
I think if we had Bosh come here next year that would be enough to lure Paul. A frontline of Gallo, Lee and Bosh with Paul at the 1 is would be really good.
we'll probably end up with JJ + Amare. I've been saying this since donnie got here. Now that Rudy Gay is a UFA i see us getting him as well for somereason.

Joe Johnson or Gay
-harrington, milicic, douglas, hill, landry

And how exactly do the Knicks acquire Rubio?
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

we'll probably end up with JJ + Amare. I've been saying this since donnie got here. Now that Rudy Gay is a UFA i see us getting him as well for some reason.

Joe Johnson or Gay
-harrington, milicic, douglas, hill, landry


and this is why you knick fans get a bad new for living in a fantasy land
I think I've said this already but I just have a bad feeling we'll have one of the worst records in NBA history. Like Nuggets, Cavs bad in '03

I really hope I'm wrong
rudy gay at the 2? cmon now.
we can get rubio's right if minny gives him to us. maybe he'll come to the us then
*back to hater mode*

He has played 3 games, is in a position to score and dominate the ball on a horrible team. He hast taken 54 shots in 3 games, to his credit he has shot well.But that is 15 more total shots than anyone else on that roster.

He does not have a 2:1 a/to rate. People are hyping his rebounding after game 1, look at games 2 and 3.

The Bucks are 3rd to last in points per game despite being 15th in pace, they are 2nd to last in offensive efficiency. He is 11th in the NBA in usage rate, onpar with the likes of Dirk, KD, LeBron, Bosh, etc....

Usage Rate is the number of possessions a player uses per 40 minutes...aka he has been given the keys to the car and he can do as he pleases.

but he's makin everyone better, right?

pg under d'antoni is the most demanding spot on the team, if they did not feel that a 19 year old kid who had shown to be immature could handle, i can notblame them.

and can we give Jordan Hill a chance? Like more than a minute and 48 seconds?
Jordan Hill has to earn his chance.

Its evident that Mike doesn't think he NBA ready yet and from watching him in the pre-season I would have to agree.

His game makes Greg Oden look polished.

IMO hes garbage, no bones about it. I don't see how he could possibly prove him self to be a better pick than Jennings. A born and bred PG who was the #1player in the nation vs a Big Man who started playing the game at 18. Its going to take him 3 seasons just to be mediocre and he'll probably be traded atthat point. I compared his ceiling to Chris Wilcox before but that was being too generous. Hes looking more like Mbenga.

PG has the steepest learning curve of any position in the game and so far BJ has proven himself more than capable of the challenge.

He's great defensively and the Bucks have THE worst starting 5 in the L, hands down...how is he supposed to make them better? And why does he have themlooking better than the Knicks?


How can you hate on that?

Walsh ain't perfect. He made the wrong decision. Its clear to see.
a Big Man who started playing the game at 18
no idea why one of you made this up and now everyone has ran with it?

Jordan Hill: I started playing organized basketball my ninth grade year, I mean I played basketball when I was little just for fun, do what I have to do, but ninth grade year I played, tenth grade year I played, eleventh grade year I didn't play because of my grades, so I just tried to get that up, then my senior year I went to Patterson, North Carolina and played there.

He made the wrong decision. Its clear to see.
if we're going off 3 games, sure.

How can you hate on that?
i gave him credit for the start. he's exceeded my expectations, but I do not care about individual stats from a PG who is dominating the ball.
D'antoni system calls for a PF that can make that little pick and pop jumper a la Amare...I don't see this doof ever being able to do that. His J looksatrocious. At best he'll be a hustler and a banger down low.

And lets subtract Jennings from the equation for a second....damn near every player selected after him is putting in work and looking promising too.

T Will
Ty Lawson
Omri Casspi

JRues gonna be good.

All of them have proven themselves to be more developed players at this point than Hill. He looks like he just started playing ball. How does that fit into ourplans of attracting FAs in the next 2 - 3seasons? We couldv'e gotten someone who will produce right away and fill one of the many holes on our team.Instead we got another bench warmer that needs a lot of training just to compete on this level.

Ole Jerome James lookin boi..


I hope that he makes me eat my words but I see no fire in son. I see it in T-Doug, thats why hes getting burn. But this dude is on the bench smiling whilewe're down by double digits and his peers picked after him are putting in work.
he was, for me, the best-worst case scenario. he wasn't ideal but I'm not against the pick, not yet.

i do believe he needs a few minutes here and there, does no good to sit him on the bench every night.
if our four jj can make jump shots. hill can too.

were four games into the season.

all mike needs to do is give hill some minutes and im sure hill will improve.
I'm actually rooting for Hill....and you're right, its really too early to call right now.

I just had to get that off my chest.

Im tired of this decade of losing. It ridiculous for a city like NYC.

I'm being patient but to see another exciting and talented player like Jennings slip through our fingers is definitely disappointing.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

if our four jj can make jump shots. hill can too.

were four games into the season.

all mike needs to do is give hill some minutes and im sure hill will improve.
thats a really good point. but does hill have the effort and love for the game like jeff does?
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

if our four jj can make jump shots. hill can too.

were four games into the season.

all mike needs to do is give hill some minutes and im sure hill will improve.
thats a really good point. but does hill have the effort and love for the game like jeff does?
this is why i do not like the hill pick it all. i dont see the effort, love, passion, heart in him at all. Many of us despised the gallinari pickbut after his first interview he said all the right things and from there on our love for him as a player only got bigger. As soon as hill got drafted and wasinterviewed ( i was at the draft to recall this) a random old guy who was also a knick fan next to me said "he has the athletisicm but i dont see thepassion." At first i was like yea sure w.e %+% is he saying, but now i'm starting to realize that he's right. I dont see that fire in hill that isee in gallo in which i can confidently say this kid is gonna be a stud.
I didnt like the gallo pick but hey dudes doing good. hes contributing to the team and all that . . even though it took him a year -_- & getting hurt onsome weak %@% drive during the summer.

but hey no ones complaining now?

i was iffy with the hill pick. most of us didn't like it and well i see where youre coming from but just give him some time.

he has the right people around him. im sure he'll do hes best.

and if he doesnt or comes short. what can we do.
but first mike better give him someburn. i hate this 9 man rotation !!%!%%!#.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Woodside718

Yo real talk I think wilson is expendable....I wouldn't mind packaging him if he can get rid of curry for us. He does play the same position as Bron.....

you think chandler reached his ceiling? I just want dude to man up and go inside. looks lost on the perimeter. i dont think dantoni is helping his game
Nah Wilson is far from his ceiling. The thing with will is hes timid and thats his personality. You can't change someones personality. This iswhy I think he settles so much and its partially dantonis system thats making him take those 3s. Im saying though "if" lebron comes in 2010, wilsonis expendable.If wizards gm still on crack we maybe can give them what they want, hughes and jeffries, in a package for mike james and 1? With hughes playingwell recently im hoping the wiz gm hits up donnie lol.
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