from YS but tracking says “order processed ready for ups” since the 28th. I’m not one to worry this just seems odd that they haven’t given ups the package in 4 days

Anyone else package get delayed from footlocker ?
Does anyone else have shipping confirm from YS but tracking says “order processed ready for ups” since the 28th. I’m not one to worry this just seems odd that they haven’t given ups the package in 4 days

They're notoriously delayed.

Nothing to worry about.

It's taken a week before for me.
Does anyone else have shipping confirm from YS but tracking says “order processed ready for ups” since the 28th. I’m not one to worry this just seems odd that they haven’t given ups the package in 4 days

they don't exactly give it to the UPS, the truck comes around and picks it up from YS warehouse. Because there were a crap ton, your box probably just at the bottom of the pile and new packages are on top and picked up first by UPS.

Also, just because you guys trying to call them something else won't change the fact that Beluga 2.0 nickname already stuck and will forever be referred to as that when you search them up :lol:
Anyone else package get delayed from footlocker ?
Don't worry, I had a couple packages do that this week. UPS is jammed with the holiday traffic. I had 2 packages actually go backwards (further from my house), just to be rescheduled to come a day later. Give it a few hours and it should update...
May I ask why? Not like you'll be making big money. Just asking.

No you are correct, I def am not but if I can at the very least 50 more dollars that what I didn't have a week ago I'm willing to let em go.

I have another pair of em coming in 2maro and I just recently sold one of the two Frozen Yellows I have so I'm content with what I'm getting back.

I also recently bought the Kith UB and the Silver Bullet 97, sure selling this pair is not enough to cover the cost of em but anything extra that can help go toward purchases helps!
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