
that outfit was trash though


wilbon turned into a grouchy old man. wants to fire and indefinitly suspend everyone on the planet
Originally Posted by DubA169

i like how you bolded the parts that you masturbated to

it's getting to the point where ohio is putting a gun to his head telling him that the state with financially collapse if he leaves. so you can live in a hellhole where a basketball player is the most important person in your meaningless city. have fun with that.

what i don't get is since when is lebron THAT loyal to Cleveland? dude can't even root for ohio teams. this idiot roots for other teams, writes new york on his shoes, takes out full page ads in new york papers etc.
What are you talking about? LeBron isn't loyal to Cleveland?

But his favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.
And his favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.
And his homie, Hip-Hop mogul is from Brooklyn. He even came out to NJ a night early to go see Jay-Z at his concert at Madison Square Garden.
And you have the nerve to say he ISN'T loyal to Cleveland.
What about his new shoes?! He has all those Cleveland c/w's
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

yo viiheaven wheres your man tony k. dudes been missing

dan le batard is gold though
I knowwwwwwww. You know what's so weird though? That suspension happened right after I changed my avy to Nate.

I'll be putting my new Kornheiser when he's back off his suspension.
Although TK went in on Hannah, it's true. She does dress a bit too provocative.
I like it.
YEEUPP wrote:

The media is what is making Knicks seem desperate.

the media is also screaming that nobody would ever want to play in new york city for some reason. like word? where is this coming from?

for half a decade people say the knicks suck and sign over the hill players to 90 million dollar contracts. people scream we need to get salary cap room

we go and do it and all of a sudden the knicks are idiots and on some wild goose chase. oookay guys whatever you say. if lebron wasn't a free agent we would have had the exact same plan. i dunno where all the hate for the knicks came from all of a sudden. not cavs fans, that's understandable. but the media has been taking a dump on us more this year than in the last decade.

"why is the world would anyone want to come to new york?" really? and in basketball where it's the easiest sport to rebuild too.
[h1]DAntoni: My System Will Produce Title For Knicks[/h1]
Mar 05, 2010 10:43 AM EST

After two difficult seasons in New York, Mike D'Antoni remains confident in his own coaching game plan and the team's strategy of building a winner through free-agency.

"I’m 100 percent sure the way we want to play will win," D'Antoni said in response to a question about his quick-paced style of basketball. "I think we’ll win a championship this way. Now, not today. But that’s where we want to get to."

D'Antoni admitted that he came in thinking he could turn the Knicks around right away.

"Didn’t happen. Underperformed a little bit, no doubt about it," he said. "Again, all we can do is keep slogging away and keep trying to get better and understand where the plan’s going and we’ll have a good shot at it for next year."

D'Antoni appreciates the support Donnie Walsh has given him in taking the blame for the Knicks' poor play.

"That’s awful nice of him, first of all, and that’s why I came here, because I have so much faith in him that we can get the job done together. There’s nobody out of the boat; everybody’s in the same boat."
[h1]Colangelo Asked If He Sees Knicks As Threat To Sign Bosh[/h1]
Mar 05, 2010 2:05 PM EST

Bryan Colangelo told New York reporters he doesn't expect Chris Bosh to leave the Raptors.

Asked if he looked at the Knicks as a threat, Colangelo said, "There's a handful of teams who have the ability to sign him outright. We still remain the most viable option to get the most money and the most years. That's not changing.''

- Curry might play today or vs the Nets & Chandler is back.

- Knicks was this season and alstr season was not built to win. Built to have $ this offfseason... can't blame coach for our record much.
OC only comes in here when he has his stupid articles, where was he when Nas made that thread about the cavs losing?

I actually feel sorry for him. the only "real" Cavs fan that pretty much turned into a lebron d-rider.
so the closer the summer comes...the more fans of other teams who might lose their star player come into this thread. funny. we got you shook. yall gonna be sweating bullets in july
I'm hearing starting lineup tonight same as other nights. Tmac, walker, gallo, al, dlee. Wilson off the bench and maybe an eddy curry sighting tonight

Lets make it 2 in a row tonight
far from a knick fan... but just had to run by this.  can't remember the last time tmac played like this, look at the hang time on that up and under through 4 knick players
[h1]LeBron 'Knick' shoes reportedly a fake
[/h1][h4]By cleveland.com[/h4][h5]January 01, 2010, 9:31AM[/h5]

A Nike spokesperson told The New York Post that these shoes were a fake.

New York's drooling over LeBron James officially kicked off at thestroke of midnight, as the New York Post published a story with theheadline, "LeBron can be Knicks' savior in new decade."

The column makes reference to those supposed LeBron 'Knick' shoes thatmade the rounds on the web yesterday. Talking about the LeBron Jamesfree-agent hysteria in New York, columnist Marc Berman writes,

It's so surreal that a hoax was perpetrated on the Web in the past days-- reporting Nike had released pictures of a soon-to-be released newKnicks LeBron shoe in blue and orange -- with "I love New York"pictured on the orange sole along with "L23" shaped in a question mark.

A Nike spokesman told The Post yesterday it was a fake. It looks as though it's being sold on e-Bay, so buyer, beware.


I gotta give yall credit for trying to keep hope alive

Which one of yall was out here yellin' in full thirst mode?

http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/player/embed.swfhttp://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/player/embed.swf http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/player/embed.swfhttp://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/player/embed.swf
watch that video and tell me lebron isn't gonna be the most hated athlete in new york for a long time if he doesn't come.

he doesn't look happy at all in that vid
I don't care if Lebron comes or not. I just want a team that can win games, make the playoff and hopefully a championship.
Originally Posted by DubA169

watch that video and tell me lebron isn't gonna be the most hated athlete in new york for a long time if he doesn't come.

he doesn't look happy at all in that vid

Well he'll be the most hated person in Akron/Cleveland if he leaves...

I think he'd rather be hated in NY than his own hometown. Trust me, he'd want to come back to his hometown without any problems. It's not worth it for him or his family sake. Him and his girlfriend's family still live in Akron.

I just don't see how NYC can hate this guy if he doesn't go there. Why the hell would you hate him? For the sake of hating him?! Thats ignorant.

*edit* And who gives a DAMN if he's wearing a yankee hat?! How many times are you dudes gonna reach for that!? Just wait it out fam, you got 4 months..just chill.
because he is a flirt. For ex the dunk contest.

Cavs fans backtracking i like it. i love ny shirt?.
You guys need to chill comin in our thread spewing bs. Were content in waiting.
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