
So we're gonna try to move someone to sign AI?

I figured they'd just drop Marcus Landry.

If we can move someone for a first rounder, I'll be ecstatic.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So we're gonna try to move someone to sign AI?

I figured they'd just drop Marcus Landry.

If we can move someone for a first rounder, I'll be ecstatic.
Wishful thinking, you have no first round bait on your team.
Would you guys really want Monta Ellis? His contract is 11M for 5yrs so idk, And i read an article reporting Randolph did want a trade maybe its not a rumor.He's 6'11..taller than i thought. I would even trade Chandler for Randolph from what i heard of Randolph at the Olympics

Ellis, Lebron, Gallo, Randolph
hes actually 7 feet. you're kidding yourself if you think GS would trade AR. as much as nellie hates him, they know dude is going to be a stud if given PT.

i actually like marcus. the time he comes out during blownouts, he actually plays hard and well even if he knows were going to lose either way.
duhon+hughes+jefferies for a first rounder. ill take it in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Waive Harrington? Come on man hes been the closest thing weve had to a consistent scorer since we got her, he has good size and athletisism, he fits our system well, and he loves playing in NY. I say keep him around for the season. All for getting ourselves rid of Duhon any way possible though. Im not a fan of AI running the point but he can make it work with Larry at the 2 cause they compliment each other nicely. On offense Larry is able to do alot of the ball handling and would be able to take alot of the PG duties off AI and make him primarily a scorer which is what we want from him, and on D, AI can still guard the points instead of getting bodied by 2s cause Larry has good size and would be able to guard the 2. So i think that is a good combination in terms of our starting backcourt, but than Duhon on this team just creates a logjam on the bench. Nate is clearly the 6th Man and will get moe minutes than Duhon on the bench and than we should want to get Douglas as much time as possible because he is a rookie and part of the future, and Duhon will just hold him back... and at this point i cannot even really say im 100% sure that Duhon is even better RIGHT NOW than Douglas. In fact im 60-70% sure that Douglas is the better player right now

And Curry while he showed signs in his 1st game is not even CLOSE to being a starter yet. Come on man he hasnt played in 1 in a half years and was never really as good as any of yall make him out to be. Im all down for trying to work him back into the rotation (personal hate aside) now that he FINALLY lost weight and we are 1-9, but you gotta WORK him in like we did last night. Not hoist him into the starting lineup. And i think/know D'Antoni is smarter than that. And despite playing decently yesterday imo, EC DID also have 3 TOs and 4 fouls in 11 minutes. That is terrible.

And allen i agree with you on the point you made about Gallo. Everytime he gets the ball defenders are breathing on him. This is because he has not been taking it to the hoop and defenders dont respect his driving and there is NO dribble penetration to get defenders off him with Duhon at the point. With AI on this team imo he would open up more open shots for Gallo and more driving oppurtunities.
it will become an even bigger joke. Why dont people realise this. Have a little pride in your team. Not in the individual players but the orange and blue.
if there is one player who should NEVER be classified with a lack of pride in his team it is Allen Iverson. Because if there is one thing above everything else that you know that AI will bring here that we need, is not his scoring. It is his winning attitude, along with his heart and his colossal sense of pride that he brings. Even if every single thing fails when AI gets here the one thing that i can be 100% certain of is that my man AI will bring it all night in and night out and have pride in himself and his team. Say all that you want about AI, but you can never question his heart or his pride. AI embodies what it takes to put play in MSG and to be a Knick, i think that is a large part of why he is my favorite player and the reason i always wanted him to be a Knick. You wanna talk about pride? Well personally i think this team has 0 pride right now, because night in and night out dudes go out, and they half $!% all game long, and its like they dont even give a %!*$ about losing. We are a pushover. Allen Iverson will do everything it takes to make sure that doesnt happen. AI will not hut our team's pride, but he will help us out in that area. You admit that we have no pride in the oprange and blue, and that is not a reason to NOT want AI. Because that is EXACTLY what AI will bring to this team. Why wouldnt you want a guy like that when we need scoring which he is great at also??

Do not bring up "lack of pride" when you are talking about Allen Iverson. Ever again. Because this team, RIGHT NOW has 0 pride. Please and thank you.

Last year I disagreed with most of what you said.

But so far this year, you have been en fuego.

Agree with pretty much everything you've said in the above quote.

AI + Larry in the backcourt.
Keep Buckets.
Work Curry in.
Get rid of Doo-(Doo).
Gallo would certainly benefit from AI (similar to how Korver was in Philly...
). GR8 and allen are correct with that.
And finally, that whole rant on AI having pride + giving max effort every night. NO ONE can question that.
Originally Posted by BangDak

hes actually 7 feet. you're kidding yourself if you think GS would trade AR. as much as nellie hates him, they know dude is going to be a stud if given PT.

i actually like marcus. the time he comes out during blownouts, he actually plays hard and well even if he knows were going to lose either way.
duhon+hughes+jefferies for a first rounder. ill take it in a heartbeat.
You can't even get herpes for that group, let alone a first rounder.
I am for the move to get AI which will most likely be announced tomorrow. This can't hinder the team at all....I think AI has something to prove and willprove the critics wrong. I think he will spark some life into this team.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by BangDak

hes actually 7 feet. you're kidding yourself if you think GS would trade AR. as much as nellie hates him, they know dude is going to be a stud if given PT.
i actually like marcus. the time he comes out during blownouts, he actually plays hard and well even if he knows were going to lose either way.
duhon+hughes+jefferies for a first rounder. ill take it in a heartbeat.
You can't even get herpes for that group, let alone a first rounder.

im sure teams looking for that extra push to deepen their bench for playoff run would give something up for it.
i can throw nate+lee in it if you guys want too. theres no way contracts would match, but still.
all of them can kick rocks.
i can roll with landry and hill at PF.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Would you guys really want Monta Ellis? His contract is 11M for 5yrs so idk, And i read an article reporting Randolph did want a trade maybe its not a rumor. He's 6'11..taller than i thought. I would even trade Chandler for Randolph from what i heard of Randolph at the Olympics

Ellis, Lebron, Gallo, Randolph

Good luck getting AR for anything on this roster.
So, Miami wants AI too, huh? Like someone said earlier...if they wanted him this bad, then why didn't they pick him up during the Summer???

I'm all for signing A.I now.
So you felt the need to make 3 separate posts instead of combining all into 1?

I kid.....

Relax Dolan.

Why am I not surprised that Dolan is throwing a monkey-wrench in this whole thing.

There's always a loophole when it comes to the Knicks.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

So you felt the need to make 3 separate posts instead of combining all into 1?
meh, everytime I see something, I just post it lol..noticed how there's 4 and 10 mins in between posts
Via Yahoo:

"…A Jennings-James combo is one to dream about. Imagine the lightning quick, pure point guard LeBron has always needed. Imagine the same player having such a deft shooting stroke - honed during 1,000-shot-per-day sessions before and after practice in Europe - that he can then wait for kick-out passes when James barrels down the lane.

Most of all, imagine the dose of credibility the pick would've given the Knicks' new regime. Yes, we inherited a mess, they could argue. Yes, we still have ways to go, but look at our talent evaluation. We just plucked the Rookie of the Year off an Italian practice squad.

Knicks fans would be beside themselves with the Jennings show, MSG rocking nightly. Nothing charges that city up like a young, breathless talent.

"I didn't have a good feel for his game," Walsh told the New York Post. "I went to Europe to see him at a draft camp and he didn't show. We brought him in here and the situation is not running up and down, five-on-five. So going into the draft, I didn't get a good feeling."

At least Donnie Walsh is honest. It's still his fault.

He had scouts in Europe and some of them, sources say, lobbied hard for Jennings. He could've made repeated trips. They brought the kid in twice for workouts.

In a draft as weak as last season's, with the Knicks in such a critical need of talent and so much riding on the choice, there isn't an excuse for not seeing what Milwaukee and its fraction of a scouting budget saw.

New York didn't just blow its shot at the NBA's next great point guard last June. They may have blown their shot at LeBron James…"

No one can deny that passing on Jennings, at this point, was a poor decision by, 9 NBA general managers. The Clippers should have taken him first overall. I mean, how could they take Blake Griffin? How could they not see that he was going to get hurt? Hasheem Thabeet?? Brutal James Harden? Eesh.

How about Minnesota??!! They took TWO point guards and got BOTH wrong!! Let's face it, Stephen Curry is a project. He's going to take years to get stronger.

Or maybe you can't judge a players career in 2 months.

Listen, the Knicks would be better with Brandon Jennings today. But to think that it could cost them a chance at Lebron is a bit misguided. Is he ready to be on the same level as Chris Paul, Nash and Deron Williams? Maybe, but come on, he's not there yet. Let's see what happens when Michael Redd's 20-plus shots factor into the mix.

I'm sure that Lebron would love to play with Jennings, but if you actually WATCH the Cavs Lebron IS the point guard at the end of games. HE makes the decisions in the half court.

I just wonder if this writer would have written a story saying "Jennings could bring Lebron TO New York" if the team actually drafted him.

My guess is no.

And by the way, the win against Denver was a great effort, and you can never take 55 points away, but remember this about the Bucks first nine games, their 6 wins, including the Nuggs are against teams with a combined record of 19-50.

With all this said, the team should start playing Jordan Hill, but they are going to continue to showcase Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries.
Making the decision not to draft Jennings look that much more foolish.
[h1]Knicks Will Not Sign Iverson[/h1]

Nov 20, 2009 10:19 AM EST

The Knicks have decided not to sign Allen Iverson.

The team had been considering whether to add Iverson to the roster after starting the season 2-9. As of Thursday evening, a deal appeared imminent. One source put the percentage likelihood of the Knicks signing Iverson in the high 90's.

Knick owner James Dolan was reportedly hesitant about signing Iverson for the remainder of the season.

Via Twitter (Howard Beck, New York Times)
I'm so pissed right now. So pissed.

Words can't describe how I feel at this moment.

@%$$ JAMES DOLAN. @%$$ HIM.
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