Adidas NMD thread

Again, I feel like people are over analyzing it. If it's not funny to you, that's fine and normal.
I don't see it as being offensive at all. Family Guy, Simpsons, Rick and Morty, The Office, etc
have done worse ish on TV. Even friends have the same setup as big bang. The character's
quirks make things funny, which is true for ALL sitcoms. ALL. Geeks being overprotective of
a billion dollar franchise IS FUNNY. It happens in real life and people DO react to it in a condescending
manner. The show didn't invent these type of scenarios.
It's funny that you bring up friends because I love it so much. But hate BBT with this burning fire. It's different now though, TV has evolved past the sitcom. 
local guy has red. Red was 3rd on my list behind Blue and Black. But I'll settle for it since I wanted the Yellows originally but struck out and didn't feel like paying resell for them. Spare creams was from a champs restock and I still have another pair of creams from KicksUSA that I grabbed for no tax and free shipping. 
I watch Friends every single night with my wife.
11pm Nick At Night. I watch it with the Good ice cream
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local guy has red. Red was 3rd on my list behind Blue and Black. But I'll settle for it since I wanted the Yellows originally but struck out and didn't feel like paying resell for them. Spare creams was from a champs restock and I still have another pair of creams from KicksUSA that I grabbed for no tax and free shipping. 

11pm Nick At Night. I watch it with the Good ice cream
where do you guys set these trades , yup do you post craigslist adds or facebook groups ?
Fixed it for you
thats why I said this release will be over so quick tomorrow. Gonna blink and it's gonna be sold out. Like how fast the OG White NMD's sold out
where do you guys set these trades , yup do you post craigslist adds or facebook groups ?
fb groups, just started messaging people who has them for sale. Always some people trying to grab everything to find trades for other stuff they want. I know plenty of people that got lucky on the app but have zero interest in them. And Cream UB's are kind of like a magic word in the boost world 
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so let me guess..tomorrow morning comes...adidas randonly drops the HUs..everyone sits at the splash page for hours..few people have splash page bypass link..those few checkout 2-3 in each color..


sounds right?
so let me guess..tomorrow morning comes...adidas randonly drops the HUs..everyone sits at the splash page for hours..few people have splash page bypass link..those few checkout 2-3 in each color..


sounds right?
Well everyone have  the files ... its on the github. so, odds are everyone will box each other out and team manual wins. 
If there's no splash page then what benefit does the script have? Maybe an ignorant question....but wasn't the whole point on the Yeezy drop is that the script people didnt have to wait on the splash page? 
already found the trade otherwise I wouldn't be as excited in my initial post. And anyway, Cream UB actually has a higher value.
Only because these new colors haven't released yet,  I don't see any color having under a $500 price tag and thats low. How much are you valuing your Creams at?
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Got the black HU's , will try to and trade for V2s. Do you think that will Be hard to do/ is it fair?
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@endfinity  ... not surprised we know boutiques have started BD these hence why FC is selling the greens for $800 and the scarlet for $650. which is why i think most of us know that ADC is as good as it gets if we want a pair. 
now that everyone has the backdoor, its really first to cart because of cartholds, better hope u solve your captcha fast
If there's no splash page then what benefit does the script have? Maybe an ignorant question....but wasn't the whole point on the Yeezy drop is that the script people didnt have to wait on the splash page? 
per SM ... there is no benefit in the least. 
Only because these new colors haven't released yet,  I don't see any color having under a $500 price tag and thats low. How much are you valuing your Creams at?
thats because you're not looking at the local classifieds for the HR. Most post I see are low $400. Cream UB's are already valued at around that or higher. I value my cream UB's at what the market values them at if I'm looking to trade them. If not, I value it at $180 which is what I paid. 
thats because you're not looking at the local classifieds for the HR. Most post I see are low $400. Cream UB's are already valued at around that or higher. I value my cream UB's at what the market values them at if I'm looking to trade them. If not, I value it at $180 which is what I paid. 
I promise you once these drop you will not be able to get them anywhere close for $400, the yellow ones are still bringing in $700+ easy. 
but you're comparing different production numbers. Yellows were more limited and they were not bringing $700 out the gate. I had at least a 3 week window to buy the yellows at $400-$500 after release. It took a while before it got to $700, which again, you're using numbers from FC's and what not. Local sells still have them at $600ish
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but you're comparing different production numbers. Yellows were more limited and they were not bringing $700 out the gate. I had at least a 3 week window to buy the yellows at $400-$500 after release. It took a while before it got to $700, which again, you're using numbers from FC's and what not. Local sells still have them at $600ish
Watch that mouth.

We will just have to see what happens but If I was betting I would say you're wrong but smart to take that deal because these will be way more sought after. You are also basing the Creams off higher end resell because in local groups you aren't getting $400+ for them unless someone is just dying to get them. 
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Still no post for clientsID and the key that theyre talking about? Some says on my last post that i dont really need the clientID and others says itll be out on the website. Can someone slap and enlighten me. Please. [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
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