Adidas NMD thread

So how do i talk to solemartyr on here ??
ROFL ROFL lurker came out... haha 
Watch that mouth.

We will just have to see what happens but If I was betting I would say you're wrong but smart to take that deal because these will be way more sought after. You are also basing the Creams off higher end resell because in local groups you aren't getting $400+ for them unless someone is just dying to get them. 
I didn't use the script Sole Marty/Nike Destroyer released for ADC.  But yall got to applauded this guy.  From taking out RSVP service (Niketowns) to killing Bots to make the playing field somewhat fair/even for the normal dudes.

He doesn't do this for profit. 
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I didn't use the script Sole Marty/Nike Destroyer released for ADC.  But yall got to applauded this guy.  From taking out RSVP service (Niketowns) to killing Bots to make the playing filed somewhat fair/even for the normal dudes.

He doesn't do this for profit. do know many bots use various SM scripts. i'm not sure he's a bot killer or is taking down the establishment cause more companies are heading into RSVP/app spaces and well nike took some dings last year but they never offloaded the app all together. While I would like to believe that its about some level of benevolence I'm clear that's not the case....
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